What are your guy's ideal Major update?

-Rework of ARB
-Reuse of the exp made on an already reaserched tt
-decompression in both air and ground
-more spaa’s for everybody
-integration of new mechanics(ecm…)
-new weapons (AGM-114L, HARM…)
-rework of heli gameplay (new gamemode or smth)
-reducing grind in air, ground and helis

Bro had his list ready for this moment

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That’s the FJ-4, the improved version with swept wing.

It’s the F3D-1. F3D-2 has better engines and other improvements.

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Remember guys - no Su-37 premium, F-2A, Su-30SM, J-11B, J-16, F/A-18E, ARM’s, AIM-9X, Meteor, ASRAAM, Indian subtree with Rafale, Su-30MKI, HAL Tejas in UK tree next update = no money for Gaijin. Spread the word!

Nothing new, purely fixing everything that’s broken (may take multiple major updates)

I would add the Luchs:

And the Humber Mk I:

Then I’ll give APHE realistic performance and reduce time to kill and it would be the best War Thunder update, for Ground Forces.

Of course I would also fix this mess that is aircraft ammunition and make rounds deal realistic damage and update damage mechanics.

Tech tree decompression especially Naval and coastal. Also fix the player card you broke and bring back the ribbons. Or/And fix the bombers … Or/And remove small maps from top tier air … Or/And nerf the missile helicopter BR for squadron battles, Or/And … buff the Abrams armor … Or/And … wait stop, how about just fix all the stuff they broke BEFORE adding another new vehicle 😑

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It would be cool to be able to do gun strafes on bases

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Soviet Unions dedicated Interceptor research line

Dedicated interceptor Research line

Su-9 (9.3)

MiG-19SU (9.7)

Ye-50/4 (9.7)

I-75 (10.0)

Su-11 (10.0)

Yak-28P (10.0)

Su-15T (10.3)

Su-15TM (10.7)

Tu-28 (10.7)

Ye-150 (10.7) (Premium)

Ye-152 (10.7)

MiG-25P (10.7)

MiG-25PD (11.0) (Premium)

Mohammed Rayyan’s MiG-25 (11.0) (Event)

MiG-25PDS (11.0)

MiG-31 (11.3)

MiG-31B (11.7)

MiG-31M (12.3) (Premium)

MiG-31BM (13.0)

Put on hold introducing new top tier vehicles for a good couple of months and mainly focus on quality of life changes, features, mechanics, new game modes and maps for top tier gameplay, and massive decompression of both air and ground.

It’s time we get new game modes, we need a ground EC mode, with large maps, and objectives to defend and capture based on historical or semi historical conflicts around the world. Like this Gulf War event the community assembled a year ago.


I would have an update that vehicle wise was very heavy on low and mid tier vehicles up to around 7.7. Targeting trees not of the top tree for fleshing out br lineups where the top 3 in particular are strong with multiple tanks. This would see nations with B.R. Of just one tank become 3. I would personally be happy if one update a year was completely void of new top tier vehicles and power creep and focused on the bulk of the player base.

A new map or 2 but some heavy revision on maps where spawn are open to cross map attacks an maps that control and block spawns once the centre is taken. Additionally rather then making maps smaller by having red zones relocate objectives to make the whole map more usable.

I’ve also been wondering what the game could to to have some randomisation of the maps on spawn. Little things like bushes, rocks, some buildings maybe and some minir ground elevation etc. Nothing really heavy but enough to make maps fee more fresh and less one strategy every single time.

Air I’d like bombing revised, more bases and faster respawn and I really miss airfield destruction. Maybe some different base types for different classes of aircraft for eg. Heavy reinforced facilities only bomber classes can damage or are destroy able but guarantee bombers always have an option to earn damage. Lighter bases for attackers and fighters. Additionally I’d like the base locations to be random each battle and blind to the enemy for the first few minutes of battle to allow bombers and attackers to improve chance of bombing. As it is right now bases are known and intercepters will be there waiting before you get close because they know exactly where you have to be.

Of course like any update balance and bug fixes galore.

Also had a thought, what if boosters could be applied post battle. People often complain of getting a booster then game crashes, team killed or just bad luck and booster gone. If post battle it showed your results then it showed an available booster and the benefit if you used it. Then players would feel more in control and improve good will.

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1)Bug fixes and server stability improvements.
2) Decompression
3) Decompression
4) Decompression

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What is wrong with increasing the grind? It’s part of the game… And putting gen 4.5 in its own rank kinda makes sense to me since they’re pretty superior to gen 4 as a matter of facts

““Forgotten Fronts”” or something like that

5 New Ground maps for Various battle ratings.

Kursk, Russia
Suggested BR : 5 to 7
Rolling plains, sunflower fields, dirt roads, and trenches. The map would have both wide open spaces for long-range sniping and narrow choke points for CQC.

Yalu River, Korea
Suggested BR : 7 to 10
River valleys, hilly terrain, and dense vegetation. Narrow mountain passes and river crossings.

Falaise Gap, France
Suggested BR : 4 to 6.7
Rolling farmland, tree lines, and bombed-out villages.

Suez Canal, Egypt
Suggested BR : 8 to 10
Urban settlements on the canal’s edge, flat desert zones, and defensive fortifications.

Khafji, Saudi Arabia
Suggested BR : 9 to 11.3
Urban combat in a coastal city with wide streets, tight alleyways, and surrounding desert.

Map Return :
White Rock Fortress

Vehicle Specific decal if it is not in game yet to mark the primary vehicle for each terrain -

Kursk, Russia: Germany – Panzerkampfwagen V Panther – Panzer Abteilung 51
Yalu River, Korea: Soviet Union – T-34-85 – CPLA (Chinese People’s Liberation Army) 1st Tank Division
Falaise Gap, France: United States – M4 Sherman – 2nd Armored Division (“Hell on Wheels”)
Suez Canal, Egypt: Israel – Centurion Mk 5 – 7th Armored Brigade
Khafji, Saudi Arabia: United States – M1 Abrams – 1st Marine Division

Map Rework :

All trees collision / Hitboxes
Floating Objects : Afghan Alt History
Tree Physics : No collision on tree collapse. Basically, stop it from getting stuck on vehicles.
Adjust red zones to mini map parameters. Unless it is a “glitch” spot, remove it.

Vehicle Balancing / BR Decompression -
Ground Battles : Separate vehicles by technology era (NOT BY DATE) so that WW2 tech only fights WW2 tech, Cold War tech only fights Cold War tech, Modern tech only fights Modern tech, “MBT” Era tech only fights "MBT Era tech.

Other :

Adjust detection / Render range to include all audio queues.
Increase detection / Render range
Force Anti Cheat for all random game modes (Not sure if this has changed with BE?). Basically, only place you can get away with not using AC is in customs.
Snail Sign approved audio mods (IWSM, RCSM, ETC) to prevent abuse of the audio mod system. This can be checked by AC with a “auto kick” and not a ban.

My 2 cents.

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Because it’s already long enough???

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Also it doesn’t increase it that much…

Kinda hated the map, but that basically goes for all closed ranges maps.
The layout was actually kinda cool and very unique from other maps that simply direct you into some lanes where you’re supposed to fight.

White Rock Fortress has that verticality that other maps simple lack.

But it was also a pain to traverse unless your tank had 15hp/t or more.


AH man I loved to hate that map but would play on it again in a heartbeat.

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Better than getting the same three maps 🤔

I just want an update that actually puts those ‘ACCEPTED’ tags into effect and adds cool domestic shit to trees instead of copy sloppying yet more leopards into trees that don’t want or need them.