What do do against the XP 50

I’m facing SWARMS of XP-50’s Need I say more. They get an airstart, they’re above german teams always. Poor 190’s and 109’s can barely get altitude even with side climb and get jumped constantly by these planes. What should I do?


flee, disengage even

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I do i sideclimb, but there’s always more and half my team dies in the first 5 minutes it’s pretty frustrating. Pretty much stopped playing 190 or 109’s at that B.R. for now.

Cannon buff probably meant a huge performance increase for the XP-50.
You can be 800m away and they might kill you with 1-2 cannon rounds, or damage you to the point where you’re basically a free kill for anyone.

Unless they change soemthing about the cannons, which I doubt, it will probably go up in BR.
But who knows.

Ram ground, don’t give them kills


With the ongoing event there are many more premium aircraft than normal, such as XP50 and Wyvern, in fact I’m avoiding that BR because I imagined this thing, even though I own both aircraft, instead with the F-84B I have few problems and thanks due to it being Rank 5 I have a better RP multiplier for the event.

Not like the XP-50 isn’t fast…

Unless they change soemthing about the cannons, which I doubt, it will probably go up in BR.

Do you realize this has been a 5.0 plane at 4.0 for a long time now? Since even before realshatter?


I think, like quite a few other aircraft, the problem isn’t inherrently with the airframe (not saying it doesnt need a BR increase, probably needs that as well) but that the main problem is that an aircraft that really doesnt need an airspawn, gets an airspawn because its an “interceptor”. Just seems a little arbitary to me. Technically the Spitfires were all “interceptors” and had the historical aspect of the radar that got them airbourne and ready to meet an attack without need last minute scrambles By that logic, prehaps they need airspawn too? Would be historically accurate

(Note, I dont actually think they should get airspawn, but I think you get my point)


Well yeah, but now it’s efficency will go up even more than before.

Since Gaijin bases BRs on average vehicle efficency, it’s likely that vehicles which start to perform better will have their BR raised.

Which ironically wills stay even after getting nerfed again, since this will scare all the bad players away from the vehicle, leaving only more efficent players and the average stays the same.

Gaijin is just really afraid that a vehicle could result in players achiving better results than they want, cutting down the time to grind and earning to much SL

Since Gaijin bases BRs on average vehicle efficency, it’s likely that vehicles which start to perform better will have their BR raised.

That’s not what’s going on here. They know and have the data to see that its massively overperforming. They just like money. See: Wyvern as well.

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Well, Premiums and Event vehicles are usually treated differently.

It also depends how players use the vehicle. Most players will use the Wyvern as a ground attack plane and won’t use it in the role as a fighter.
Therefore you have a very capable plane that isn’t used for what it is quite effective at.
Unless the Wyverns somehow win by ground pounding, the team lost like 20-25% of fighters and the Wyverns end up being overwhelmed by the rest of the enemy team.

Well, Premiums and Event vehicles are usually treated differently.

yeah, favorably because it makes money. p2w is gaijin’s motto.

It also depends how players use the vehicle. Most players will use the Wyvern as a ground attack plane and won’t use it in the role as a fighter…

Can tell you you’re misinformed. I’ve only played that BR range today, 20+ games. At least 25-35% of wyverns are just playing it as a fighter and doing EXTREMELY well because of it. They can also just shoot ground anyway when they aren’t near enemies.


Idk. Just because you run into Wyverns played as fighters doesn’t mean the thousand of players that have it use it as such.
Could also be the result of players using it more in Ground RB. Make a few turns over the battlefield and the Wyvern is as slow as a slug, easy target for planes and AA.

Idk. Just because you run into Wyverns played as fighters doesn’t mean the thousand of players that have it use it as such.

If you use this logic, you forfeit the ability to make any claim about how any vehicle is played by the masses…

Maybe. But in my personal experience I saw very few Wyverns actively being played as fighters.
I remember a game with 3 on the deck just one being high up in the air.

Since the average pilot is bad and the Wyvern doesn’t turn well, I just don’t see how the majority of players would use it as a fighter. There’s a reason why it was lowered and lowered until it was 4.0.


There’s a reason why it was lowered and lowered until it was 4.0.

Yeah. There was. Gaijin’s will and capability to make vehicles p2w to sell them for cash…

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That’s the issue really, especially in 16 v 16s. You try to play “properly” but a lot comes down to who’s side gets baited first. Which is why new pilots like myself have a hard time learning since when your team crumbles in a 16 v 16 there is little to improve with (dependant on vehicle and mods researched).

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Exploit their weaknesses - most of their pilots are noobs and are not aware of the high compression near the comparably low rip speed. And the same pilots are not using MEC in order to have infinite WEP without cooking their engines. And they try to turnfight everything.

Best planes to fight them are Ki-44s, Yak 3s, J2M2s, 109 F-4s - or my personal favorite the B7A2. Try to get chased by them in order to reduce their energy advantage as much as you can with a high speed chase.
Extend from the rest of the enemies far enough to avoid getting 3rd partied and if the distance is large enough: Split-S, followed by a dive, forcing them to dive on you and then you pull up into them, dodge the headon and they are done as they lose every sustained dogfight against B7A2.
This works best when you do this near their rip speed - they can’t dive / doing negative G dives and if they pull up they mostly climb to steep.


Wait for Gaijin to get their heads out of the sand and remove its airspawn because its performance is fine for its BR, the airspawn just lets it be nuts in earlygame.