War Thunder needs a more long form game mode outside of Sim. Maybe thats some form of RB EC or Arena Mode or just something that isn’t a 10 minute TDM.
This game has so much potential to be an exciting combat sandbox but right now we’re stuck with game modes that have barely changed since the beta.
War Thunder is like being given the keys to a whole lineup of Ferrari’s but only being allowed to drive them around a cramped parking lot. It’s War Thunders biggest issue.
I would say the Pantsir is on pair with other nations CAS. (this excludes weapons like the 38MT because it is on the same team.)
I agree we need more advance SPAA for all nations however I was saying the nation that doesn’t need it as much as others is Russia. But I think that shouldn’t exclude Russia from further SPAA being added. However I also believe if we get more advanced SPAA like the SLAMRAAM-ER Humvee with 9X’s we’ll need more advance A2G capabilitie.
Make available a ground-vehicle-only battle option.
Get rid of indirect-fire, self-propelled artillery. We already have the availability of indirect fire and these SP arty in-game are NOT TD’s and were NEVER meant to engage in direct-fire combat.
1- lolno Literally the best gamemode ever invented. Thank you DICE.
2- More no. Hating CQC maps is fine, but most of us want full realism which means diversity of map size, not specific map sizes.
3- I see, you prefer arcade. I support arcade mode being ground only.
4- More no. Are you anti-fun? There’s no reason to oppose player controlled SPGs.
Yes and No I agree with the only CQB maps being removed, but I think there should still be parts of maps that have that option. They need to be way bigger but the buildings add good cover for points.
Having bigger maps will also allow for more indirect fire from SPH allowing them to stay in the game too. Also the bigger the map the harder it is for an aircraft to find you.
Honestly I think bigger maps will solve all
those problems lol.
The community’s.*
My views in this topic come from the majority opinions in the community, not me.
None of the takes in my post are created by me, but thousands of other players that I agree with and represent my views.
Removing CQC maps is unrealistic nonsense.
Same as removing large maps.
I agree about the bigger maps. Having, say, small villages on a big map would be ok but these pure CQB maps are just ridiculous. Some people have fun with that but I look at those maps as purely “send in the infantry and Brumbars.” The SP arty issue is that they are included in the game as TD’s. Although many have anti-armor capability IRL they were never intended to be used as such, only either 1) anti-armor indirect fire from MILES beyond the range (direct fire) of their targets, and 2) defense against vehicles that penetrated forward defenses.
I think this would be ok, much like WoT, but I think there could be a choice (however it’s implemented) of off-map or on-map indirect fires. But hey, these are ideas, right?