What's the point of playing germany with hungary in italy?

man you’re the one claiming that the german one is currently (on the dev server) worse when it’s not true…

I am saying that the hungarians are going to have the 2A7V+ HU and the germans currently have the 2A7V (and that the 2A7V+ is better then the 2A7V)

So it is not at the moment… btw how it is exactly better? irl the difference between the plus and the regular was the rws and the roof protection, and the armor package that he v uses, so your left out with nearly the same tank but heavier and with a .50cal, the v is arguably better game play wise as the extra roof protection does not compensate the weight increase.

First of all i was mistaken the 2A7Hu aint a 2A7V+ its “just” a 2A7+

Leopard 2A7 / Leopard 2A7V

The first Leopard 2A7 was handed over to the Bundeswehr on December 10, 2014[56].

Leopard 2A7V (the “V” in the name stands for “improved”[57]) have, among other things, air conditioning, additional passive armor (against armor-piercing ammunition) on the front of the hull, improved acceleration (through modifications to the transmission and side transmission), a driver assistance system called SPECTUS (thermal imaging and daytime vision cameras with twilight function at the front and rear and an additional thermal imaging device for the gunner, which should enable the tank to be driven safely at night and in poor visibility), an improved running gear (longer durability of the vehicle suspension), a further developed on-board cannon (which can engage targets up to 5 kilometers away with high explosive tank ammunition), a 360-degree all-round view periscope (CCD camera and laser rangefinder) for the commander, battle management system-capable digitalized on-board electronics and an engine-independent power generator (2-cylinder basic engine of the type “Steyr M12 TCA UI”[58], 20 kW DC[59][60]) for operating the on-board systems. [57] The upgrade also includes the Barracuda camouflage system with heat transfer system (SAAB BARRACUDA MCS with HTR CoolCam),[61] on-board network optimization with UltraCaps in the chassis and turret area, a digital on-board communication system of the SOTAS-IP type and a renewal of the fire suppression system in the fighting compartment.[62][63] Another change compared to its predecessors is that the NBC protection system was relocated to the turret rear[64] and snow grabs for replacing track pads (for more grip) were moved to the outside of the turret rear. A Leopard 2A7 weighs 63.9 tons and has a driving range of 450 kilometers[57] and can reach speeds of up to 63 km/h with an engine output of around 1500 hp (1100 kW)[65][66].

By 2026, the number of Leopard 2A7Vs (or comparable) in use in the Bundeswehr is expected to be 205 out of a total of 328 planned Leopard 2s. The unit price of a Leopard 2A7V is around 15 million euros.[67] When retrofitting the A7V and adapting the A7s already built, the Federal Audit Office criticized the fact that the terms of the contract were flawed and would ultimately be at the expense of the taxpayer.[68]

As of May 22, 2022, the Bundeswehr had 53 Leopard 2A7Vs.[29] For 2025, the Bundeswehr has set a target of 320 Leopard 2A7Vs[69].

On October 12, 2023, the Bundeswehr received the last of 104 Leopard 2A7Vs ordered.[70]

(Leopard 2 – Wikipedia) translated using Deepl

Leopard 2A7+

The Leopard 2A7+ was first shown to the public during the Eurosatory 2010, featuring the label “Developed by KMW – tested and qualified by the German Ministry of Defence”. The Leopard 2A7+ has been tested by the Bundeswehr under the name UrbOp (urban operations).[citation needed]

The Leopard 2A7+ is designed to operate both in low-intensity and high-intensity conflicts.[277] The tank’s protection has been increased by modular armour. The frontal protection has been improved with a dual kit on the turret and hull front, while 360° protection against RPGs and mine protection increase the survivability of the tank in urban operations.[277] The modular armour’s system components were first used by Canada in Afghanistan.[278] It can fire programmable High Explosive munitions. The turret-mounted MG3 has been replaced with a stabilised FLW 200 remotely controlled weapon station. Mobility, sustainability, and situational awareness have also been improved.[277]

In December 2018, Hungary ordered forty-four 2A7+s (subvariant 2A7HU), making them the second operator of the improved version, after Qatar.

(Leopard 2 - Wikipedia)

*I belive the unmanned turret can be fitted withan 7.62, 12.7machineguns or a 30mm Granade launcher

Italy will never be German copy-paste.
Germany’s KF51 is 130mm.
Germany’s 2A8 is a different configuration.

Of course, I play all ten tech trees cause I don’t discriminate.

That’s an incorrect statement. Both DE and SWE have exactly 6 Leopard 2 variants in their TT:s, with DE jumping ahead to 11 (SWE 7) if we’re also counting event/premium variants.

The common misconception about Sweden having more L2:s than Germany most probably(?) stems from the forgotten Leopard 2K. It seems that particular Leopard 2 is ever so often left out when counting Leopard 2:s, perhaps because it is an earlier, less advanced variant.

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Factional Leopard 2 that what i should say my bad actually or i should say more stronger Leopard2 than Germany

How’s he Russian main, let me see your processing your brain, “Russian letters equals Russian main”, I am correct? There’s no logic in that

its more of sweden have more, much more uparmored leopard 2a5+(what (probably)many german playerbase actually care, or atleast what i care) than germany

like sweden have 3

while germany only have 1, and in a massively nerfed state

It’s so funny to look at these silly tries to get someone roasted, but who created this thread? Crying German main, just embrace that there’s a reality of gaijin doing a lot more for other nations than Germany, just enjoy having Phantom :D

ah yes the phantom that is doa
Great :)

They currently have the sameamount (with germany soon becomming the “leading” nation again with the 2A4M.

And calling the Leo2K a Leo 2 is kinda not really plausible (Bad protection Leo1 ammo storage etc.)

The L2K is by all means a Leopard 2. It’s not like the Leopard 2 series started with the 2A4 and everything before it “isn’t a real Leopard 2”.

Also, all German L2 variants aren’t visible in-game. There’s a bunch of old event variants, for example the tournament trophy L2A5, that are only visible on the Wiki unless you own them. That’s how Germany gets 11 L2:s in total, with ALL variants counted, including NLA variants.

Yes and no, the Leopard 2K was never really a functional tank or even prototype for a final tank. It was essentially a Leopard 1 testbed for systems which would eventually be introduced in the Leopard 2. However, it took another 8 years after the Leopard 2K before a vehicle which was actually serviceable was introduced.

In war thunder where you no doubt heard about this tank, it is a funny functional tank, superior to versions of the Leopard 1 made after the Leopard 1K, because it carries the 120mm gun and 20mm auto cannon without problems. This was not the case in real life, it was a one of a type test bed, and it should be noticed that the 20mm auto cannon was rejected from the final design due to problems.

The thing about warthunder is that half the vehicles in it, are non-functional prototypes or paper tanks, which could never have been realistically fielded, and where their huge amounts of mechanical problems are never simulated.

The PT-16/T14 mod and 2AV are leo 2 (i forgor tp add them in the sc) but the 2k?

Pretty sure the upgrades to the Leopard 2 (not in chronological order, but in order of armor) is: 2A7 → 2A7V → 2A7+ (of which 2A7HU is a version of) → 2A8

You forgot 2a6ex which equal to strv122 but with 1650 h. p.

Don’t give them Ideas haha

(future event tanks upcomming: Leo 2A6 with 2degree vertical speed and copecage) also a bit smoky camo