What is your banned map and why?

What is you banned map and why did you ban it?

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Mozdak do I need a reason why or does the Fields explain all

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Really just dislike that they removed the right side hill and everyother game was that map


Aleutian Islands

Map spawns are too far away with plenty of mountains in between. It’s not that huge of a map, but you cannot just go straight in, you have to go around mountains.

Slow coastal boats often miss out on the majority of the action by the time they get to the capture zones. Additionally by the time you get closer, the early action of fast boats has given the enemy team CAS to bombard you.

It can always be worse when there are small team rosters like 7 vs 7 and they are mostly slow boats.

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Currently Ardennes, but it swaps to Maginot quite often as well.

Ardennes is just awfully designed and ends up in spawn camping in most of it’s variants.


Always depends on which BR I’m going to play. Usually is the smallest, most hilly map. Like Arktis when I go 6.7. If I don’t it is either Site 2271 or Flanders. If I wanted to play World of Tanks, I would.

edit: typo correction

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Tunisia. Love the map but when it’s only 2 caps the south side wins 100% of the time. Not fun, not worth it.

It’s a steaming hot piece of garbage, that’s why.


Berlin … I was born in that city … I left it and went 1500km north … no need to see it again ^^



Seversk is a terrible map, too many corners, angles to watch and same goes for Vietnam, it’s too disorienting, everybody seems to go to one side and clash. North spawn in Vietnam always wins, so I never bother with them.


Jungle. I used to enjoy it, but now it’s awful. No room, and with fast movers you can have someone camping one of the few exits out of the main spawn.


Port Novoro


I just wish you could ban more than one map


Everything that is urban or less than 2000*2000m is a no for me.

Third person corner peeking just ain’t my jam.


pradesh. Resp to resp shots, big map, AA contact bad shown


Iberian Castle,i never seen worse map except this and Red Desert ever added to WT. Its disgusting,shooting from spawn to spawn, cant get into cover anywhere as you can be shot from everywhere. One side have hill and rocks to hide behind for campers,other have nothing.

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Sweden. Takes ages to get anywhere, and to when you do, you get spanked by something behind the millionth alley way you forgot to check. Rinse repeat


Red Desert, large and dumb.

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Tunisia to evade the ju88 spam 😆

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well i ban mozdak because i don’t like that map which is large but no cover. but i like poland its large can fire at long range at same time have safe cover to repair my car.