What is a path should I go down after getting F-15E?

Those aren’t fighters, other than the F-105.

Ariete? Mig-19? G91? F86?

never said they were fighters and the F-105D is a strike not fighter



So, if they’re not fighters you can use a gun on them. They’re not agile enough to dodge or reverse a gun pass.

For something like the Ariete? Having the ability to sling a frontal SARH in its face it doesn’t realize is coming is pretty much the only way to beat it reliably without the ariete pilot making a mistake.

Av-8’s are very agile

I don’t really fight AV-8s so cannot comment, but if they’re like Yak-38s? That agility makes them slow and easy to run away from to make passes on them. Most of my fights with Yak-38s were noticing them going hover mode, diving away and then coming back while they’re trying to pick up speed.

They are better Yak-38s more nimble if played right

Just get them all, in every tier. You don’t have to buy them or put them in slots or spade them or anything(Even tho finishing modification tiers and spading vehicles does have nice RP bonuses). But you have them there if/when you want them.
“Speed grinding” to get to top tier limits what you have & get to play and doing that and just playing 1 nation, well . … . . you are cutting yourself out of 85% - 90% of the entire game. You handicap yourself and lose out on a great deal of content, and . . . . fun.

Game design is for a slow, steady progression towards the top and going against that basic premise sets you up for . . . disappointment.

In theory, all players will eventually get all the vehicles in the game . . . somehow, some day . . . but it doesn’t happen quickly, no doubt.

To me, and this is my personal opinion, players will benefit far more in the long run by going at it slow & steady. Developing their accounts along the way. Get the crew skills up(in every slot you have), learn to make good line ups for all the BRs you can. Play the stuff you get to learn how they work, learn the maps/modes as you go.

Every bit of experience you can gather in as you progress will help you farther down the line.

Everyone plays the game differently. And there is no “right or wrong” way to do it really. Set your own goals(Not I want! I want! gimmie gimmie gimmie!!) and try not to compare yourself to others or what they have or play with.

The only player you have to be better than, is the player you were yesterday


That does not help at all I want to know what path to go down NOW not the only path I should do

lol . . I didn’t even suggest a “path” . . just some friendly free advice.
But I think it is clear that you have already selected your “path”

goo ruck

I just want to know what should I go to next/before F-111F so F16, F15 C or F-14

I stand by my advice that Korean/Vietnam naval fighters are a lot of fun to fly and some of them (F8U-2) need some BR changes to not feel as dirty in downtiers.

Idk about aircraft after the F8E, from what I’ve read they’re BVR specialists so not my style.