What is wron with the War Thunder Radars?

I die lately to my radar refuse to do what it should do, lock on targets.

I fly 5km high and atarget flys to me 6km away.
radar dont want to lock, no other things to interfearing. but radar refuses to lock.
when the enemy launches hist SARH missil THEN the radar thinks: now that youre boded i can lock on… that happen about every other game.

and if the radar locks on it prefers (in this orderr):
own team planes
something that makes the radar lock the air and wander off into one of the four screen corners rapidly
enemy missiles
and then the enemy plane

What is wrong here?
This cant be intended.

This is not a rant, i just want to know whats wrong here

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Had a match today in my f14b. In head-on mode with two targets. One at 34km out flying horizontal to me and one flying 7km out flying directly at me. Guess which one my radar decide to lock on to.