What happened to german ground?

Panthers and Tigers used to by my favourite BR to go to. But now the guns just dont do much damage, if any at all. Why???

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Cuz #GermanSuffer #JusticeForTiger


I feel like they do pretty good still. It’s just the teams are… Well… There something…


The one thing that changed 6-7 Br was the introduction of Artillery from a more modern age that can take multiple shots and kill old WW2 with one hit.
Now the game just feels odd and off.Not played 6BR since the changes


And yet that same artillery has equal chance of doing f*** all or one-tapping the common heavily-armored opponents. With a very punishing long reload in all but one case.

Thanks mainly to a boneheaded overpressure nerf which was introduced alongside the Sturmtiger. Why, I have no idea - that thing’s reload and barrel ammo detonation ensure it will never be practical in any way, shape, or form.


Agreed all it does is ruin the game ,the artillery kills you then gets killed.That is about all it does. Alternatively it sits behind a rock and one shot kills 6 WW2 Germans in Tigers and Panthers in a row.Either way it’s game destroying garbage.

6BR was reasonable before this rubbish flooded the game ,sure you have the irritating 60mph Italian rubbish but that was relatively rare.

2S1 and M109 are just crap ,get rid ,save the game at 6BR


Actually, if I was forced to pick my poison I would rather have the artillery than the armored cars spamming HEATFS. Those for the most part have similar mobility to WW2 vehicles.

But the frustratingly inconsistent nature of overpressure means the artillery cannot truly replace the cars and similar LOLpen light tanks.

I think that the HEAT-dispensing lights are far more a menace. As are IFVs and autocannon armored cars in 5.7-9.0 range.

Not only do they render armor functionally useless most of the time, but they also result in early MBTs built to be speedy glass cannons becoming redundant in the face of something even faster with a lower BR, smaller size, quieter engine, and comparable/faster reload. Example - AML-90 vs a Leopard 1.


They just seem like two cheeks of the same ass to me bro.


you are correct tiger should go to 3.3br

No it should not, your clearly being sarcastic though but on a serious note it should not.

If the Tiger went to 3.3 BR then it would face everything it faced in real life early on and be taken out by everything that took it out in WW2 for real .

The Tiger 131 captured in Tunisia was incapacitated by a Churchill apparently if the stories are believed. An M10 will take out a Tiger from the side as will an Achilles.Any 17Pdr can history dictates.

If the Tiger was rare at 3.3 Br as it was in reality then it might achieve the same levels of destruction .It would be scary but not invincible.We have CAS and Artillery in this game.We have players who can use their brains.

Only issue is we have map designers who are morons and make narrow maps with no flank.

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Lets not go down the road of historical matchmaking.


We aren’t and I am responding to a point made,but history is history.How many players still take a vehicle of much lower BR into battle because they know that they will get kills for little SP.The SAV at 5-6 BR ?

I would really want to see new gamemodes that could be made with a premise of historical matchmaking, but I just know the results.

Most of people will try to play the best available vechicles, while crying that they are still dying.

Most of the vechicles would turn unplayable for casual player.

At the moment we have shitty matchmaking made for casual player and that is what we need to work with.


Yeah I have given up on that long ago.

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I have to be honest, lately M-51 was one of the few tanks that gave me some fun in the game.

Not to mention some situations when HEAT just didn’t do anything.

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I have the opposite experience.
My Panther D especially hits very hard with its 75mm. Even in Full uptiers.
The 88mm on the Tigers was never really my forte, but when I use it it still performs exeptionally well compared to other guns at that rank and BR. (Like the US 76mm and 90mm, or the UK 16 pdr and 17 pdr or even the 85mm of the soviets.)
Basically every shot with the 88mm on any target that activates your fuse you’ll get a one-shot. Almost the same with the 75mm. Also at 6.0 you still have a very strong panther line-up, which can yield you many kills if played well in a 6.7 uptier.

Nowadays the competition with other tanks that have been introduced into the game is much stronger (more WW2 tanks, Artillery from the '50s and light para-tanks from the 50s-60s.), but they still hold strong. Which can’t be said about most teammates in Germany, but then again, these issues are also seen with US and USSR players depending on the time of day you’re playing. XD


I have played it quite a lot and it was fun.HEAT is hit and miss sometimes.I just noticed the difference as a German main of sorts.

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As I started Ground RB as a British main, I have memorised all ammo-placements of the most seen vehicles in game, that knowledge is very OP when having HEAT at 6.0, I’ll tell ya.

Indeed very different from having a solid-shot round like on the 16 pounder or APHE on the German guns :)


I played the Finland map with the Russia 2S1 as a newbie with it and with it un modded and hit about 5 Panthers front on as the came down the hill.I just hid behind a rock and hit them one shot.Funny but so out of place.How people think that is balanced WW2 play is beyond me.

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