Years ago there was a topic on the old forums about people having the most appalling luck when they use a good booster.
I have not used one for months as it always results in a highly frustrating game.
Today when I logged in I scored a 200% booster. ‘I won’t use it’ was my first thought but I had 3 games in a row and although 2 were losses they were fun and enjoyable and I finished with good scores. Ah what the hell, I activate the booster…
Well lost 3 tanks in quick succession, 2 long range guided rocket hitsand a chopper. I never fired a single shell lol. The team fell on its face and I just had to laugh at the irony of using a good booster.
I think its just the pressure of knowing you have it on that causes you to make mistakes and waste it, just don’t care about it so you don’t have the pressure
It’s same true as about flat earth, chemtrails and “Millions of dollars waiting for you on a special bank account, all you need to do is just give me some personal data. Trust me.”
TL:DR - made up stories that in best case have no meaning, in worst, works on your damage.
Just use boosters and play as usual. At the end of the day you will get more RP/SL than by playing without using them.
I’d argue the booster curse is real but moreso placebo. “I have a booster on I need to cook and oh come on Gaijin really PzGr 39/43 from the Tiger II can’t pen my side really? I was staring right at him too”
boosters give you this feeling like “I need to cook and if I dont its a waste” and as such you end up making more stupid mistakes than you ever should’ve. Allinall just play the game normally when you have boosters or wagers on, it just goes better
Confirmation bias plus added pressure knowing you have a booster going so you overthink things and end up doing poorly.
Ive had plenty of excellent games with big boosters. The best games Ive had were often after I popped the booster, then went into game having completely forgotten I had popped the booster.
No, the curse is real.
1 CC did a whole video which proved that it indeed is a real thing. However, it’s a bit exaggerated since it depends more or less on the Booster. If it’s a 150 or 200 then the “curse” is in effect. Anything below is less of a chance.
There is a way to scientifically analyse “booster curse”. The variable you look at is one that is not within your influence yet perfectly measurable and a measuring device is provided. You have to look at queue time. Does queue time with a booster increase significantly from the average before playing that booster? If it doesn’t, then it isn’t likely the match maker treats you special. Give it a try.
Generally, a video can’t prove anything like that conclusively. You will have to do the work yourself and only communicate a way by which others can see for themselves too.
I actually gave that recommendation a lot in the old forum. But I don’t anymore. I use all big boosters where they work optimized like clockwork with 100% win chance. No more stress.
But not when it matters! ;-) Confirmation bias happens later, when you are looking at the huge loot. Survivor bias really, as you will not realize that your boster was on, when the results are poor.