The R-77 and AIM-120 have the same time to target at 30 km’s.
Don’t get me wrong. I believe that the AIM-120 is better than the R-77 BUT i think it gets to much hate for what it is. The only rule is that you have to engaged targets at low alt and 15 km’s max and you will have no issues. :))
The Aim120 is the best missile in the game easily, you just have no idea how to launch them if people can avoid them that easily, entirely on you not the missile. Saying “so the 120 is not great at all” is crazy ngl.
I would like to see proof of that 30km claim, I use both missiles a lot and I would absolutely disagree. I have no issues with 50km shots at high altitude with the f15e and ef2000 using the aim120 meanwhile the r77 is utterly drained of energy around 25km regardless of speed and altitude using the su27sm.
There was some sort of site that used to calculate it. I will look into it when i have time
Well, good thing the Soviet air force invested in supermanueverable jets so you can do all the maneuvers and tricks you can think of
Well, yeah.
R-77 doesn’t have a sustain motor. The speed you launch it at + the energy gained from the boost stage at its peak is all the energy it will have. Also, the design of the missile (ahem, grid fins) itself doesn’t help with aerodynamics for anything further than 10 - 15 km. Once your target starts defending in any way, the missile’s energy goes down until it physically can’t reach the target.
Obviously, almost all AIM-120 carriers have no issue flying at M.1.4+ pretty quickly at the start of games and shooting off quite literally the most aerodynamic Fox-3 in the game. By the time you get to Mach 1.3 in the Su-27SM or MiG-29SMT there’s already an AIM-120 headed your way.
Me personally? I think the R-77-1 would even things out BVR wise according to existing R-77 missile physics. All that would change really is it having a sustain motor which would improve the practical range slightly. Sure, US mains would want AIM-120C in return but it wouldn’t be that much different either, only a slight improvement in range over the A/B and +5 G maximum overload (up to 40 G). But, like the devs said earlier on, such upgraded missiles aren’t needed now as (paraphrasing here…) stats show that Russia doesn’t need it
Aim-120 has the most range but can’t make tight turns off the rail.
Mica is the fastest within 16km or so and has the best HOBS performance, but small explosive payload.
R-77 has 2nd best HOBS performance and one of the highest explosive payload which is good to kill targets near the ground, on the Su-27SM you also have higher missile count than anything else.
The other missiles are jack of all trades, but worth mentioning that the AAM-4 has the highest explosive payload.
and im of the opinion that the greater issue is the poor radar on the Su-27SM (and most of that due to the repeat bar scan bug) and not the missile itself.
Su-34 flown well is a real threat to even the Typhoon in a small theatre like a typical GSB match. I can barely find a target to let loose an Aim-120 despite having in theory the advantage
like saying “the Sidewinder R-73” or “the Tiger Pershing”
Yes. I use the HMD to lock targets since it takes up to 15sec to get a soft lock with the TWS.
Me when i fired a r77 at an ai in the test map from 12km out headon and it missed
The also need to notch and stuff
Trust the MiG-29SMT radar 🫡 Best Russian radar (so far… Su-30SM when).
But yeah I wouldn’t use the radar on the Su-27SM at all… Handy 20 KM HMD is all you really need between your R-77, R-27ER and/or R-27ET.
I think the balance point is not about how R-77 or AIM-120A/B are performing, but that you should not encounter any of those in your 12.0 plane with no PD radar and bad radar missiles.
MiG-29SMT is trying its best okay 🥺
It’s also faster than the Su-27SM on the deck so it has that going for it 💪
I see, though in my previous message I was referring to a “top down” launch situation, where the SM can easily get to 1700/1800 kmh and give the R-77 quite a lot of energy.
Gaijin balanced the fox 3 in a smart way ngl
The more agile the missile is the less range it has and the oppsite