Nerf Scharnhorst Armor or make it 8.0

Or just fix AP not hull breaching like it should


Speed of ASM on early cold war Soviet’s cruiser and aircraf are low enough to prevent by AA, it’s appropriate time to add new naval SAM as RIM-7, and the high range to hundres km of ASM must be guided by system Success-U or the max range was depend on radar of launched cruiser. In future the next gen battleship could be added into game and someone 'll complain about armor of Yamato class or KGV, even Nelson possible cannot damage to Bitchmark

Too much is too much XD. Gaijin should also fix lower BR. Differences between 5.3 and 5.7-6.3 bluewater ships ludicrous too. I go against guys who have 3 turrets with 3 152 mm guns with better reload and more accurate range finder.

6.0 cruiser Vs scharnhorst ☠️☠️☠️


Yea thats absolutely bonker man, i got Baltimore from chest and decided to try it out.

Since its 6.0 i got uptiered and i got one shotted in less than 20 seconds after respawning

They really need to decompress BRs


I honestly think they should find a way to remove this ship from the game until they can balance the AP bug, or at least limit them to fighting 7.0 only. Its just completely untouchable by almost anything. There’s no point my playing BB’s at the moment because if there is even 1 scharnhorst on the enemy team unless your team also has a Scharn or BC it will solo 4-5 players.

I’m usually a fan of rebalancing but it’s been what 2 years and they haven’t introduced a true peer.

I think all ships but particularly German ships need rebalancing to be honest.


I have stopped playing 7.0 matches because of scharnhorst, and in my 6.3/6.7 ships if I get uptier to 7.0 I just leave now.

I can kill any ship but scharnhorst? Don’t wanna deal with shooting him for 15 minutes for him to turn back and ammo rack me at close range lol.


I feel the same, what actually prompted me to (slightly raging) comment that, was being ammoracked in my 6.7 HMS Orion less than 30 seconds after I spawned in, I couldn’t even turn my guns to face him in the time it took for him to range, rotate and fire accurately at my ammorack.

Another time I went in, got hit in the centre and lost 80% of my crew in one salvos, meanwhile I spent 4 minutes beggingly try to use HE to cause him to flood with only 12% of my crew left.

I don’t understand why they wouldn’t add the Ersatz Yorck/Mackensen as these were historically the counters to HMS Hood and would be much more balanced.

Germany will be my next grind because given how long the Prinz Eugen and Scharn dominated their respective fields for, I can only imagine how good Bismarck, Tirpitz, Gneisenau and H-39/40/41 will be.


I have scharn but I refuse to play it , I have allergy to truly blatantly op shit. Same reason why I don’t play Gripen.

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I’m very into naval at the moment so once I unlocked my Gripen I grinded until the 9M’s and just stopped from there. I think it may be time for me to start a new tank tree though.

I am curious what will replace Scharn though because thats got to be the most terrifying idea ever.

We need anti ship missiles when there is scharn / Bismarck on the enemy team

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I’m not convinced they would penetrate the armour, however a nuclear tipped cruise missile would work.


If torpedoes are capable of making unrepairable breeches, then Shimakaze Type 91 torpedoes should be very capable of putting a Scharnhorst down. 1.5 ton of HE should put a massive hole in the ship, even if hitting near the belt.

And if not, then a barrage of RIM-66 standards or a few nuclear tipped RIM-8 Talos missiles will give them a bad day.

Olá pessoal!
Eu jogo com o Scharnhorst. É um navio muito bom. A cadência de tiro das armas primárias é um atrativo. 17s com a minha tripulação. Contudo, são canhões de 280mm. Pouco para o BR 7.0. É um equilíbrio. A Gaijin, na minha visão acertou. E com a modificação do sistema de lançamento de torpedos a galera nem pode reclamar. Eu tenho mais de 1300 navios abatidos com o Scharnhorst. Posso dizer que mais da metade deles foi com torpedos. Para mim, a principal arma de um navio. Perdi muito com esse novo sistema.
A Alemanha não tem muita coisa boa na árvore. Exceto o Graf Spee para Br. 5.7.
O Sachsen é muito ruim. Eu acho que a Gaijin errou nesse navio. A tendência é vir o Bismark.
Eu gosto muito de jogar de torpedeiro. A árvore alemã é sofrível. Vale a pena a fragata Kohn. Que eu acho que a Gaijin deveria investir nessa linha. Fragatas. Todos os países tem. Jogam contra submarinos e comportam helicópteros. Tem os mísseis. Eu acho melhor do que ficar inventando navios de projetos H.

Not just the armor is off but the 11" guns. The Nevada was nuked TWICE and still functioned. Then the Missouri and 5 cruisers towed it out to sink it and it took them 15 minutes to sink it with auto loading 16" guns. To say nothing of the cruisers. German 11" rounds one hit the Nevada no problem LMAO. The ship should have a tough time unless against 6.3 ships other than good armor.

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Small correction for the folks at home;
No ship was “nuked”. Nuclear bombs exploded nearby them, but none were hit. Many ships also had nuclear weapons detonate nearby and were fine. Turns out nuclear bombs don’t do anything to ships unless you hit them directly
Iowa shot at Nevada, not Missouri
There was one cruiser and one destroyer, not five cruisers
Took longer than 15 minutes (which is still great for gunfire on a battleship)
No such thing as an auto loaded 16-inch gun
Although I believe it to be greatly exaggerated in War Thunder, it is entirely possible for Scharnhorst to sink most battleships in one shot. The round can simply bypass most of the armor by travelling underwater


… 50 torpedo hits? I guess the Ghost of Kaiserliche Werft Wilhelmshaven told you this himself eh?


Would Mutsu’s 41cm (16.1) in Guns be able to Pen Scharnhorst?



Scharnhorst players right now