What should I expect with the M1 Abrams?

both have great mobility, i dont know how mobility scales considering horsepower isnt the only indication but the abrams has like 15% more horsepower. which id gladly give up for usefull armor and gun getting killed frontally by everything with more than 70 mm of pen isnt fun

Ariete (P) is a bit worse 24.1 hp/t against 27.2 hp/t for 2A4 and 27.3 hp/t for M1.
The only Ariete with great mobility is AMV, it has 27.8 hp/t, but at 12.0 and no changes in armor compared to already poorly protected Ariete (P).

There aren’t that many positions that are both useful and don’t expose the “Doghouse” / CROWS station, and so will leave you vulnerable to most HE / CE threats, not that the basic M1’s Turret Array(s) even have the protection anyway.

I assumed this post is about the 10.7 one specifically, and in that MBT’s matchmaker you can definitely abuse the tank’s agility and gun depression to abuse ridgelines

The amour’s scheme is made effectively of cardboard (what shells / missiles that it can face does it actually stop at relevant ranges?), and M774 was outdated at 9.0, and struggles against most expected threats.

Sure it’s sufficient if your not getting shot at, can force side shots and can make your opponents come at you one at a time. But often even the M1 isn’t mobile enough to actually get to settled into Power positions on any given map, and positions that are useful tend to be fairly risky to hold for an extended period.

It’s just one of those tanks with a low skill floor and high Ceiling, not unlike the M18 or 75mm M4’s. So players that can make use of those advantages do well, and the average player suffers. Doesn’t help that the M1 has various “modeling issues” of it’s own that really limit survivability take for example;


It’s just a tank that requires some brainpower but has high potential, just down to how important mobility is when used by a skilled player

And the average player can barely string together enough thoughts to watch paint dry, while remembering to keep breathing.

Is it truly any wonder that Light tanks / Glass cannons and the Abrams perform poorly.
Honestly if they were to first spawn the M60-120S, in place of the Abrams things would be better since it doesn’t provide the speed that they would misuse, and the M256 w/ M829A1 is actually good even at 10.7.

BR’s would be basically fixed if it used the 60~75, or 40~55th percentile performance to adjust things, not just taking the average earning efficiency and calling it a day. Since it doesn’t taken into account the spread of performance over the population.


It is pretty solid. I have been using it to grind the current event.

Good mobility and firepower. Focus on flanking and you will do good.

Sure, but what do you do when your team folds like a wet deck chair? Flanking’s only useful if you have some way to anchor / fix the enemy in position.

To be fair, you wont have a good time regardless of tank if your team folds.

I usually stay on the flanks and try to survive. Or i charge to try to take out spawn campers then spawn my a10/a6e

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What is spading?

Don’t play Top Tier Ground US, grind for the HSTV-L and then stop don’t go for the other Abrams variants (waste of time)

Abrams, good, team mates, bad. US mains generally speaking are ‘smart’

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For the weight class and armor you get, the mobility is quite good, forwards and back. cough cough T-80. I mean the armor isn’t amazing but it’s certainly better than a light tank.

All I can say I Bias towards Russian and German/Swedish Mbts. Abrams is just as good as Leopard and Has better armor proven by nations that have used them AKA Ukraine. I know I sound Like a typical American Main but I actually Main German/America so I can attest to Abrams being lackluster but still fun.

When you fully research all of the mods for a vehicle, it gets a spade symbol on its picture in your lineup.

Just means that you have it at its full potential.

Here is a quick pic i found that shows the difference in picture.
images (40)

you can get melee kills by ramming. Ive killed a KV1 be driving off a cliff onto it in a Churchill.

And I’ve heard of 70mph figures on highways and proving ground testing for Abrams, imagine the damage you could do

I mean something as light (by WT standards) as the fox ramming things at 100kph would probably destroy both vehicles so a 60+ton MBT would steamroll anything. Seeing how tanks carelessly crush cars is a good indicator of this

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Would probably just crush any light vehicles like BMP or Puma and keep rolling. Against an MBT both would get messed up badly

For more conventional purposes it means the mobility of the Abrams is quite severely nerfed