What is a path should I go down after getting F-15E?

What one should I do? I want F-15E so I went down bomber path and I also want A-10 so I am nearly there what should I do?

all depends on what you want - F-5E line - light fighters, F-4 line - Heavy fighters, USN - fleet

F8E is a lot of fun. You have great armament flexibility:

  1. Up close? Guns. You cannot flare/chaff guns. You got the maneuverability and speed to get those guns on target.
  2. Head-on? SARH time. Slam them out of the air with your AIM-9Cs
  3. They’re squirrely and wiggly and wobbly and you got altitude advantage and too far to gun down? AIM-9D time
  4. Enemy stall climbing in a plane faster than yours? Don’t take the bait, AIM-9C their tail as they think the sun will save them.
  5. You’re stupidly fast
  6. Enemy thinks they can stall fight you? AUTOBOTS MOVE OUT, fold up your wings and fly around like a weird UFO thing.
  7. You have IFF so you’re less likely to teamkill in sim (you will still teamkill because copy paste and IFF unreliability and rip, there goes all your SL. But less likely than sth without IFF).

Did they get nose on you? You got 30-60 Flare/chaff. Just pre-flare whenever to be safe.
Fighting sth that might bring SARH? Bring a bit of chaff and use it to be safe against Mig-23 before your head-on merges.

It’s like F8U-2 on steroids.

Bit far away from that

I’d say it’s worth investing. USN aircraft feel amazing to fly. At prop tiers, USN aircraft tend to be more maneuverable and better low-altitude performance compared to army aircraft (carrier take offs and fleet protection against torpedo/dive/kamikaze bombers versus long-range bomber escort led to very different design philosophies)

At korean tiers, the F2H-2 is super fun to fly.

F3H-2 is weird, but it’s got amazing ergonomics and handling in ASB - it’s the one jet I can consistently land on aircraft carriers! In ARB it feels meh. In ASB the pitiful AIM-7Cs are also much more potent due to lower situational awareness and no red diamonds and RWR at the BR range.

F8U/F8E are well known as powerful missile buses and have historical spotlight as the “last gunfighter.” They’re also kinda undertiered given they face stuff without flare and chaff and RWR while having very potent missiles

ohhhhhh No flares or chaffs did u say?

provided they don’t have 1 chaff

I would say F-16, but, you guys don’t really have a great one.

It is advisable to advance the F-14 or AV-8b in anticipation of the approaching Hornet

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By then I will probably have the tree fully researched

when did the Aim-9’s become SARH or ARH?

You’re a 10.0/10.3 plane, most things 9.3-10.3 don’t have chaff.

Edit: Apparently it’s 10.3/10.7 in RB, but still - just smaller margin for downtiers.

The F3H-2 is 9.0 with SARH missiles

and the Aim-7C has better range but worse overload and the F3H-2 is lower BR so better

go on the F-14 line, the F/A-18 might go there, and u said u are doing the A-10 line, so it could also go there, but I would do both lines just in case

A-4E early
both AV-8A and C
A-10A early
This is just USA

A-10’s are fun every once in a while. You can go into GRB or ARB and obliterate ground targets. You won’t be the most useful teammate but if the game goes into the longer stages you automatically win because the A-10 absolutely incinerates tickets.

I want the A-10 for money as in ARB you can just destroy people with the Gau-8 aswell as using the load it can have like the AGM-65D’s and the rockets I can jus destroy and on top of that the 4 Aim-9L’s will help alot

F-16C Block 50! It’s 100% worth it!!!

looks very shit compared to F-15E