What is your reason behind 1 death leaving?

Also don’t forget that some nations don’t have enough tanks for a full lineup. Il play France and I often leave a battle after one death cuz I simply have no tank left on the same BR or just a bad one that stands no chance.

Happen once or twice to me. Reason, sniped on spawn on the begening of a match.

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mostly maps. some of maps are bad for respawning.(wide open, or blocked all the way except 1~2 path)

  1. i don’t want to be killed twice on the spawn.
  2. i don’t have to be easy prey for enemy aircrafts that already circling right above the spawn.
  3. i don’t want to waste my time from team like sinking ship full of premium vehicles.

map design, in combination with how general gameplay works and how game mechanics are set up … frankly, half of the maps are so bad that spawning even once is one spawn more than the map deserves. And respawning again is in most cases just pure waste of time & effort. Spawn once and do your best … if it works, great, if not, leaving battle and going to another one is way faster and way more effective.

I’m sitting on 700+ backups, have metric poop-ton of backups on pretty much all vehicles I use (activated or from random trophy drops) and in like 90% cases respawning isn’t worth the hassle … either enemy steamrolled your team and you’ll die as soon as you respawn, or your team is steamrolling enemy and you’ll just waste time driving across empty map.

And even in the rare case where it looks like the battle is still balanced enough for being able to do something useful after respawning you’re just wasting time because rewards are heavily stacked against respawns and whatever you manage to do, you’d be rewarded more for spending that time to just go to next battle instead.

Similar thing with spawning in aircraft … even if you go out of your way in ground battles to use aircraft as much as possible and do really well, with ridiculously gimped rewards compared to air battles you can’t keep up with ground vehicles research. Aircraft TT will heavily lag behind, forcing you to either play air RB to keep up, or use far lower BR aircraft compared to tanks. Not to mention the need to buy another set of vehicles in several branches of TT to unlock tiers. And despite lower rewards, aircraft repair costs are the same. So, why bother respawning in aircraft?

And all that is before you even start to factor in things like repair costs, lack of lineups for quite a few nations, general game balance (BR), uptiers/downtiers etc …

1: Map I don’t like
2: I can tell when a team is going to lose so I don’t bother wasting time
3: Everything else is crew locked from the previous game for the above reasons

I leave because one simple reason.
Am a good player but when I see people go to 1 flag out of 3 and I am the only one going to the most strategic flag I don’t even bother spawning in agian, cause at that point am the only one in the battle and this happens SOOOOO many times.

what 99.999999% of players don’t understand is when your grouped up let say at one flag and never trying to split, it’s EASY to get wiped out and flanked.

flanking is another reason why I don’t spawn in more then one tank,
flanking is a thing but if all the lemmings in the team go to 1 flag then why should I even try?

to all players thinking to write “GET GOOD” to me I say this: look at the map, think whit a little more then whit your EGO i know it’s hard having so small brain, but teamwork and map spotting actually will make your team work.

and there is my final point.
why should I spawn into a game that is all about YOU?
teamwork? THE ONLY times I got repaired is when I play whit a friend, never happend to me whit other small brainers in the team.

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Repair is vehicle life, not game life.
On top of that you get FAR less SL leaving a match faster than continuing to play.

I love that the community is so toxic they cant make a post unless they are attacking other people to feel superior to others.

Garbage teams, if half my team leaves than so do I. No point in sticking around.


Pretty much spot on
No point in bothering when half of your team is dead


Mainly because the game is pure comedy gold, it cannot really be seen as serious or realistic. It pushes the boundaries of those words definitions way past the point of elasticity.
If I get sniped, bombed or artillery hits me early on then it makes it annoying especially as there is uncertainty if cheating is in practice.
If I survive longer then it is generally not worth spawning again as the game has reached the tipping point.
Games are unbalanced so it is not worth feeding into an unbalanced system hoping that something will change, I feel there is so much going on in the background that the players are not privy too due to company secrets and corporate information, trademarks, secrets and the such.
Personally I feel there is so much effort put into a game for such a small reward and certainly no entertainment that it does not warrant me engaging or getting involved to such a great depth, financially, emotionally or time wise.

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No incentive to stay in a game after the first death.


Spawncamping is a major reason for me. What is the is reason to respawn, if your spawn is already surrounded? Repair costs is other big issue for me because I sometimes lose over 10k SL per match in BR 8.0+. On top I am facing tanks like T72-AV with reactive armor while me with my german 9.3 loadout doesn’t have it, which is pretty unfair, due to the fact that I have to aim very precisely to do any damage, most likely not even killing in one shot, while I can get one shotted with no effort.
And if you have CAS players bombing your spawn is over anyway, because you have no chanche to even leave the spawn.

In order to make ODL to stop the game should be put effort in game balancing, better spawnprotection and general give players a chanche to turn a match around, like open up additional spawnpoint for the losing team, wider spawnareas or in general more spawnpoints.

A good majority of all of them actually, getting reg tiers from 5.7 in the IS-1 is just, annoying, stock grinds take forever, maps suck, it just a lot of things, though I usually don’t 1DL

Horrific teams too.

Battlepass tasks that are “Per battle” or “Per win.”

Once you kill 3 targets for the tiger task, you might as well J out and join another battle to get all 4 battles done in a reasonable time frame. Similar for air and “kill 2 planes” - quickly kill 2, RTB and go next.

Or win 5 battles. Get enough for activity%, go next.

… I really hate BP tasks. Today’s one of simply get a few kills without per battle bollocks was sweet.


Red zoned narrow funnel maps.
I often even do a zero death leave.


I will usually stay in a full uptier unless its completely unfair , like going against tabks that have literally every advantage over me plus stabilizers, etc. But I rarely do that. Most of the time I will leave if its an awful map. Which is most of the higher tier maps. My time is not worth wasting on frustrating unfun maps. I will simply switch to another tree and try again.

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Also sometimes I cant handle the GAyjin BS of inconsistencies so I leave.

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I will only 1 death leave for only 1 of 2 reasons.

  1. It has been mentioned above (Gaijin BS) that I also come across matches where all of a sudden my rounds bounce and ricochet and I get taken out by a sneeze.

  2. This is the main reason I will 1 death leave.- If by my 1st death I see my team not bothering to play the objectives and take zones, and just sit back pot shotting, not bothering, then, I will leave. I know a complete and utter loss when I see one. Sometimes, the team you have are just not worth the repair bill. What is the point of playing to earn a few thousand bucks when it can cost multiple thousands to repair the 3 trashed tanks. I’m not an idiot and should not be FORCED to play alongside idiots who couldn’t give a crap if they lose, and I should NOT be punished for not wanting to put up with it.


So I’m a very new player and I’m bad. So b/c I’m bad and I have very few Premiums, if I die after not having done anything I don’t respawn unless my team is actually winning. If my team is losing there is no reason at all for me to respawn since the only thing that is going to happen is I’m going to get shot the second I lose spawn invuln or get bombed in or just outside of the spawn, so why would I respawn at all when there is at least a 75% chance I will just immediately die.