What is on everyone's 2024 wish list for naval?

They need to tone down the Scharn


Would also love to see more modern ships, some yeeting missile as we already start to have some. We don’t have any post WW2 ships for now ^^.

And i really hope if exocet enter the game, it would not be for UK/Germany but not the country that developed it…

I want “modern” beauty like this, big brain time :p


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I just want it removed.

I got 2 good options which are what Scharn is based on.

Here is Scharnhorsts stats for armour:

This is with 11-inch guns with a 20 second reload.

This is Ersatz-Mackensen which has 8x13.8 inch guns and a reload of 28-36 seconds. Much more manageable armour

And this is Ersatz-Yorck, which is effectively a Mackensen with Bayern’s guns and really just a German Hood.

Again, fair and balanced armour. Both ships would have worse armour than hood (with a thicker TB) for overall Hood level ships (which is historically what they’re for).

In an ideal world, Scharnhorst would be removed and credited for later, and players with Scharnhorst would receive one or both of these ships.

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I can’t wait for Chinese navy

Just a few to start…

French coastals - currently zero

More low tier ships - variety is always good. Also encourages new players by giving them proper lineups.

Gap fillers - all ranks ands nations have holes you could drive a BB through.

Break the BR monopolies - Russia 4.3 is the obvious.

Working and accurate radar - they all look and act virtually the same, and all fail to reliably lock targets.

Better line-of-sight mechanism - islands should block new aim locks, and when it comes to updates of existing contacts the target should disappear not be continuously tracked.

Give all nations access to Missiles - most SSMs would be OP, however there’s many nations have ships and boats with short range (<10km) SAMs that would fit.

CIWS - radar guided CIWS should have buffs to aiming and accuracy not be identical to Mk1 hand and eyeball guns.

Spawns - if no new maps then give alternative spawns.

Torpedo and smoke - disable in spawn points.

Remove Unrepairable flooding - replace with a very slow repair (eg 1% per second) and max repairability (eg 80%) so ships can return to battle with a speed and manoeuvrability penalty rather than at fixed very low percentage and basically a floating wreck.

…and more…


It is ridiculously overpowered.

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Yup read the thread. Its the reason im not even playing naval much…i can endure bad map designs and some bs damage models sometimes heck even bots…but fighting a ship that requires half my team just to kill is too annoying…im still halfway trying to get Ise…

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I stopped playing BBs because of scharnhorst. I don’t play top tier anymore. It’s the most broken ship, but because it’s German many people don’t complain. You can bet if it was Russian everyone would be making posts about it everyday.

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Why Russia still has early missile DD is beyond me…maybe due to other nations stuff is slightly better but they can just add them with just the SAMs and omit ASMs for now

Honestly why im a little excited if the leak on Mutsu is real…i hope to god 410mm guns can show the scharn some fear.

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Do you know how much they penetrate?

Sadly no…but i would hope that 16 inch guns (well in Mutsus case slightly bigger 16 inch guns) would do something to Scharn

Well no… Scharnhorst’s turtleback is problem of angle(It’s almost near to 100% ricochet angle), so even 16’’ would ricochet

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Better RP gain

Maybe more gamemodes like escort missions

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My main thing is the cap and spawn point locations, bluewater spawn in battles up to 5.3 spawn right on top of the pt boat caps basically ruining coastal gameplay, they need to remove the close spawn and make bluewater ships spawn further out.

In the flip side at br 5.7+ they either need to remove pt boats or the caps, I can’t think of how many times I’ve been playing high tier and the game ends in 5 minutes because some $hothead uses a 1.7 pt boat to get all the caps.

Also capping by sea plane needs to be removed

IJN Takao. That would make me actually invest in Naval.

Then the rebalancing, decompression, better maps would make me want to play Naval fairly longterm, because as it stands from what I have played it has been a seesaw of being genuinely frustrated and genuinely disinterested.

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My suggestion for some of that - feel free to comment, cause you raised some good points about the proximity of the Coastal Spawn on some of the maps :)

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What do you mean? People are complaining about it all the time. If you want to vent:

The current best hint is to stop using AP/SAP and just shell it with HE munitions - you would be surprised by how effective it can be. Not as good as ammo-racking other ships, but still does the job.

HE works to some degree, but it is grossly inefficient compared to ammo-racking or crew depletion.

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Yep. But it’s also by far more efficient than peppering it with AP.