What are tech trees for airplanes used for?

Since the last changes of Br there is a simulation Br (11.0 - 11.7) where the tornado faces planes much less powerful than it.
The problem here is not the plane in question but rather the balancing of the game

It’s not fun, but it would bring more logic to the game.

I know it’s not easy to hear but from my point of view it would be the best thing

It is not because a country exists that we must add all its planes to it and especially not in just any tree. Otherwise why not add an Indian Mig-29 or Mirage 2000 to the English tree knowing that the T-90S and the Jaguar are already there.

I would just like to add that Britain is an acceptable case because it is only one plane and it fills a gap in this tree. However, the Taiwan planes in the Chinese tree are of no use because there are planes of the same level designed by China

Because India is not an official sub TT.

But no thanks. There are 10 playable nations in game. Not 2. All 10 nations should be playable. Full stop. If they are not, they need to add something. It was BS getting nothing for an entire year that was competitive.

I’m sorry you don’t like the fact that nations export vehicles, but that is accurate to IRL.

Unless you are proposing that they no longer add exported vehicles…at which point. You need to delete most of the nations from the game.


Agreed - this whole concept of trees and nations is imho totally outdated.

If you try to look on this from a holistic pov - gaijin creates gaps with adding new shiny stuff to nations A and C - so nation B and D ask for a gap filler - which will then create gaps for nation A and C, this gap has to be closed…an infinite loop.

And this loop gets even more complicated with those subtrees, which in their majority were just added to close gaps which gaijin created upfront.

Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with healthy patriotism and the concept of nations and subtrees.

But if you follow the fellow Ground RB players, you might agree that they have also massive gaps at certain BRs - and the only logical conclusion would be to add multi-nation line ups for them (ofc only when they fit to their respective block) - bundled with these already mentioned eras WW 2 and Cold War I & II.

But such a solution would kill business opportunities for gaijin - so it looks rather unrealistic.

Fully agree to the first sentence - the other 2 are imho not precise enough.

From a holistic pov you can beat quantity with quality to a certain degree and imho you should replace planes with weapon system as at the end of the day the overall package is decisive and not the aircraft/airframe…

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It’s not that far from what I think. From my point of view, the Israeli aerial tree has no use in the game. Only the Kfir are original planes (and even then because they are designed from Mirage V airframes) and the only additions/modifications of the planes are their missiles and their air-to-ground payload in the case of the Kurnass

I know this but this is not the problem I am pointing out: for me the problem is the addition of too many sub-trees to nations for the sole purpose of completing Br and without thinking about the logic of the nation. For example you can try to find the links between Italy and Hungary but I can already tell you that there are few, if any. Adding the Hungarian subtree has no point other than pretending to add something to the game (no Hungarian designed planes have been added to the game, they are only copied and pasted from the USSR + a Grippen)

Unfortunately the whole problem is there

I am not sufficiently experienced and knowledgeable about land vehicles to be able to say anything on the subject.
However, I don’t know any players or have seen any discussion that asked for the addition of another nation to complete a ground tech tree.


I follow their exchanges for several years - they are quite similar regarding trees and subtrees and i see frequently heated debates about allocations of minor nations / subtrees. You might remember the debates about the Swiss Hunter (squad vehicle) - in that kind of way but much more complicated…

Just 2 examples i remembered ad-hoc:

Link 1
Link 2

But this was imho off-topic from me. Sry for that.


No problem
And thanks for the the links

and some might say that that weapons diversity is what makes the game interesting. different threats require different reactions/actions to mitigate and that’s what makes the game interesting.

Of course, the moment gaijin leaves nations without new additions, or at the very least upgrades to said additions, it becomes rather boring… or very unfair, when you’re expected to fight a plane that does absolutely everything better than you and you are entirely at the mercy of whether the enemy makes a mistake or not.

That isn’t fun at all.
(In my humble opinion)

As J Wick pointed out, sometimes it ends up that vehicles are thrown in to supplement a BR range for a certain nation. A fairly contentious one is probably the Gripen in the British Tree imo. Britain is a bit stuck, as Gaijin denied any idea of a “what if” EAP and seems to be reluctant to consider the DA.2 EFT, which means we’re stuck until AMRAAM equipped F.2s/Tranche 1s arrive. Which could be a little while for a new airframe. Of course, we could get an upgraded Tornado. But it’s not a nice prospect.


It is actually the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

United Kingdoms of England,wales,Scotland and Northern Ireland

England is very much in game

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I can concur

Okay, so we are being pedantic. 🤦

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Not true

Of course it is - just like Bavaria and Minnesota.

of course - there’s nothing else interesting in the thread!

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Yeah it is

What i said was the same thing

No, you didn’t - there is no such entity as the “United Kingdoms of England,wales,Scotland and Northern Ireland” - neither Northern Ireland nor Wales are kingdoms.

Oh dear - some pur wee thung got all upset by this - didums!!

Bruh what aircraft do you want to be added? Unique vehicles always get priority, and do some research before you go spouting C&P. Usually theyre different enough as they have a different designation. Not all C&P is C&P and what else are you going to do when multinational development is the norm.

This argument is so stupid. Suggest unique vehicles if you want more unique vehicles and you will realize that it is a dwindling amount.

This is true, however in the case of the Israeli tree as I cited earlier, the difference in weaponry and threat diversity remains rather slight.

The case of England does not pose that much of a problem because it only concerns a single plane witch close a real gap. For other countries in the game it becomes problematic: the Hungarian planes do not complete much and have absolutely nothing to do with the Italians, the Finnish planes which also do not fill Br for the Swedes and which give planes Soviets to a country having a strong history against them…

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There are many unique air vehicles and variants of planes already in the game that can be added, you can check it out for yourself
Latest Suggestions/Aircraft topics - War Thunder — official forum

If “unique” vehicles are the priority of the game you will have to explain to me why the brand new Hungarian tree has NO Hungarian vehicles but only Russian planes with different camouflage as well as a Grippen witch was already in the game. Where are the “unique” hungarian vehicle, or even Cold War plane that are not in game like the L-29 and L-39, or their early fighter variants from the start of WWII

My argument is not to prevent nations from having the planes they had but rather to review the way in which the under trees bring vehicles which have absolutely nothing to do in certain nations

Why add the Hungarian tree to the Italian tree if not to pretend to bring content, the two countries have nothing to do with each other and bring Soviet vehicles to a Western country , this is what I protest against
Likewise, adding Indian vehicles to the English tree is risky territory, unless you want to see Mirage 2000s and Mig-29s added to this tree.
Or add Taiwanese vehicles to the Chinoix tree, would it make sense to put Mirage 2000s and modern F16s in a tree with a dominance of Russian vehicles?

I am not full of the addition of copied and pasted vehicles or present in different nations, I just notice that today, certain nations in the game have lost their coherence, a Western vehicle does not have to receive the Soviet armament in the same way that a country with Soviet equipment does not have to receive Western armament, even if it is to fill a gap in the tree

If we do not respect the consistency of the game trees, the research system is no longer useful, what is the point of climbing Russia, Sweden and the United States trees when you can obtain the same plane by only climbing up 'Italy


L-29 and L-39

I need to have a private concersation with you behind a shed. Just keep facing the wall.