What are your guy's ideal Major update?


Here mine b52, jeeps (or its equivalent) for all nations fixed abrams, fixed BS Russian era (should not absorb a round with 600+ mm of pen by it just hitting the era) huey door gunners, removable gunsights for helicopters (a few would have this) ambient infantry


“Back to the roots” - major update

Only WWII and early cold war stuff.

My personal highlights would be:
Stug IV, Wespe, Hummel, Priest, Sexton and Bishop.
CANT airplanes, Ki 64 for Japanese, B-45 Tornado jet bomber.
Douglas TB2B Skypirate as a premium.
Spica class torpedo boat, Matsu class destroyer escort, Kagero class ship - Yukikaze.

ww1 update or naval focused update

A naval overhaul update for sure, and stuff like @ImperialAdmiral mentioned, with a “back to the roots” major update focusing on older equipment over newer stuff.

Adding to that, I’d argue for more decompression amongst the higher tiers for all major game modes (ground/air/naval).

And I’d love to have things changed so that foliage is no longer able to be removed from view through gun sights and the like. It’s all simple textures for the most part, most toasters should be able to run that these days.


new battle modes, decompression, new larger maps and a metric ton of AA vehicles for all nations who lack.

I would call it, “The Great Equalizer”

-Bomber rebalance&Rework

-Getting object 640,object 277 , Su-47 a intresting Soviet vehicle, for fuck sake not another T-80 and SPAA

Something intresting for once.


I would love to see a QoL update with some new mechanics thrown in.

“Technological advancements: A step forward.”

  • Adress and fix as many bug reports as possible, extra focus on reports made a LONG time ago that the community are still vocal about. Possibly some comments on why some of the suggestions are not going to be implemented (but are kept as future possibilities perhaps?)

  • Quality of life changes, make things easier to navigate and de-clutter the interface and hangar.

  • Many new features/mechanics that are currently lacking on many of the most modern vehicles. The lack of which makes many of those vehicles mostly a name than the actual IRL vehicles. (especially evident for top tier jets).

  • Complete overhaul of Radars and 3’rd person HUD’s to accommodate all the new most modern features of jets.

  • New game modes and variety in how matches are played.

  • Perhaps ~one vehicle per nation to not completely skip that part of any major update.

Things like that, mostly just to catch up to the vehicles in game and what they can do IRL.


Sky Guardians, but instead of naming the entire update because you added a single vehicle which is a massive leap in SPAA capabilities, everyone should have recieved a massive leap in SPAA capabilities in the same update.

Also generally slow down with the vehicle additions. This game has a lot of problems with bugs, gamemodes etc because they focused so hard on new vehicles that they forgot to update the framework these vehicles are supposed to work in. Parts of this can be fixed with sprinkling a few vehicles to close gaps here and there, but a lot of attention needs to be put to actually polishing what’s already here.

I’d like to point out that in game development, it is rarely the artists who make the vehicles that also handle the engineering or game mechanic development, so I’m not too concerned about one preventing the other. It’s rarely a zero-sum game in this instance, where hours of work put into one then means less time spent on the other. :)

That having been said, I’d for sure avoid trying to add more stuff at the end of the tech trees at this point, other than to bring other nations up to par. Decompression and filling out gaps should take precedence, but even more importantly is the polish on what’s already there, as you said.

The fighters I’d really like to see added in-game are:

  • F/A-18c/d Hornet
  • F/A-18e/f Superhornet
  • Su-30
  • Su-35
    This would complete the gen 4.5 and perhaps allow the whole or part of gen 4.5 to get Rank 9 to better balance it, and thus allow gen 4.5 to release their full power in-game (looking at you Brimstones)
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They definetly need to reduce the number of new vehicles for an update or 2 and focus their attention on bug reports. There are more than a few vehicles that could be considered unplayable that could be rendered playable again with a few major bug fixes sorted.

Please don’t increase the grind by adding rank 9, and rank has nothing to do with balance.

We will probably get all those planes this year too.

I want an update with no new vehicles and solely dedicated to new game modes such as bringing back EC for ARB and possibly making some form of it for GRB. Also different game modes that are not capture the point. I think there is enough vehicles in the game now and if Gaijin needs the money they can release some prem versions of tech tree vehicles with special skins.

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I’d agree if their focus wasn’t on pushing new modern or unique vehicles which also come with brand new mechanics which the technical staff need to work on, sadly that’s what they are doing due to the amount of money that can be made from selling premiums to grind these new vehicles.

air rb ec with new bombers & missions would be my favourite i think.

F-14 Update

New Armament:
8-10x Aim-120A/B
6x Aim-54C+ ECCM
4x Aim-9M-8
6x Aim-7P Block II

New Avionics:
F-15E Radar Modes, AWG-9 Range, Faster Scan, New Exclusive Radar Mode, 98% resistance to chaff/notch/ECM
New Radar Mode for AN/APG-71:
TWS DL ET (Track-While-Scan Datalink Extended Track) | Allows radar to reach ranges up to 740km when paired with another AN/APG-71.

110mi Range

F-14 Changes

Aim-54 (All) - Drag reduced marginally, 25G overload

Added Mk.47 and Mk.60 Aim-54 Boosters to Modifications.
Mk.47: 30 Second Burn Time, Less Thrust, Slightly Less Heavy
Mk.60 27 Second Burn Time, More Thrust, Slightly More Heavy (Bonus: Smokeless)

Aim-54C and C+ ECCM receive their new seekers, allowing them to track rear aspect, use Anti-Chaff capabilities, and use the best possible loft profile.

Flightmodel: Getting hit in the wings now doesn’t mean you instantly depart flight, drag with the wings back at extreme speeds reduced, and the wing hitbox now follows where the wing actually is. Landing flaps now do around 20% more than combat flaps do for maneuverability.

Engines: F-14B/D get 30,200 Pounds of thrust and a TWR of 1.39.

A: Aim-9L, F-14B RWR, 13.0
IRIAF: R-73, 6X Fakour-90, SPO-150 RWR.

All F-14s and 2 Seater jets without HMD get this too: Mouse designated radar lock for 2 seater jets


Out of the 5 major updates one should have no vehicles, no maps, no new content.

Just a big fix for the way too many unresolved bug reports, so that we may better enjoy what we already have.

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Another USA 1st gen fighter aircraft post WW2 ~ mid 50’s

      - FH-1 Phantom 
      - FJ-1 Fury
      - F2H Banshee another variants except F2H-2 
  (F2H-1, F2H-2N, F2H-3 & F2H-4) from USAF &
   RCN in USA and british tech tree 
      - F-89A & F-89C Scorpion for researchable tree 
      - F9F Panther another variants (F9F-3 & F9F-4)
      - F9F-6 Cougar (Early) (J42 P-6 engine from 
    F9F-5 Panther)
      - F9F-6 Cougar (Late) (J42 P-8 engine)
      - F9F-7 Cougar 
      - F6U-1 Pirate
      - F3D-2 & F3D-2M Skyknight
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