What is the point of playing War Thunder

In conclusion the only reason to play war thunder is because you have fun. If you’re not having fun maybe you should try playing other games



For me, I love that WT is a ridiculously huge digital model shelf, a sandbox where we can play around with all these quite faithfully recreated vehicles, across air, sea, and land, and pit them against each other. I like being able to collect and play the ones I already know and want, and learning about many more I never knew existed.

I also like that it’s (basically) only about the vehicles, not about specific conflicts beyond map aesthetics and such (keeps the silly politics/etc arguments out… or, well, mostly).

It’s also an interesting combination of having basically sheer cliff of a learning curve, but at the same time isn’t an especially “serious/punishing” game so if you want to have fun at the expense of “efficiency”/etc that’s totally fine too. I’m happy that I’ve become a better player over the years, but at the same time I’m happier playing with certain self-imposed handicaps, because I find playing that way more fun (Realistic Controls and a controller/stick in Air RB, using the proper gunner sight in Ground AB, etc).


Just sheer boredom, the game is no better, or more exciting from hundreds of other games on the net.
For me it is just a short break for a few games when I am bored playing my main games, sometimes I may play a lot longer but it is certainly not because it is an engaging, entertaining game, WT is far removed from that gaming sphere.

WT removed itself from that gaming sphere and is working hard to make it less and less enjoyable.Red line maps and spamming the game with copy paste and top tier premiums encouraging ODL at top tier.

I gave it a break for a while and I am trying to enjoy it but I am wondering what the next kick in the teeth will be.

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