What Vehicles are Sweden in most need of ”the wishlist”


This is a sentence

101R, referencing this list from a while back.

What do you mean by sentence though?

Eh idk the 101R imo feels like it will just be a meh 8.3 but lacking the firepower to handle uptiers

Edit idk the numbers lmao

It doesnt really have a good spot. 8.3 with only apds and pretty useless ERA wont make it a good vehicle. Also 8.3 really just doesnt exist. You could use 8.0 tanks but in terms of what the vehicle brings imo, it just doesnt seem like a good addition

Oh, reg forum shenanigans, saying the body of text want clear.

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The RB321 would be a fun missile to be addet. It should have gone on the J35 but never reached the produktionlines. The missile was tested between 1949 and 1962 and was an early ARH missile. What is weird it was tested on an J29B. Later it was developt into the RB322 Surface to air missile.

I saw this missle on the Website of the robotmuseum and thought it would be a funny missile but probably not that good. What do you guys say?

Link for more information:


Maybe for a unique variant that would have access to it. It would feel a bit odd if it’s added to all aircrafts of that type. Definitely would add some flavor.

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Especially if they ever finally give it RB75T and / or ground tracking
Tho it’d most likely lose PD availability as it was only a monopulse radar

I’d also love RB28 to eventually be added but that’s never going to happen

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Still shocked that the Saab 105 and AJ’s are still gimped with their loadouts.

Saab 105 had alot of intresting armaments, like maverics lol

I wonder if they will ever add RB101 aka Meteor.

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Was bored and decided to make the Motorlavettage 10 ton using my Photoshop super skillz. Noticed it doesn’t use a ball mount.

Wouldn’t have much depression with the cannon mounted so low but that’s also an issue the 150 SPJ has. Also the superstructure looks weird without the cone sticking out the back lol. Its like a human head without ears, something you don’t notice at first but it looks so off when you do.


Literal clown explanation the rank and soon BR’s will be the same and for a miniscule better RP amd SL warrants a price of (KV-1A) 2.8k GE over 1.7k GE for the T14, literally showing how much gaijin views Finland as a cash nation what a joke.

I’m a bit lost with this specific model. We can see upgraded carrying capability with bombs and missiles but vehicle seems to still be equipped with original radar cone and Swedish markings. Could that mean that this jet was potentially a transition vehicle carrying radar and initial weaponry while also adding A2G capability?




Okay going to photodump a buncha stuff i found that caught my attention!


Okay seriously now.
Gripen m90 camo
Pansarvärnsrobotterrängbil 56
Strv 121 baracuda
AJ 37 weapons
Pansarvärnspjästerrängbil 1111 extend
J29A w Rb 24
SK60 bombs
New helicopter for sweden
SK60 2
SK60 1


Hey look what ive found, no idea what it is. but its something



Mortar carrier?

I reverse image searched it and didn’t find much reliable info. But seemingly it was a mortar system developed by Bofors on the MT-LBu chassis called “Morgan” in the 90’s, but it lost out to the AMOS system and was scrapped after that.

Mortar systems aren’t really a thing in WT, for good reason, so I don’t think we’ll see it in the foreseeable future.


Saw this on Army Recognition, supposedly it’s the Mk.IIIC
Mk.IV turret ontop of a Mk.III hull, one difference seems to be the RBS 58 missiles (modified Akeron-MP) being used instead of SPIKE
Also mentions that this is without the additional armor that it will recieve in the final version