What's everyone's ideal update ideas

Some nations need more love… Japan lacks the F-2, India could also get the Tejas which is very unique, etc.

Cold war air focused update, can’t think of a good name

Century series, strategic bombers, more variants of existing jets, cool prototypes.

Another good update for me would be naval focused.

More top BB’s, aircraft carriers, subs, and at the end of the trailer the highlight is an Iowa class firing a full broadside and off in the distance 9 nukes go off (because 16in W23 shell) and as the mushroom cloud rises it does the wt logo transition

More high tier stuff, especially for China and France which are both missing a ton of their 9.0-12.3 planes

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Ideas aint getting nowhere when gaijin is like this

Agree with that I think they should focus on adding the new modules to all vehicles and focus on the low tier players instead of all the high tier players. (I personally would love for them to stop adding so many variants but to each their own)

F-14 Update:

New Armament:
8-10x Aim-120A/B
6x Aim-54C+ ECCM
4x Aim-9M-8
6x Aim-7P Block II

New Avionics:
F-15E Radar Modes, AWG-9 Range, New Exclusive Radar Mode, 80% resistance to chaff/notch/ECM
New Radar Mode for AN/APG-71:
TWS DL ET (Track-While-Scan Datalink Extended Track) | Allows radar to reach ranges up to 740km when paired with another AN/APG-71. Automatically enabled/disabled upon entering battle with another F-14D/Exiting 370km range of an F-14D

110mi Range, Radar Slaving, TCS Slaving, IR slaving

F-14 Changes

Aim-54 (All) - Drag reduced marginally, 25G overload

Added Mk.47 and Mk.60 Aim-54 Boosters to Modifications.
Mk.47: 30 Second Burn Time, Less Thrust, Slightly Less Heavy
Mk.60 33 Second Burn Time, More Thrust, Slightly More Heavy (Bonus: Smokeless)

Fakour-90, Aim-54C, and C+ ECCM receive their new seekers, allowing them to track rear aspect, use Anti-Chaff capabilities, and use the best possible (dynamic) loft profile.

Flightmodel: Getting hit in the wings now doesn’t mean you instantly depart flight, drag with the wings back at extreme speeds reduced, and the wing hitbox now follows where the wing actually is. Landing flaps now do around 20% more than combat flaps do for maneuverability and reduce the stall speed down to ~100kph.

Engines: F-14B/D get 30,200 Pounds of thrust and a TWR of ~1.39.

A: 13.0, Aim-9L, F-14B RWR, Upgraded to best TF-30 Engines giving it a ~0.99 TWR.
IRIAF: 13.3, R-73, 6X Fakour-90, Upgraded Radar/RWR, weight reduction giving it barely a 1:1 TWR .

All F-14s and 2 Seater jets without HMD get this too: Mouse designated radar lock for 2 seater jets

RIO changes:

  • The RIO can now spot IR missiles
  • Inform you of enemy positions in a dogfight.
  • Has the ability to be controlled in the multifunction menu to automatically deploy flares when an IR missile is spotted, automatically switch radar modes to keep lock, and automatically switch between chaff/flares depending on the type of missile (only switches to chaff/flares once the threat is confirmed through a missile’s radar signal/an IR missiles presence).
  • They now have voicelines corresponding to what the Betty system says is already in-game + these new features.

Personally, I think this would fix most if not everything wrong with the F-14. I tried to keep it realistic with what actually could be done, so lmk your thoughts.


Bug fix and accuracy fix focused update, incorrect armour and components as well as an actual rework of HESH not the half arsed trash they always do.

new vehicles: F35, F22, F18, Supermarine spiteful, Centurion 32pdr, Sherman tulip, Car based tank destroyers


Literally no vehicle addition, fix bugs, fix server desync, fix shooter side favoring.

That’s peak update.

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Complete naval rework
Complete helicopter pve rework
Air sim economic improvements, also more quests, bots and objectives
Tank-only mode
Ground EC
Volumetric shells\armor fix
Visibility\sound fix
Complete redesign and rework of most ground maps
Also, I personally would like to see a permanent singleplayer quest campaign with old event wehicles as reward, like in another tank game
And mastery signs (something like barrel marks in that another game)

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how could strategic bombers possibly fit the game when even at 4.0 bombers get crushed in seconds?

Id also like for the Lvakan 48 to be fixed, it has been broken since the start of the Swedish TT,



If there was an update for Repair vehicles / APC’s to be added:

  • along with objectives during normal matches to transport troops to cap zones or positions across the map.
  • Recovery vehicles can get rewards for bringing wrecks back to spawn or a cap zone, along with repairing allies.

Just give me a button on each player name on the scoreboard to toggle matching making with them in the future on/off

Cruise missiles

with the current map size? You could literally destroy enemy targets from spawn lmao

Fix/add every accepeted bug report
BR decompression/more BR changes
Actual good battlepass

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israel actually getting a top tier spaa


My ideal update is for the Russian Bias code to be completely removed.
For Russian vehicles to be BR’d properly.
For the vehicles of all the other nations to be fixed properly so they can be competitive.
For all the spaghetti code to be rectified.
For all these garbage maps to be removed and entirely replaced with proper quality maps.
For new modes that are actually fun to play instead of the same old drivel we’ve been playing for over a decade.

Oh, and serious, legitimately healthy BR decompression.

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prop tier airfield aa rework to bring it in line with high tier aa using actual modeled shells and not some hitscan DoT infinite timeout circle leftover from the 2010’s

Decompression and more work on bug reports

I think that’s about it

Gaijin:What did u say?
Adding another spaa to russia? Sure np