What's the point of playing germany with hungary in italy?

Naw brother you cant play a nation who designs all of its vehicles for export and then complain when nations who bought their export tanks get them in game


Welcome to the EU.

They could’ve made a whole EU nation tech tree

Meaning it includes literally everything made in the EU
Excluding UK cause well they’re not part of it anymore

But just slowly add vehicles to it cause well… They have alot
But could actually solve the faction wars between people in forums

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I did main USA at some point actually
I main Germany now
But nice try

In conclusion

Germany should’ve atleast gotten spikes for pumas

And/or leopard 2a7+ at this update
Hungarian leopard is just better and it makes no sense lol
As for leopard 2a7+ bundeswehr already tested them so according to gaijin’s policy
They can add it as it’s considered a used by country vehicle

Why not just atart Italy then, so you dont have to endure the horrible German top tier…jeez

Why don’t you play Germany then so you don’t endure Italian tree
Could say the same

And also i play Germany for their reputation and their technology
I really love their stuff
I have nothing to do with italy as they make garbage most of the time

But I do…I play all nations!
Just dont get this whining from you guys!
Try something different if you are so goddamn unhappy!

Ok, let me make this real simple.

Which lineup is better:

Leopard 2A7V
Leopard 2A6
Leopard 2PSO
Leopard 2A5
FlaRakRad (VT-1)


Leopard 2A7HU
Ariete AMV
Ariete PSO

See the point now?


Sorry im this toxic
But not everyone restrict themselves from sunlight at this level
People do touch grass here so most stick to at least maximum 3 tech trees
So understanding why everyone is upset comes from this same reason
Not everyone want to grind literally everything in the game just to be “happy” that’s kind off a dumb thing to even say

Forgot to mention italian support vehicles
And air support Sherlock

And don’t give me that f4f ice crap
It would get obliterated at 12.7
Atleast we only talk about german ground anyways but no one considering aviation

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I’m just hoping they will finally add the missing East German vehicles

Sure buddy!
I am a family man with wife and children, I get more than enough sunlight…and still manage to find joy in most nations whenever I feel like it ( France lagging mist behind)

Not sure what your meaning with this post is even, other than obviously moan and be damn negative…cheer up! Try something different, you might be surprised even!

Gajin’ wont revert the addition of 2A7 Hun so better deal with it.

In terms of aviation, we have MiG-29G, which is the best MiG currently ingame; with the best maneuverability, R-73 and R-27ER.

Bro, you are upset and have been raging for 2 days because Italy, for the first and only time in all of its history in the War Thunder, is receiving ONE actually functional and competitive MBT…

I don’t even play Italy but I am so happy for them, because I want every nation ingame to be as balanced as possible, and tjid one dingle addition will help Italy finally not being entirely the worst nation in Top Tier by such an enormous margin. Now at lesst they get ONE MBT that is worth something.

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You might’ve skipped what I’m trying to say
Idk how you manage your time grinding the game that much while having a family and a job
But not everyone can do that
You do you no one really cares
But not everyone can manage their time enough for this game

Centauro I 120 and Centauro RGO

Ahh yesss thanks would be great against even more advanced su27’s, f16’s f15, chinese j’s ,and basically everyone and everything being more advanced then that crappy mig29

I don’t have a problem with italy getting a leopard,
I having a problem that german mains need to beg for a crappy spike for their pumas and
And a 4 missile version of current german spaa (yea it exists)

Not even talking about leopard 2a7+ which should’ve been added to germany before leopard 2a7hu

You should check my post history more before saying “im just upset” and assume

Leopard 2A7HU is the first and only MBT on par with a German one Italy gets. Every other MBT they have are 10.3-level tanks thrown into 11.7, while Germany had a more than nice Leopard lineup.

You talk about FlaRakRad being insufficient because of the reload-after-2-shots thing, but Italy doesn’t even have q single SAM system at Top Tier.

I have just seen this thread and it’s been you raging for 2 days over Italy getting ONE competitive MBT because it presumably makes Germany any its significantly superior MBT lineup “pointless” to your eyes…