What should I expect with the M1 Abrams?

yea something made of communist cardboard like the BMP and BTR should pretty much disintegrate when rammed by a MBT.

true for basically everything in WT, tanks cant climb hills they should be able to without caring, yet they either stall or don’t get any traction. not to mention how understeery wheeled vehicles are

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Game could really use a ground mobility rework. Also swimming M113

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would be nice to just have an overhaul update. vehicles traction is made realistic and regenerative steering is added to the vehicles that had it, that alone would make DOA vehicles like scimitar usable

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Doesn’t it have a speed governor?

Iirc this was on early Abrams with governor removed/disabled

So would you want the newer Abrams variants to have their governor turned off in game?

I mean there’s no mechanic for things like maintenance in game so it could work but idk how balanced it would be.

Maybe have a button to turn it off but have a random chance of breaking down /s

They should all be able to remove/disable governor if possible, yes

I don’t know how balanced that would be in game if no consequence is added for using it.

Because then you’d open up the can of worms of pretty much every MBT getting a lot faster (or at least fans of that MBT wanting their tank to) which would make top tier light tanks worse and buff tanks that don’t need to be buffed. Like the 10.7 Leopard 2/Abrams, or the 12.0 Leopards.

Well, I guess for other tanks it could be like WEP where engine could overheat from pushing tank to those speeds but the gas turbine might be able to do it without too much issue

And I haven’t heard of any 60-70mph figures for leopard

eh its never going to save against anything besides badly aimed autocannon frontally



tbh i’ve completely given up on grinding the us tree for now, it hasnt gotten anything cool in a while, ive been enjoying britain much more. like where are the javelin carrying vehicles? where is the proper anti air? where are the Lavs?

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Its not bad but u do suffer before u unlock the top round

Ussr win rate is good on top tier nahh no way

lol, the data is from those who update their thunderskill profiles, so it’s biased - but from my experiences, whatever team has USA on it at top-tier is typically up against it. Another reason I’m not a big fan of playing China at top-tier. China has just as good a chance of being lumped into USA teams than it does USSR.

fully upgraded