What's up with the cloud spam?


Probably since the Dance of Dragons patch many of my game’s maps are completely or almost completely covered with clouds. What’s up with that?

As far as I know the majority of players, myself included really don’t like because it’s simply bad - you literally can’t see anything in them and the clouds are often at the most “relevant” altitude, where most gameplay and fights happen.
And because of the altitude of the airfield on some maps, you end up with clouds being at the same altitude as the airfield, so you just take off while in a cloud or very close to it which can sometimes be an issue (flying into the mountains near the airfield on Mysterious Valley).
Most common offenders are probably Thunderstorm, Low cloud cover and Storm.

Now this obviously breaks up gameplay in both Air and Ground battles, planes can’t fight other planes because they cannot see each other and CAS cannot sometimes make strikes againts ground targets and SPAA also can’t spot and shoot them.

(I would attach a few videos aswell but the small upload limit does not allow me to do so

Combine these clouds with a sunset/sunrise as time of day and you basically get a night match in some cases.
There is also the less known issue of cloud formations being client-side as opposed to server-side. You are stuck in a cloud unable to see anything, but there is a hole in the cloud let’s say 500 meters to your left. The enemy might be able to see you with no issue because for him, the hole is right where you are.

The bug report I tried making went nowhere which I kind of understand but it is still annoying.
I wanted to submit this as a suggestion but it turned out to be closer to a rant than a suggestion. I’m also not the greatest at yapping.
Be sure to share your opinions on this issue.


Tip for valley map, take a turn around and then land from the back using the SPAAs as guide.

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In GRB it is just unfair because you can’t see anything below you, while SPAA can see you and track all the time.
In ARB maps with different altitudes are even worse (Mysterious valley/Pirenees).


Yeah. Toptier especially cause I can’t even notch, cause I’d rather get killed than crash.

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“For a good pilot, any weather is acceptable.”


Me personally has no issues with it in GRB, darker maps sorta easy for my eyes and most importantly, makes it difficult for CAS to fly, whatever that makes their life harder I hapi. Thxbai

Cloud is fine, but the spotting in it is extremely random and inconsistent. Sometimes, if there’s a guy 0.7 km in front of you, it doesn’t give any marking, but other times you’re able to spot someone from 3 km away. Keep the cloud or whatever, but at least fix the spotting.


tell me youre bad at the game with one quote

these clouds make the game unbearingly unfun to play most of the time because they cover 90% of the map both in jets and props brs


Who remembers that during KRocky Pillars map devblog CCs particularly asked devs to make sure that cloud level won’t interrupt the gameplay and devs assured that they will tweak clouds height for that map?

Gaijin be like: “did we ever let our players down?”


I’ve seen these in sim recently, and it’s quite annoying. The only fun I’ve had was chasing someone through a bunch of clouds, only using my instruments and radar to guide me.

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I like the clouds. They add an element of realism and diversify gameplay. Constantly flinging missiles across a map of clear skies gets boring. The clouds force more bobbing, weaving and surprise close encounters.

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Clouds may be annoying, but that second screenshot is really pretty

The clouds are pretty, but it was practically unplayable in sim.


Not everything is a BVR missile tier. It is especially awful from props all the way up to 10.0. People getting VERY close, with no way to see them SUCKS, and if its in jets, you are flareless and they have something with 18G+ pull, you will certainly die.


always fun to see 4 or 5 people crash into mountains because they cant see when taking off in the low level clouds

Oh I so disagree. Dog fighting props in thick fog is can be very fun - cat and mouse with lots of surprise attack potential. Listening becomes key.


I like the clouds actually its cool

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That’s not dog-fighting that’s CoD game-play


Even ignoring the clouds, please fix the spotting and even more importantly: the rendering of black dots.

Seeing black dots phase in and out of reality has been a frustrating experience trying to spot without markers…

Also on dusk (throttle is weird because I screenshot with ctrl prt screen and ctrl is down throttle)

And since sim was mentioned:

I don’t even have an artificial horizon in this plane to tell my attitude. I actually managed to disorient myself into a spin climbing through the clouds once lol.

As an added whine -

I really hate clouds when focusing on BnZ. I cannot set up my attack run, I cannot align my fuselage/wings to minimize turning. I can’t even tell if the target is turning (assuming I can even spot them flying on the deck from my altitude). If people actually climbed and fought above the deck with props, it’d be less of an issue buuuut… that’s wishful thinking.


Where is your realism in listening for planes???
Also I don’t think an airforce would be sending out planes into a thunderstorm, when they did it usually didnt go well