What is coming first? The F-14D with AIM-120’s or the F/A-18A with AIM-7M’s?


After BR decopression to like… idk 13.7

It would not be this low of a BR then.

yes, but other trees need it…

Not really. There’s also nothing stopping them from adding a bad competitor and just keeping a tree at a lower top BR than some others but the top tier stuff is more balanced.

USA main, i personally dont care much but make sure if you make noise for the F-14D to come with Aim-120s, make noise for it to get the Aim-95 AGLIE as well.
trust me. youll be grateful

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Might not have IRCCM but it would be fun with it’s fast acceleration and high g pull

read that it has FOV IRCCM like R-73. basically a more pulling R-73 lol

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Would give the 14D something truly new

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Agile was long dead by the time the D was a twinkle in some engineer’s eyes.

It was a 9L competitor, not a 9X competitor


New cockpit, new (incredibly good) radar, new missiles, new and very potent IRST, and new built in jammer (for when EW is added to the game). it’d be silly not to add it

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Agile existed at the time of the f-14D.
Its actually better than the 9L but waay heavier and expensive.
55G and R-73 type IRCCM.

We don’t care about money. We need performance


And most of all at need balance

Yea. Good point

Agile was a 70s program, and canceled in '75.

The Super Tomcat wouldn’t exist for another 16 years. By then, 9M had come, and follow-on programs were already active (9R and others).


9R wasnt a workable missile iirc but as for the agile, it was even cleared for use on the F-16 so i would surmise that it is compatible

I’m not sure about launcher compatibility, or SEAM integration. It might work but it would probably need retooling, especially for the F-14s advanced FCS


Never have i, a German main, have had to argue FOR the Americans as much as this lol

A better one would be this.

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