What should I expect with the M1 Abrams?

So, I am at the MBT-70 rn and I’m about halfway to getting the M1 Abrams at 10.3 br. Is it any good and what should I expect when playing it. Also, how should I play it?

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Expect 5.7 Germany quality teammates


Madness. Madness and stupidity.

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You can think of it like an MBT-70. Great mobility, decent-ish firepower and not so much armor. All around a good tank.

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Play it like a Light Tank
It has amazing mobility but lackluster armor, so make sure to flank.
Expert the crew on it and you’ll get a 5.3 second reload iirc.
Good Luck!

It’s basically the same as the 75mm M4’s / M18; No armor, poor gun, good handling.

You basically can’t play as a brawler or rely on the armor to function so really works ok as a flanker. and can’t really Hold or Push a position since M774 (it could really use M833 or M900A1) is lacking compared to 3BM-42 / DM-33 that is common at the BR.

i wish they gave it its 60+ mph speeds

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Pros: Faster than the 70, more pen, cant hulldown using the hydro suspension(a bit irrelevant), im speed reload, decent fire control
Cons: 400mm+ apfsds can kill you with well placed shot(ofc), m774(should have m833 cuz dm23 3bm42 are available at the same br-german/russian usually face usa), gen 1 thermal(my eyes), team usually shit cuz premium andys are popular at that BR, uptier to 11.7(sob)
How to play: Quite shit armor so play it like a sherman, hulldown, caught enemies of guard, dont rush, play flank, snipe if u wish
Alternatively you can have M60-120S but thats if u even play it

Would be funny. Going that fast while being around 50 tons, I could probably just ram into my enemy to kill them.

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Very fast tank when spaded, very fast reload, zero armor to speak of.

misleading, ammo has poor pen but the gun has an extremely fast fire rate for the BR

Or abusing gun depression, which is a viable strategy on most maps that arent tiny city brawls…

it has good mobility, nothing particularly special at the br.

its pretty bad imo, spaded its decent but its only realy draw is the reload speed and mobility,

It is very special. It’s by and far the best mobility on a MBT at 10.7. The reload speed is also very fast for 10.7 as are all of the handling characteristics of the gun.

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the ariete is more mobile(and in general better), every other mbt has slightly worse mobility with the exception on soviet/soviet based vehicles which have poor reverse speed, and challengers which are significantly slower.

I have played both, I would not say that.

yeah just asked my brother(italy main) and its not more mobile, but he says the difference is negligible

2a4 and ariete have similar mobility if not identical, which makes sense to me. abrams is like 5-10% better than that