You first need to load HE in order to shoot it, unless you’re “maining” HE shells like a lunatic.
Smaller turret profile is an advantage, that can’t be disputed.
how did they ignored them? the us, uk, germany, china or france has similar “invincible” atgm carriers at that br as well
I thought the M901 and MEPHISTO had the type of launcher that would explode if you shot the missile launcher
Mephisto, aft09, m901, rakjpz 2, striker.
the russians ones are actually the ones that expose themselves more in order to fire, as they have the optics close to the turret in the case of the it1 and the hull on the shturm
Russian ones all have better missiles and they still don’t really need to expose themselves.
so does the shuturms.
But it doesn’t kill you like the M901 does
the best missile are on the Chinese ones…
Used to be 9.3 with C76A1 iirc
it does…
Khrizantema is the best one.
Since when? i’ve used the Shturm and it doesn’t kill me. I’ve had people do it even more often on my Khrizantema and no explosion
you have to expose almost all of your tank in order to fire and it is also higher br than the chinese one.
it was fixed the last year
I’ve played the Shturm-S within the last few months and it still hasn’t killed me
Almost all? No you dont. Khrizantemas sight is above the hull, hull doesn’t need to be visible for you to shoot.

LMAO, IT-1 and shturm have similar invincible hull down ability and Gaijin ignore them in BR changes for years
A BMP-2 or Gepard can kill an IT-1 from the front, let alone big scary 12.7x99 to the Shturm
you have to in most situations as the sights are right above the chassis un like the others that has the sights at the missile launcher height
You’re really trying to market this as if Russia is suffering in this role and everyone else has OP defilade missile carriers.