Here’s some advice for you:
Except I have top tier air and ground and have played them a good amount? You literally just said that without checking anything. 0/10 bait.
3 camouflage paint schemes would be included in the purchase of premium ground vehicles. Standard/Winter/Desert. Additional paint schemes for air and naval premiums.
Offer more 3 multi vehicle packs.
Revert the player profile card.
Enable PS versus XB battle’s when disabling cross platform play.
Give SPAA the ability to scout.
Include ammo crates for all SPAA.
Remove convertible RP from medal achievements and other achievements and replace with war bonds and or SL.
The ability to convert convertible RP for other items like bushes, camouflage and decorations.
Mark of Distinction achievement would be rewarded with a unique camouflage.
Unlock all camouflage paint schemes behind GE paywalls and allow them to be gained from number of kills. Can still use GE to purchase them for the need it now players.
Allow wagers/orders/test drives and vehicle discounts to be traded for war bonds and/or SL.
Increase war bonds to 5k.
Allow for more likes/bans of maps.
The ability to choose between open or CQC maps.
More larger maps that cater to a variety of play styles. Expand maps currently in the game as well. Remove red zones that prohibited flanking.
Include AI targets/objectives on large maps.
More dynamic weather effects to last for a portion of the battle. Time of day changes during the battle as well.
All conquest maps would have a minimum of 2 spawn locations.
Disable CAS in ground centric battles until 7 minutes into the battle. Then let them fly.
Disable the ability for CAS to spawn directly behind enemy spawn points.
Disable the ability for CAS to bomb/target spawn locations.
Expand the radius of the repair/healing/firefighting of teammates. Radius expansion and SL rewards increased through achievements, see below. SL rewards: 50 = 5k SL/100 =10k SL/200 = 20k SL. Increase radius by 10 feet for achievement for a maximum of 30 feet.
Repairing/firefighting/healing teammates reward rank achievements. (Example for healing teammates: 50 heals = Blood Bag achievement. 100 heals = Combat Medic achievement. 200 heals = Surgeon General achievement.)
(Repair achievements: 50 repairs = Grease Monkey achievement. 100 repairs = Master Mechanic achievement. 200 repairs = Combat Engineer achievement.)
(Firefighting achievements: 50 = Proby. 100 = Firefighter. 20 = Chief.)
A game mode similar to Hell Let Loose.
You know Air Arcade, Air Realistic and Air simulator exist?
They’re not the main focus, barely even a side focus.
This game is literally built on a air sim from early 2000s. Tanks were added on top.
Still not the main focus. Simulator is barely even acknowledged by Gajin.
Twice in one day you’ve made me question if we share the same universe.
XD brotha really things Gajin cares about sim?
You claim air battles are irrelevant in a game that has:
- Very nicely detailed flight physics for a late 2000s free-to-access program. It outperforms the 2020 MSFS when it comes to modelling propeller aircraft behaviour (left-turning tendencies, propeller drag (you can even make the propeller spin up/spin down with a dead engine by messing with its pitch and airspeed!), gyroscopic precession when pitching up/down)
- Has a whole system dedicated to aircraft engine management (there’s nothing comparable to MEC for tanks). Propeller physics come up again - propeller stall is kind of a thing! Certainly something you’d expect in a game that doesn’t care about aircraft
- Has cockpits for planes that are relatively functional (not without complaint), while tanks don’t even have their unique sights modelled.
Sim is what the game should be none of the arcade, should be RB and Sim only
Start off in RB, get used to the game, migrate over to Sim once capable
graphics +others: Add a jeep or its equivalent to all nations, add a recoil visual effect for roof mg, add infantry (only as a visual effect, no points/score given for running them over/shooting them, not controllable, just purely as a visual effect to make the game feel more alive)
I would implement a new system other than the earnings based system they’re currently using as we all know it’s incredibly flawed. This will show up the vehicles which are struggling, and also needs to show up vehicles noone uses.
Based on the results of that, a change to .7 BR spread and huge decompression.
Compresion is the number 1 problem in this game at the moment. It’s pretty shocking they let stuff go on for as long as they do.
Game modes definitely. Current gameplay is getting stale.
A Objective defense mode like Battlefield Bad Company’s MCOM defense where an attacking team has to take 2 objectives before their spawn tickets run out to push the defending team back to the next 2 objectives, The defending team doesnt have spawn tickets but for balance sake has a longer respawn time.
And a “total war” mode with naval, tanks, and air all at the same time. Due to this having to be a bigger map size it would have to have smaller teams, but would be interesting if it had 6+ objectives that when capped spawned in AI bots to help.
Sim is never what Warthunder is intended to be, realistic is.
Although I do agree that arcade should be removed.
For Air Realistic Battles
-Massive BR decompression even at the cost of increased queue times. It could be a toggleable option
-RB EC mode overhaul with respawn (like ground RB) as a separate game mode of the dumb and simple AirRB TDM that is what we have right now. Air Realistic, Enduring Confrontation - Suggestions - Devs / Passed - War Thunder — official forum
AirRB spotting system changes:
-Removal of missile diamond spotting system
-Removal of third-party spotting (having ESP-like abilities if your teammate across the map spotted someone). Instead, grid zones or something like that would be painted if your team spotted an enemy nearby.
-Blind hunt and similar orders can’t be deployed when less than 6 people are alive.
Another change I’d try figuring out how to do (hopefully without reducing performance for people on console/low-end PCs) is more destructible environments. I kind of hate how you can knock down and shoot through certain walls and fences, but some buildings are completely immune to even APFSDS shells despite the very thin walls. Degradable cover might make some engagements more interesting than the usual “hide behind a building” campfest.
I would switch around some BR’s and maybe change the max. Up/Downtier to +/-0.7 (As of now i think its like in 0.3 Steps so 0.7 doesn’t really work so has to more like 0.6, at least not a full +/-1 Up/Downtier anymore)
I think close the Graphics look good but the LOD is quite low + further optimization
Flesh out minor Tech Trees and correct technical Stats, missing features and so of existing Vehicles
Definitely some new Objectives; i think a whole new Gamemode would take more time to figure out and would increase queue time of existing Arcade and Realistic so has to be something new to do in those Modes - first thing i do would definitely be adding a Third Spawn Point on some larger Maps / where possible and increase the Spawn Area.
And some new Maps with an fourth Objective like on White Rock Fortress you could have an Objective at each North/West/South/East Point, on other Maps could be layed out differently.
And add some interesting things to do like an Cargo-Train moving around which can be bombed -
For Economy i would first copy Warframe’s Daily Rewards i.e. make the Daily Rewards better where people can get GE-Discounts.
RP / SL itself i wouldn’t touch but i would change the RP Requirements for Vehicles, like an Top Tier Vehicle shouldn’t cost 400.000+ RP each…maybe more like 250.000 RP. -
Historic Camouflages and Decals should always be available to be grinded freely or at least for 200GE and not behind FOMO Events / Marketplace. Some Nations like China have like a handful in total of available Decals whereas USSR / Germany get over a dozen for free - and again China as an example they don’t even get their Digital Camouflages on most Tanks, only two who have it for free / 200 GE, a few others who have it on Marketplace and others don’t at all. They also only get like three-four Camouflages whereas each US/USSR Tank has like a dozen.
Immersion. This is important. Up to 6.7 BR you should only get themed WW2 Maps and not…Sun City…the Map itself isn’t a problem but that it is set in modern time which feels weird driving around in a Tiger on…and i know some Cold War Vehicles need to be placed low in BR too else they suck but if possible it should be minimized at least like an VIDAR or PzH.2000 / PLZ05 has no place fighting against an Jagdtiger (in Arcade its not even full Uptier away)
Mictotransaction and their pricing - more Camouflages and Decals for GE instead of FOMO Event / Marketplace.
I would sell Top Tier Premiums like the Tiger-Bundle…in a bundle with two Vehicles in it. This would not only make more people buy them as its more valueable, more for your buck but also decrease the ODL Problem - for example instead of buying an ZTZ96A(P) for 70€ you get the ZTZ96A(P) and QN-506 in it for ~40 to 50€, for USSR you get the T-72AV(TURMS-T) together with the 2S38 and T-80UD with something else. And so on. I very much believe this would greatly boost Sales of Premiums while also reducing the ODL issue, Win/Win. And its not as ridicilously overpriced / predatory. A single digital Vehicle simply shouldn’t cost more than a newly released Triple-A Title over a hundred Devs worked on for years. Like honestly, Black Myth Wukong, Elden Ring, Baldurs Gate III are cheaper than a single Top Tier Premium here…
As a player since 2012, for me the biggest issues aren’t brs or that nonsense pantsir-discussion.
- Economy
It is better than 3 years before, but it is still shit considering the amount of possible vehicles to grind. Not even RP, but SL-income needs a slight buff. Or reduce the repaircosts, for it is unrewarding getting your earned SL cut in half or more after dying with the wrong vehicle.
And for me the most important:
Harsh economic punishments for 1-Vehicle-Spawners. Get your Deck filled, or pay a SL multiplier for each time you die in a one-vehicle-deck. U only have one Vehicle? Then start grinding at your current tier like everybody else.
Not only ist at hightier always that team winning (and therefore making much more profit), that has less of such troglodytes, it is reducing the matches to around 5 to 10 min. At best.
Not to speak of the betrayal of all your teammates, wich, too, want to have a good time.
I know, gaijin will never lay their hands on their cashcows that buy hightier premiums with zero experience, but to Dream shall be allowed.
Maybe a little tick-box for the matchmaking would work. If enabled, you would only be matched up with people with full line-ups.
- More Gamemodes / improved Gamemodes
More variety on existing maps, regarding the cappoints the team has to fight for.
Make one Team defend, the other team attacking.
Add more stuff in AirRB to destroy (more bridges, trains, encampments etc.) And make them objectives.
More historic events in AirRB.
PVE-Content for AirRB/SB, that is actually take part in grinding and is economically worth it.
More historic little events (like pages of history, i like those a lot!)
- Gameplay
Redesign of basically every spawn-zone at all Ground-Maps. Make Spawncamping or Spawnstomping a bit harder.
Fix the Soil conditions at some maps. Sometimes you can drive in muddy terrain at 40-50 kmh and sometimes you are reduced to 20-30 with the same vehicle.
Let people in Air RB spawn their entire lineup like in Ground RB. Would be less punishable and more rewarding, without shorteing the endless grind.
Very harsh punishments for Teamkiller in AirRB. Shit happens, but those Takeoff shittery has to stop. 2 or 3 times in less than 3 days, get your ass banned. Maybe the above mentioned timer would be of use there too.
Economic punishments for people crashing at Takeoff in AirRB in higher tiers.
There simply is no excuse for being unable to take off. And if there is, u have to endure it.
I am sure there would be more, but i am work and procrastinating for too long 🙃 so that are my 2 cents so far.
It’s a bad idea for war thunder. Kamikaze drones are an infantry weapon and war thunder has no infantry. Tanks would have issues shooting them down, and jammers would make them useless if added.