Sometimes your team will get rolled over in the next game, but that would have happened regardless of whether or not you activated the booster.
Most of it is just mental. People put on a big booster, they feel pressure to do well. Sometimes that causes people to overextend or be overly aggressive and they inevitably bite off more than they can chew. Conversely, for some people it might make them play more passively, not wanting to throw their vehicle away, and doing less rewarding actions as a result.
Booster curse is just a meme at this point. Whenever someone is destroyed in absurd or unlucky way, ‘yep, he must have had a booster on’ is the go to line.
its a running joke. People get worked up when they put a 200 to 500% booster and they have a really bad game as they want to maximize it and end up over thinking or being to aggressive. Did a 500% booster one time and didnt care about it and had a really good match, made a lot of RP. did a 200% and played captain try hard and got killed fast and left the match laughing about the booster curse.
its just a fun thing players say when they put on a high booster, so take it as an urban legend.
You just remember you have a booster on and you keep trying to make it work so the Large amount of Shit war thunder battles which of have booster enabled make you aware of the shittiness
For your personal goal, it doesn’t matter. But for answering the thread question, it does matter. With your method, you will create a positive confirmation bias. Which isn’t helping to answer the question either. But good to reduce stress.
Psychology. If you don’t use a booster you won’t care as much about squeezing every last drop out of it, but if you use a booster, especially the big ones for a single mission, you will try to make it count, you will take more risks and be more aggressive to make sure your 500% booster isn’t wasted on a match where you only got a single kill on AI by accident.
You can’t deliver a real explanation without collecting data. You deliver only a possible explanation. You are basically pitting one option against another.
You are right, the true answer is that when you activate a booster a cosmic entity literally manipulates reality to make your actions more aggressive and risky, but Gaijin pays us to spread bullshit answers about psychology and pressure. You cracked the case
People are explaining how it works and all you do is go “oh but we didn’t conduct a 1000 year long study on a group of 17 trillion people therefore this absolutely valid explanation is surely as probable as Gaijin being a magical cosmic entity that mind controls the booster user and the players in opposite team to always put the booster user in an unfavorable situation!”
Calling you out on asinine logic is not a personal attack, it’s a statement of fact
Edit: flagging a reply because you don’t understand the difference between calling your logic silly and insulting you personally is not an argument man.
I am not going to say more to your contribution but “quote me” and stop making false claims about what I said. If what I wrote above is too complex for you to understand, feel free to ask. I will explain the suggested methology in more detail then. It won’t take a thousand years.
While it may be a probable assumption that I flagged you, it might be a wrong one. How can you know? Psychology?
If the concept of Occam’s razor eludes you and you’d rather believe in metaphysical reasons for an urban legend then you’re absolutely free to… literally just stop replying to people who don’t share your belief in the arcane
OK, I accept that you do not believe in doing a quick and simple numerical check yourself and rather believe a hypothesis you have heard about. Fair enough. Your choice.
Mate, I’ve been playing this game for over 7 years, 9 months, 1 day.
Don’t try to tell me that the videos are wrong when I’m only mentioning a video that did the study and posted about it. Since we have all done it in the past or the present.
The curse is real, in air rb if you activate a booster of more than 100% you have a 45% chance of getting TKd on takeoff, is hardcoded into the game (100% real, trust)