What is your banned map and why?

Sands of Sinai, not a big fan of huge maps with very little cover for their size forcing players to either rush town or rocks and pray, or climb the hill and sniper eachother on a narrow segment of the actual Sinai map.

European Province.
Two mountains, from where you can shoot anyone trying to get into the valley. It always turns into ridgeline camping and edge of the map flanking, extremely boring.
Oh yea, you can also get shot from the other side of the map 5m out of spawn.

Pradesh, miles of open ground,sniper hills and one way road to spawns.

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That one variant with the central cap point in a small town, with hills on either side.


I generally like the other variants of Ardennes, but the thought of playing that god forsaken variation even a single time keeps it banned.


Pradesh, never changed.
The good news is that its scenery is very good, but the bad news is that it only has good scenery.
There are too many terrible variants on other maps, but overall, Pradesh is the one that makes me sick the most :(



I’m considering banning Flanders. South side Flanders always loses unless the team all make a heroic effort. North side is easy mode.

Aral sea. Sure it’s interesting aestethically, but the game play ugh. Spawncampers can safely hide in the city while you spawn in the desert. What a masterpiece. Wish this map didn’t exist so I could ban the Iberian castle instead.

In AIR RB I ban the map I get the most in a row. After 19 consecutive Vietnam EC I banned it only to get the smaller version of Vietnam -_-

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I’ve won from both sides equally as much and had pretty nice games personally as well. I don’t think Flanders is that bad of a map in that regard.


That’s my perception too. Players tend to focus on the east side of the map and do what they always do. Straight to cap … straight to death. Still thinking about how to make good map guides in videos but I doubt the casual player would look for it …


I have never played that map. Not seen it.

People simply love to flock to C at that map from both sides, don’t ask me why.

Any BR in particular that annoys you on this map, more so than other BRs?

Every BR, map is simply atrocious, I don’t want to look at it, ever.

I got the suspicion that it happens if players don’t choose their spawn location. Also sometimes I ask why all spawn on one location. The answer is often. “There is more action”
Same for Abandoned Factory, Campania, Fields of Normandy … people want fast action. The outcome is mostly the same. The team with the better map control wins the match. Because the really funny fact is that even if 90% of the team goes to one spot on the map. They stop when they reached the cap and wait for their destiny.
But it is what it is. I try to do my best out of those situations. At least I got enough space for myself ^^

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It’s a high tier map mainly

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Air: Korean Map Lack of soft ground targets, only 3 base to destroy.
Ground: Campania
Naval: Japanese Port

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It’s not an actively bad or frustrating map at all but i think it is unbalanced to favor the north spawn. That could be just anecdotal evidence though.

From south spawn, trying to take C is an absolute nightmare, but north spawn can roll into C point behind the cover of the buildings. If anyone from south spawn tries to cover these flanks, they get shot because they went up on the hill or get hit by north spawn flankers.

C point is a death trap for south yet every time i play Flanders I see tons of people going there because ‘it’s where the action is’. He who controls A-B wins the match, C is a north spawn playground.

Do you have a map where you have never spawned on a particular spot? Always done the same thing on the same map time after time ? I did for a real long time of Abandoned factory. Centering around the A Zone every game. I watched a couple of YouTube videos of some French Guy and he persuaded me to check out the B as a good method for kills and it broke the habit, but it does happen, I’m sure.

On the Campania map nobody goes for the B zone on spawn.

I try to break up from time to time with my habbits and try new things with some tanks on different spawns. I always try to stay away from the big mess because I prefer light tanks. But I got to admit that I often use the same spawn on the same maps.
What I don’t understand is that even under spawncamping players choose the same spawnpoints over and over again. Do they know that they have a choice?


Flander fields. I cant stop quiting this map when it occurs. It is stronger than me.

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