When is the J35XS going to get a lower BR?

It makes more sense doing it this way. You can think the stat card of a plane looks good but have the plane do bad in-game…

The rocket bug made it have inflated statistics which gave it a higher br. Once the next br changes come around, it might go down.

its so funny that you me and everyone else playing this game know that and Devs don’t.

This is one of the best games I palyed until rank 7, after that is just lazy development and amateurish decisions.
Hopfuly they start doing ranks normally cuz this aint it.

It’s people like this who are the reason the Gripen is 13.0. If you have a skill issue with the Draken you’re going to have a skill issue with the Gripen. Then the actually good players terrorize people in the Gripen. It’s so annoying.

Dude there are massive, MASSIVE differences between the Drakens and the Gripens. Literal apples to oranges. You cannot try and even remotely make that argument.


Skill issue with one fighter means you’re going to have a skill issue with all. The Gripen isn’t some magical noob cure I’ve killed some with R.530s.

That’s not how that works. The Drakens and Gripens don’t play the same. No the Gripen isn’t a Noob cure but again, it doesn’t play the same as a Draken. Two entirely different Aircraft requiring different play styles - It’s literally apples to oranges.

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I understand they are two very different planes with different play styles. What I was saying is the Gripen stats are being dragged down and that’s why it’s at 13.0 compared to 13.3 for the Belgian F-16A, which is essentially a worse version of the gripen.

Oh certainly. I remember fighting the Gripen in an unspaded 16AJ back when it was 12.7. I was lucky to get within gun range and only won that high-alt dogfight after almost 3 minutes because he botched himself on energy.

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Yeah that’s what I was getting at, statistics based balancing is really stupid :(


Very stupid, indeed.


Bro did not read any posts 💀

If 13.0 is so skill-less than you should do great all mighty one

It can grind, like literally any other plane in the game. You have to kill people, if you can’t, it is the literal definition of a skill issue.

Killing people = RP = Grinding.

The game isn’t punishing you for giving money, you bought a hard to master plane, the test flight feature is there for a reason. If you’re struggling to master a plane that is, again, an issue regarding your skill.

I never compared Drakens to Gripens. Please read the discussion the occurred after my post.

The F-14A is constantly downtier, while everyone else around has a constant uptier. The J35XS is a total kill. Constantly up against the F-14A and a lot of 12.0s. In the last few days in 100% of battles always against F-14As. When they take their heads out of their backsides in Gaijin, maybe I’ll start playing this plane again.

Hmm, plane gets overtiered to not being good in dogfights but hey you can still use the rockets for bases and get something out of the $60 airplane you paid for. Oh wait.

I dont have it but youre really something special if you cant see where hes coming from.

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zombing as a whole has no place in air RB currently, and if that is all some people can do, well, thats not my problem. But that issue needs to be solved in different way.

As for J35FS being or not being overtiered - now, i dont have J35FS, so Im basing my opinion on how it compares to Bis SAU, plane im currently spading (plane i havent touched previously for almost entiriety of its existence in the game), as well as my experience fighting it regularly and the test drive performance, and it really isnt that bad.

It actually handles better at some speeds than Bis SAU. And i previously thought J35FS countermeasures launch in pairs, but they dont. So while yeah, 12 is still low number, they are large caliber and as such they burn for longer and have higher luminosity. My only complaint would be the gun and how it is off set to the right.

So I REALLY dont understand where are people coming from with J35FS being bad.

If the XS was actually good, I would agree- and it used to be very good, but hard to master.

People wouldnt object if the damn aircraft had a good FM, rn it has a worse FM then the viggens…

which is utter BS

Only if you can prove it ;) gaijoobs likes at least 2 sources and a little bit of math for flight model changes

Its got a few issues. First of all its FM is utter dogshit due to recent nerfs (It has gotten nerfed twice, the first was due to people crashing too much, the second was due to manuals… which only stated the regulation limits, not the actual limits.)

It also has no RWR (Which is pretty important now with MP removal), and its at a high enough BR that twelve countermeasures really isnt enough. With an accurate FM it wouldnt be quite as much of a problem, and adding SARH missiles would help a bit more, as well.

Using rockets was literally a way to not be a zomber. People using fighters could still get zomber rp without fucking themselves over with bombs. Now you have to be a zomber if you want easy rp.

Dont have an opinion on it’s fm if youve never played it, it just opens you up to confirmation bias.

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thats the argument you really, really dont want to make.

If the FM is ahistorical it should be fixed, but as it exists in the game, right now - like i said, in test drive it handles like Bis SAU, at some speeds even better.

yea, one objective downside.

they are large caliber tho.

sounds interesting. Which SARH missiles did it carry? my guess is AIM-26, but if so, im not sure how would it perform.