Please discuss this in the appropriate article… Dont bring it here too
Here discuss it here, Just dont bring it here for the love of god: Strv 122 Upgraded to Strv 123A with L55 Armament (2026) Can you focus on lowtier a bit now - #29 by Zyranovos
And there are two variants, and they dont have too different models. So easy to implement!
Jumping back here, What we really need for Sweden is some more Low-tier domestic options such as:
The remaining Strv m/42 variants, Mlav, Strv m/40K, Ikv 72 (105mm), Pav m/43, Provisorisk Spj, Rerv fm/43, Tk fm/49, every missing Pbil variants, and that’s just to name a few. Really sucks with how much low tier stuff we’re missing, especially Ww2.
Pbil m/41 (37mm):
Provisorisk Stormpjäs:
Reserveldrörvagn fm/43:
Not gonna bother you with the rest lol, just the 3 most interesting.

Recoiless rifle funny car
SS.11(RB-52) truck
Gaijin will see it as 3.7 minimum. What is it though, Pbv 301 prototype or something?
Yep, exactly what it is.
Edit; Same performance, and armour dimentions if i remember correctly but it has a 8mm Ksp 39 instead of an 20 mm Akan m/45
We can’t forget this beauty
Ah yes the Strv fm/31 i want this so bad, itd be cool if you could shift between wheels and tracks in a match so you could speed around in wheels or climb hills with tracks
Yea This things cool
Gun is fake + isn’t it just the UDES20XX mock-up?
Could do the UDES 19 instead
Well im not sure, but this things cool too.
And i fully support this, sweden needs this to bolster its lineups.
same chassie it seems so probably so
There is the gun mounted on a 103 chassie but i’m guessing it’s just a mock-up since it looks empty/flimsy
If it isnt itd be a very funny quirky vehicle XD, I can just imagine the survivablity of a Strv 103 with the ablity to go hull down, ahh the salt in the chat would be thick
I want The B17B, B17A, B18A, B18B, T18B, A21A-3 to get their mechanical ballistic computer for rockets and bombs. I made a suggestion about it.
Don’t think it was a mock up, not entirely at least. It was made to test something along side the udes shooting rig, aiming or stability with a low mass turret i think. It does seem to have a loading system so it may have been able to shoot.