What are your guy's ideal Major update?

Basically, If you were to design the next major update, What would it be around?

What vehicles would you add? Would it be a quality of life update or a bug fix update?

Would it be focused on one mechanic of the game to expand upon it?

cold war air update with strategic and tactical bombers and rest of century series, as well as more variants of cold war jets + some prototypes

very eco-friendly


An update focussed on decompression up to 16.0 for air, and atleast 14.0 for ground. As well as Gaijin announcing they won’t continue to add more modern vehicles without changing the gameplay.


I can already imagine 3 of these blinding the f4’s into a mountain lol


would be funny, but id also be pretty unhappy if they put B-47’s at the same BR as phantom II’s, or even in a position where they can see F-4’s

true, might either be 9.0 or 9.3 maybe?


An update with the Type 59-II, that’s it.

Probably a quality of life update, introducing major bug fixes and addressing community issues. Vehicle wise, I’d like to see some necessary vehicles in tech trees that need them. Some examples being tech tree higher tier light tanks for the USA, more stabilized vehicles for France, a unique-as-possible Thai ground subtree and MBT prototypes for Japan, and so on.


Total Harrier overhaul. Practically scrap them and start again from scratch.

There are SOOOOO many issues with all them its actually painful to look at them these days.


High tier China gets what it deserves, all the J-7s, J-8s, Q-5s, etc. Give me them all.


Quality of life update, ground vehicles only mode with no planes.


Focus away from toptier/missile thunder content and improve the 1st and 2nd generation jets. They could use a bit of love.

I would add another premium Abrams and some 10.3 premium for USSR, so I can have a bath filled by money thrown at me, plus some SPH which I could copypaste into most TTs to make update look bigger.
Actually, in some wet dreams, I would made Regia Aeronautica 2.0: adding multiple WW2/Interwar props (at least Ca.314C, S.M.89, S.M.93, Z.501, Z.506B, Z.1018, P.119 and SAI.403) and Aermacchi jets (MB-326B and MB-339A at first).


another F-15 theme update with upgraded F-15C, F-15E, F-15SG, F-15SA, F-15SE, F-15QA, F-15K, F-15EX, F-15SR, F-15S, F-15K upgraded, F-15J JSI, F-15IA, F-15 ASAT (to stop enemy GPS bombs from working), and F-15A Streak Eagle to test fly or mess around in customs

also add in JSOW-A/B/C, LJDAM, EGBU, HARM, AARGM-ER, Harpoon, SLAM-ER, JASSM, JASSM-ER, Laser SDB, SDB II, LJDAM-ER, Tarus KEPD 350, JASSM-XR, JAGM-F, SPEAR 3, AIM-120C-5, AIM-120C-7, AIM-120C-8, AIM-120D, AIM-120D-3, AIM-260A, AIM-9X blk 1, AIM-9X blk 2, Python 4, Python 5, AAM-4B, AAM-5, ASM-135A, Spice 250/500/1000/2000, Spice ER series, Popeye, Peregrine, SiAW, BOL, BriteCloud 218, for the armament of these F-15’s


Add new SPAA for top tier ground, increase RP rewards, add a dividend to your total repair cost each time you spawn after the second spawn, revamp a lot of maps to fit top tier better, do major bug fixes for vehicles all around the board, and add the next wave of top tier MBTs.


Any update that isn’t focused mainly on top-tier or modern vehicles but rather still important WW2 vehicles (Ex: StuG IV, P-40K, Bomber cockpits, Battleships). As well as massive QOL updates or bug fixes including changes to map designs, spawn/SP points, 16v16 selection, proper foldered vehicles, economy changes for certain modules, BR decompression, RTX implementation and better server maintenance.


There’s nothing to change outside adding PVE.
These PVP game modes are used by every game for a reason.

One focused on top tier SAM systems. The degree to which 9/10 countries have fallen behind is frankly getting ridiculous now.

You’ve got US & UK still stuck with a system that’s been in the game for half a decade, you’ve got Italy and Japan entirely incapable of dealing with multiple different threats, and you’ve got Israel who straight up has nothing whatsoever.

Even the best non-Pantsir things like ITO / Tor are just completely out of their depth against current meta CAS. Top tier has never felt less fun.


fix ATGM, HEAT round, less shittier map

I’d start by decompressing BRs up to at least 16.0. It would start with reserve tiers, low BRs are quite compressed (e.g. Pz. III E fighting early French tanks being the norm because you can’t push them under 1.0).

More WW2 and Cold War era vehicles. There’s no need for more high tier content (with a few exceptions like more Flankers).

Fixes and general improvement for sim EC, heli PvE and assault modes.

I’d test maps with more destructible environments. If they work some changes to existing maps would be welcome.

Also scrap all naval maps and create new maps from the scratch.


focusing on decompression, and updating the oldest models. Giving nations which have been split between multiple trees a permanent home (Canada & Australia most importantly)

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