What are these helicopter nerfs supposed to be for?

Ok so in the new update, they nerfed helicopters way too much in my mind. I am currently doing my US grind at 8.7 while using the FIRST helicopter in the US tech tree (AH-1G). This helicopter does not have guided missiles, only dummy rockets. In order to grind helicopters to get better, I have to use ground vehicle XP OR fly my helicopter close to gunfire in order to rocket strike. Both are crap options now due to the fact that a simple 5.56 round clipping me once disables my entire weapon control system. I agree with the notions of nerfing CAS/Helicopters, but this is was too much punishment for someone just trying to use the first helicopter in the line. WTF Gaijin. What is the point of this nerf?


This is unbelievably crazy to me that they think this is ok. They literally made most helicopters in this game completely unusable even in heli PVE type modes let alone modes that people actually play. And the fact that they implemented in such a incompetent way I just can’t even fathom the mindset that was involved in such a freaking bone headed way. Think this is what gets me walking boys. They don’t want me to play my helis that o worked hard for I’ll go find a game where the developers actually want me playing. F this I’m out


Well this is a lie. They removed SPAA from bases which made all helicopters usable.

The base SPAA was such a non-threat, NoE+Cover made the Rolands free bonus Points on most maps and the Falcons in lower tier were coded to be dumb anyway

The new change is really something, the AH-1G was a fun Heli for me to play in Heli EC and now the Gepards and ZSUs are that much more dangerous now your weapons arbitrarily turn off.

You got what you wanted
Early Helis were never good

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Ah yes, because everyone goes for bases

When you lack AGMs… yeah.

I wouldn’t waste your time with this one. You are better off watching paint dry on a wall.


yeah the helis without fire and forget missiles were always a free meal to any toptier spaa that knew how to play, but now there are no usable helis. I think they should Focus more on the jets like f16c, su25sm3 and gripen not helis that are a fraction of a threat.

I agree, this is too much

Not only is it stupid, it doesen’t make sense. A single 7.62 is able to disable the weapons and countermeasures the whole helicopter? maybe they should make more detailed modules instead of making the entire airframe a module


People: Hey Gaijin you know that if I shoot a helicopter with a 120mm APFSDS it should die or at least get incapacited, we don’t want the helis to eat full sized main canon shells!

Gaijin (with their infinite wisdom): We made it that now if you scratch the paint job on the hull the entire weapon system is destroyed. Have fun ;)

But bro just grind out the ATGM module in PvE??? Yeah PvE where you spend 20 minutes flyining around the map to get to the objetive, and then you realize what the objetives are.

Oh yes the “objetives”:
kill the convoy= impossible without ATGM because the gepards will shred you from 3km, also now a single hit disables your rockets so you can’t even kamikaze into them
kill the airplanes= impossible unless you are a high tier heli with AAMs and ballistic computer for your autocanon
kill the base= possible, but boring and slow since rocket pods (especialy the stock 28x pods) are not very effective
kill the enemy trench force= best objetive, but very quickly ends

Heli grind was already cancer, but this shit didn’t solved any of the problems with helis in GRB it just made the grind even worse, top tier helis with ATGMs are still going to dominate


Just had a few games where my weapons were immediately disabled by some random 7.62 round hitting them. This is crazy to think that it’s gotten this bad. I usually fly my cobra’s with rockets and now they’re completely useless getting taken out easily by random gunfire from across the map. I just don’t see how this can go on, not only were helicopters not used much to begin with but now they made it worse hah


Look on the upside, at least its not permanent.

As a ground main, I hope it is permanent

Furthermore, I even hope they are subjected to more failures mode, like engine failures or sudden strong winds that make it drift and sway then ended up hitting a palm tree, and the pilot are subjected to heart attack or suicide by depression. Set a random generated number there to give a probability of these events happen to random helicopters.

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Understandable, the only heli’s I like are the ones that fly in with rockets/cannons/bombs as then its fair game. They do in a sort suffer from random failures and accidents when grinding through, some can barely get off the ground while stock and gaijin likes to put giant trees every where so there is some hope for you.

Fairly certain this is a bug, a very bad bug. WT feels like a permanent beta.

Its very much intentional

Anti-cas’er’s crying abt it


It was fixed in todays patch, apparently it was a “feature” that they have decreased the “responsiveness” of.


None of which would happen if the helicopter is properly maintained or you know, how most helicopter operators have to be cleared as healthy and physically able before even gracing a rotorcraft. Because of the centrifugal force, most helicopters have no drift, not to mention it doesn’t happen at top speeds usually.