What if ground battles were 32 vs 32, and could we get a enduring confrontation mode for tanks?

32 vs 32:
I think increasing the number of players in ground battles could make them more engaging especially for bigger Maps, where sometimes you’ll go a whole game without seeing more than 2 enemy tanks, especially in top tier, I think this could be a way to fix it, and it could also be a way of dealing with 1 spawn players.

Enduring Confrontation:
Constantly getting into a battle different battles every 30 minutes and regardless of how you’re doing, it can get pretty repetitive and tiring so I think having something similar to air Sim (or Enlisted) for tanks could work out well and people would enjoy it more.


Adding players really wouldn’t be a good idea given the current map rotation, I’ll just let you imagine Advance to the Rhine in 32vs32, the map would just be unplayable. The only way to increase the number of players per game would be to redo the entire maps with a minimum size of 5km on each side and by reworking the objectives (at a minimum).

Personally I don’t see the point in the game currently, it would create too many problems

On the other hand, an Enduring confrontation mod would be welcome, in tank as well as in plane


I love the idea but it will take a while to implement because they have to change a lot.


That makes no sense, same with bigger maps.
We already have some big maps like big tunisia for example and majority of players go to the sniping spot and sits there for entire battle and I dont blame there since if you want push for the points you have to cross big open space without cover. Imagine the same but with twice as much players trying to snipe you.
Also who would want to drive 5km from one point to another. Loosing on tickect is disgusting at it is, we dont need another reason to mald about this game.

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Will not happen, because it would be too much fun and gaijin can’t allow that

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I can see it now swarms of cas every game… so much “fun”


See the issue with foreshadowing is you make yourself upset before things have even happened.

(Edit - Absolutely on-topic, and those false flaggers can go wreck themselves…)


Another nice idea the game simply could not accommodate.

That’s just your opinion, but quite frankly there’s no reason it really couldn’t.

The ONLY thing that could be an actual problem is the question of whether or not the game truely supports 32v32 without being desynced and impacted by the engine, compared to player choice and ability.

Just my opinion when somebody else has already said the same ? 😆 😆

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Only those who care so much about CAS before it even turns up… It lives rent free in some peoples heads, and it makes them unable to function on the field.

(Edit - Absolutely on-topic, and those false flaggers can go wreck themselves…)

You’re not psychic.

So You are not able to understand how certain things will lead to something?

I thought that logical thinking is not that hard.


Who mentioned CAS ? Did you even read the op or did you come straight in to troll?


It’d definitely be able to be accomodated, it’d be all down to the players actually handling it.

Pretty much all potential changes and good suggestions re gameplay seem to be slaughtered by the existence of CAS.Shotdown on the runway ,scuse the pun.

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The issue with 32 vs 32 would be the same we have currently in 16 vs 16 gameplay.

Before we try to get more players in game, we should focus on the gamemode itself.


As a CAS main, I was already extremely upset before TO even happened yet.


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They’d been in the game chat proclaiming of the issue as well.

I meant it primarily for medium to large Maps like Fulda and Spaceport.