What would you do i you, if you were in charge of Development for the next 12 months

  • Better optimization on console. The number of crashes in some modes and maps is getting ridiculous.
  • BR decompression is an obvious one.
  • General improvement of modes like neglected Assault PvE modes, Heli EC and Sim EC.
  • Rework of the RP/SL grind for ground and helis to put them closer to the level of air.
  • Adding RB EC, maybe as a replacement for regular air RB.
  • A controversial one. Remove all limitations on aircraft weaponry. Fire and forget AGMs, anti-radiation missiles and that kind of stuff. I’d just make them unavailable for mixed battles or at least prohibitively expensive if they’re too good for that mode. You could have fun using them in EC modes.
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Yes, punish the team that let people drive on a flank unnoticed to camp the spawn.

Double all ARB earnings, triple for AB, GRB and SB.

I rest my case.

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BR decompression for all tiers, not just top tier, BR 6.0 up to 10.0 is such a mess.


Mostly realism fixes. Every vehicle right now has people pointing out how unrealistic and screwed up they are, one way or another. I believe that a lot of balance issues would be solved with changing vehicles to be more realistic then moving them to appropriate BRs. Might solve a lot of issues. Make the basis of the game work again before adding more


I would first split the ARB into two modes.

One is the Air Superiority mode.
This game mode is based on the current ARB, with 8 to 16 players, and only fighter aircraft can be used.
There is a control point with a huge area in the center, and the victory condition is that the enemy team is either wiped out or the point is conquered.
The aircraft that can participate are not those currently tagged as fighters, but a new unique fighter category will be prepared, and attack aircraft of a type that is clearly capable of aerial combat will be allowed to participate. (e.g. F15Es can participate but not Tornado IDS)

The other is the Frontline mode.
This is a game mode in which a maximum of about 60 people can participate and respawn.
This mode is dominated by ground attack aircraft and bombers that cut the enemy team’s ticket by destroying ground targets such as ground troops, depots, radar sites and supply units.
Of course, fighters can also be used, but air-to-air combat is for defending friendly ground units and friendly attack aircraft, and is only indirectly involved in victory conditions.
There are two types of ground attack targets: regular targets that have already been discovered and secret, high-value targets that are randomly generated on the map.

Normal targets are relatively low-value attack targets that are visible on the map from the beginning, such as front-line troops and supply depots.
Compared to soft targets such as light vehicles and artillery, hard targets, which require bombs, rockets, and missiles, can shave about 10 times as many tickets and score more.

Concealed high-value targets are critical targets like flak positions, radar sites, and command posts.
They do not appear on the map and are only visible when the player approaches them, but in return they can result in a much higher score and loss of tickets for the enemy team compared to normal targets.

The size of the map will be about twice as large as the current one. Correspondingly, we would like to have two types of airfields: a long-range airfield protected by dense anti-aircraft guns, making it impossible for the enemy to approach, and an airfield close to the front line, protected by simple anti-aircraft guns.

A good playing time is 60-120 minutes.

The participation method will utilize a method similar to the current SBEC.
However, in such a mode, there will be an imbalance of teams if one team becomes overwhelmingly dominant.
As a countermeasure, we would like to have a system whereby if you join a team that has fewer players and is losing on tickets, your RP and SL will be increased in proportion to the amount of tickets you are losing.
This will allow players with higher skills to actively join the losing team and maintain balance.

We believe this separation is necessary because the current ARB is an incomprehensible game mode that clearly focuses only on fighters, but allows bombers and attackers to participate as well.


Decompression should be a top priority, you can’t enjoy your new graphics and game features if you keep dieing to insanely overpowered and unkillable downtiered vehicles.

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Personally I would bring back Air RB EC, essentially in the same form as Air Sim but obviously on RB difficulty because some planes absolutely need the breathing room, it would allow strike aircraft that aren’t that competent on average in standard RB and bombers a chance to do what they were made to do without being bullied by people looking for easy kills. It could also potentially improve fighter grind because it won’t as overwhelming as top tier missile spam and there would probably rarely be a chance for anything more outmatched than a 2/3 v 1/2 dogfight

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This would be brilliant, I would absolutely play this setup as much as possible

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More like tenfold increase for Ground modes as people there need to go through three branches in order to be fully competitive. Not to mention people who play Air exclusively can ignore half of their TT because strikers/bombers are crap.

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More maps that are actually made with gameplay in mind, not a random mishmash of houses and rocks etc.

Objective based gamemodes for ground. Imagine a BF Rush style mode with attackers and defenders. Or imagine a map based on Desert Storm, the attackers have to; intercept a SCUD convoy, destroy a radar station, capture the airfield etc.