Quality of Life - Fix the Player Profiles ASAP, either by reverting them to what we had, or integrating ALL information from before with the new “look” we are getting pushed on us into one cohesive, functional & useable format.
In game HUD - make ALL the modules moveable and resizable so players can actually customize the HUD to their liking for function and form.
Economy (Discounts, RP and SL rewards etc)
Make the wagers, boosters, orders tradeable/sellable as was promised in the Roadmap already, finish this up and get it implemented.
Rework the random discounts to 10%, 25%, 50% & 75%, lose the 5% and add a larger variety of vehicles to the algorithm.
BR Spread & Balance of the game - First thing, remove the averaging thing for Air AB, it has long ago outlived any usefulness and is now merely an exploitable feature that benefits no one.
Rework the BRs completely(yeah I know, would take forever but this is all pretend anyway, so . . )
Two methods could be employed for this:
A) take the current system and “decompress” the entire BR structure, top to bottom, extending BR’s out to 18 - 20(it is possible without stripping areas out of a proper number of vehicles). And so as not to freak everybody out all at once, do it in “waves”, one vehicle type at a time, planes first, then tanks followed by naval(naval would be prorated a great deal to match up the proper planes to be used so as to be more “era specific”[yeah I know, pain in the ass])
B) decompressing by changing the BR infrastructure to include a 0.5 to each BR range: 1.0 - 1.25 - 1.50 - 1.75 - 2.0
By doing this you can still decompress a great deal, but maybe not all the way out to a 20.0 BR at the top. The other benefit to doing this, you can make a .75 +/- BR match spread very similar to what all the “make the spread 0.7” people clamor about. It would still be the same “3 steps” we use now, but with proper realignment/decompression the need to cry about being “uptiered” would(should) be a LOT less than it is now.
And lastly . . . fix the maps and a complete overhaul of the spawning system.
Let’s face it, the spawning system we have(and have had for the 10+ years I have played) kinda sucks . . sometimes a lot. The system itself and the map layouts/design not only make it far too easy to do, they actually encourage it.
It is not only unsportsmanlike, it ruins many matches, causes a great deal of discontent and animosity among the player base, it also adversely affects scoring . . nothing good ever comes of it. What I would propose will not eliminate it, but lessen it and make it less easy to do(but still an option) and grant players better abilities to deal with/avoid it . . . just by playing the game and using some strategery here and there.
Air AB is the oldest if not the most common place to see spawn camping, Redoing the spawning system would cut back on this enough to where it would not be near as big a problem as it has been in the past.
First, no map in the game should have a single spawn point, not one . . no way no how, make a minimum of two spawns per side . … everywhere.
Secondly, remove the enemy(red) spawn markers from the mini maps . . all a player should ever see are the spawn points that they are able to spawn from.
And do away with as “default spawn”, either put players, evenly spread out among the available spawns(couple ways to do that) or force players to select a spawn point manually. This would eliminate 14 players spawning on one side leaving 2 on the other(this is mainly a ground battle problem). Multiple spawns would also lead to less congestion at spawn and the resulting “spawn rage” . . (which ultimately lead to the end of friendly fire(which is still prolly a good thing . . . lol)
Additionally I would consider adding extra spawns, “progressive” in nature, closer to the battle area that would appear later in the game after some criteria was met: like capturing a point in ground battles, bombing a base or two in air battles, as well as something similar for naval. Naval does and always will have it’s own issues with spawning because of the range of the guns, even at game’s start.
But one last thing I would implement that might help for naval, spawn rage in ground battles and the idiotic tk’s at the start of Air RB matches would be a timer
No Live Weapons for :20 - :30 at the start of any battle . . zip, nothing, you can’t fire. This has been in game since I started as used in the old “Duel” events, I would implement that in Random Battles. This would also have every player on each side starting at the same time. If half the players in a match cannot load in, either wait for them or replace them, game starts, live fire timer starts . . . everyone gets outta spawn in a more or less stable condition . . “To Battle”!!
And lastly, I would rework the spawns to be much more “BR specific”, not this “one size fits all” thing they do. If you look in the air map section in game for likes/dislikes, it soon becomes very apparent how out of hand this has become.
You may see a map that says 1.7 - 2.0(obviously for beginners/low tier . . a good thing) and then the same map listed as 1.7 - infinity . . . meaning they are putting ALL BR’s on the same size map . . . that is nutso.
Withe the last Update, in Air AB, they moved the spawn points back in almost every single Ground Strike map, many the distance is now DOUBLE what it used to be from spawn to spawn. This does one thing and one thing only - cuts scoring in half . . . literally. It serves no other useful purpose at all. Games last the same amount of time, it does not lessen spawn camping any . . there is just no reason for it other than gimping player’s ability to score. Example: you fly 1-1/2 to 2 minutes just to get close enough to SEE or lock on to anything red, then another minute to be close enough to shoot or bomb anything . . close to 3 minutes for action to start. Say you spawn 3 times in a 10 minute game . . . you will spend 60 - 70% of your entire game flying from spawn to the action . . it is worse than old RB times(that’s the main reason I stopped playing RB early on, I just did not want to play a waiting game, I wanna shoot stuff!)
And I believe a vast majority of players who opt to play Air AB do so for a faster pace and more constant action … . . these spawns completely eliminate all of that.
Sinai is the worse now, Rocky Canyons & Mountain Valleys have been like this since they were put in the game, Spain used to be good, not anymore. No one flying 4.7 BR prop planes wants 8.0+ BR jet spawns on the maps they get.
Sorry for the rant, but the spawn changes and the Player Profile page have just ruined my enjoyment of a game I have played daily for nearly 11 years now by 80% . . or more . . I am not mad, more sad & disappointed.
Long time players and those who enjoyed the game we used to have feel . . . abandoned . . . . .