What the hell, Gaijin?! Bring Pantsir/Phalanx, S-300 and PARIOT to the main Airfields!

IMHO War thunder shouldnt be either

actually, that might be the solution to the INCESSANT F-4 bomb truck spam, this would actually leave the bases for Strike aircraft who dont have ANY other purpose.
otherwise we all see multirole fighters steal bases from dedicated strike aircraft and its not an enjoyable experience
all aircraft that can do other things will do other things but only those who can only strike will strike and thus can be rewarded more

I would rather have short range anti-aircraft defending the bases. Because if the missiles from the airfields can reach the bombers which attack the bases they can also reach the fighters which fight above

i would prefer more tactical and team based gameplay instead of blind mad dogging to the enemy side to get two kills and die like a kamikaze pilot.
games that ask for skill are inherently more valued than those that cater to the mob of 14 year olds trying to get their quick dopamine hit

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Game is ready.

What is destroying Air RB gameplay right now - is 5min turbobattles and lack of respawn.

the lack of respawn has always been present. On the other hand, I find that the games are longer now than before the last update.

And if, as you say, the game is ready to receive Patriot, S300 or S400 systems, prepare yourself to have even shorter games because you will not have yet arrived on the battlefield and half of your team will already have been demolished

Having to fear long range SAM would be interesing insofar it encourages less aggressive and more planned plays.

Offcourse i dont think people for the most part want that kind of gameplay, and those that do i assume are playing DCS. But i think Gaijin should at least playtest it on live in Realistic and Sim (not main queue but some event queue), or add the equipment such that people can organize lobbies themselves


personally I would be really interested in having this kind of air defense. On the other hand, we would have to completely change the maps in the game, it would at least make maps twice as large, and even that would be a minimum.

Yeah it wouldn’t be the Air RB experience.

Something more effective around the airfield would be good, but long range AA like patriot, S300 or S400. (Maybe their shortest range interceptors?) probably isnt it for Air RB as people know (and love it?)

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I didnt say even a word about S400.
And battles wont be shroter if add respawn.


we are therefore talking about a new game mode and not the current realistic battles. Indeed, if we completely change the course of the games we can consider that the game is ready. But under no circumstances in the current state of things could the game remain playable with these systems.

We should have very accurate TORM1, Pantsir and ITO 90Ms for AA and they must be able to be destroyed so that there will then be a point to try and bring guided bombs and ATGMs in Air RB.


Fix that first before making high tier like the rest of low tier where it’s optimal to just run to the AF at the first sign of trouble.

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Not quite. It would be better for the game to use already exatablished vehicles like the FlaRakRad with high performing nissiles and competent AI to use them. Then you would have airfield defense, not half the map defense.

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Definitely need better SPAA for top tier AF AA.

I think for now the best implementation would be a mixture of Pantsir and Type 81C for each team’s primary airfield.

@Smin1080p @Stona_WT
How you explain this?