What happened to german ground?

Artillery is indeed very strong in the hands of an experienced player. Especially in close quarter maps, which GJN has many of in this game.

Then again, War Thunder isn’t a WW2 game anymore, only in certain events we can still play WW2. Or at very low BR Simulator (1.7-2.3 or 2.3-3.3) you can still experience this. The moment you have to balance vehicles around their effectiveness (aka SL/RP gain, which is what GJN, persumably, does), then all historical matchmaking gets thrown out of the window, as that is inheritly unbalanced, just like IRL it was.


Self propelled artillery got added and it fucked up the BR quite badly, other than that id say germany 5.7-6.7 is amazing other than the teammates

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Gaijin happened.

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It was just about a WW2 game when I started,hanging on by it’s teeth.Italy already had its superfast APCs .One of which was about 4 BR and ruining every bodies game now it is at 6BR so point proven.

The M51 came in and caused upset then the flood of M109 copy pasted into nearly every nation and then the Russians had to have their version and 6BR just lost it’s way for me completely.No interest in playing it.

Maybe the Artillery spam has died off now ,I might try it again but I have little enthusiasm.

Been talking to quite a few who feel the same way and many players have dropped back to 5BR max where the game is most enjoyable.

I think even a few top tier players have come back down to the tiers where War Thunder made sense.
Had a few 4BR games where Germany stomped it ,played a a good few as Russia(my second main) and we lost a few against Germany too.

I think some vets are coming in from above and making low tier/mid tier Germany great again…I sound like a kind of Adolf Trump …sorry : )

Both can do it from the front, still not a fair fight.

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Not a fair fight but it was the fight that would have actually happened in reality.Fights are often not fair.

The German 88 has some of the most explosive filler at its BR, what do you mean?

And yeah, the KwK42 has poor post pen performance, that’s made up for by the high penetration.

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In many respects, they are.

But at least an artillery piece is the size of a Maus, dies to a modest sneeze, has long reload, and usually has low-to-modest shell velocity.

I’d take that any day over an armored car rolling by at sonic speed that can pen me from any angle.


Agreed but again it’s just like choosing the least manky leaper

But why does it behave like that in this game?:

Man do I wish we could have another game mode for historical on top of AB, RB, and Sim. A 4th mode for historical. I wish there was a way to make it authentic, such as only allowing 2 or 3 tigers per team. Maybe make it so each team represents an actual division, so the tank structure is limited.

I get the struggle of balancing, but it would just be cool to see. I do think it could create for more tactical maneuvering. Such as, sure, you got a tiger posted laying down whoop ass on anything that gets in it’s sights. But that’s where you flank it with 2 or 3 stuarts and take it out.

A man can dream eh?

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When it comes to historical matchmaking, it was tested. But as people guessed at that time, many people hoped to play the best vechicles available making queues a mess.



Wdym? Are you asking why it’s projectile has two driving bands, instead of one?

6.0 germany will be uptiered to 6.7 every single match without end.

5.7 is a cointoss between full uptier and downtier

Panthers and tigers used to sit at a BR that vritually never saw uptiers, now they do every match.

The upside is 6.7 isn’t getting uptiered every match into coldwar time traveler hell (as much), and is much more enjoyable than it was previously.

Your tin foil hat is so tight it appears to be restricting any semblence of reality.

(None of your statements are true by any means).

Go ahead and que at 6.0 and count how many tiger 2s you see every match.

Ok, if that is how you make opinions:

Best of Luck xx

(BTW The Tiger IIs are 0.7 higher not 1.0 AND they are in a full downtier… so a “Germany” player is in a full DOWNTIER).

This all seems to be confusion by some players in regards to the Match Maker which is all in the Community lead Wiki.

Nothing different is happening when playing “Germany”.

Excuse me what.

The High Velocity 75mm and the 8.8cm are still extremely potent guns at their BR.

I’m literally a German Main too lmao

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