We NEED top tier decompression ASAP

Gajin might decompression battle rating to 15.0 in 2 years or 2027

Typhoon FGR.4 : 2x AIM-132 Blk I & 2x AIM-120C-7 stock, and received AIM-132 Blk 6 & Meteor

Rafale C F3-R : 2x MICA IR & 2x MICA EM stock, get Meteor but reduced 8x MICA EM → 6x MICA EM

But Mirage 2000-5F and J-10A can’t higher 14.3

F-15C MSIP II : 2x AIM-9M-9 & 2x AIM-120C-5 stock, add AIM-9X and AIM-120C-7. but retain AN/APG-63(V)1 or convert to AN/APG-63(V) 2 AESA

F-15J (M) : increased lock-range AAM-4 16 km → 20 km, and received AAM-5

Su-27SM & J-11A could get R-73M and up to 14.0

JAS 39 Gripen C from 3 countries BR to 14.3

JAS 39 C EBS HU : up to 14.0 and AIM-120A replace with AIM-120C-5

Gripen C (SE) : RB 98 to replace RB 74 (M)

Gripen C (RTAF) : AIM-9M instead AIM-9L stock, 4x AIM-9L replace with IRIS-T and AIM-120C-5 to replace AIM-120B

F-4F KWS-LV and Tornado F3 late not changed BR

Kfir C.10 (Block 60) : up to 14.0 and add Python 4 in Q1 next year

AV-8B+, Sea Harrier FA.2, Su-27, J-11, Su-33, F-15A, F-15J, M4K, JA37DI and MiG-29G not changed BR except Gripen A & J-8F

Gripen A : RB 71 replace with RB 99 but removed RB 74 (M)

J-8F: received PL-8B if go to 13.3

F-16C/D Block 40 Barak : AIM-9M replace with Python 4 but removed medium-range Air-to-Air Missile only (AIM-7M, AIM-120A & Derby) and go to 14.0

F-16AM MLU : BR 13.7 → 14.3, and AIM-9X instead AIM-9L but removed AIM-7M

F-16C Block 50 : AIM-120C-5 instead AIM-120A but AIM-9L & AIM-7M replace by AIM-9X & AIM-120C-3

F-16A ADF (USAF) : add AIM-9M & AIM-120A and go to 13.3

F-16A ADF (ITA) : AIM-7M replace with 6x AIM-120B and add AIM-9L/I-1

Should it be lower in your opinion?

Right, that looks good- was thinking that 13.0 was missing some jets
I’m guessing the F-16ADF would be 12.7 then?
For the French F-16A, it could be 13.3, considering I put the Gripen A at 13.3, but honestly, I’m not sure how it performs but I thought it’s similar to the Gripen A.

France’s F-16A is hard to balance, it is essentially an ADF (block15) with aim-9m only, and you can bring more countermeasures only if you ditch 1 or 2 missiles.

The Swedish Gripen A is a far superior package, enjoys a TON of countermeasures, better FM and has a modern radar with HMD.

Having said that, I would consider the F-15A better than the Gripen A and the early flankers are a bit better than the F-15A.

To be honest I am not sure where to put them. But the French F-16A can’t be at the same level of the F-15A and flankers that’s for sure.

The F-15A has similar (or better?) dogfight performance than the block15 with far more countermeasures, much better radar with pseudo-TWS called PD RAM, more missiles, and sparrows.

Maybe F-16A and Gripen A at 13.0 since at least the F-16A can bomb a base or 2 to compensate for the higher air to air efficiency of the gripen A

Then the F-15A and J-11/su-27 at 13.3 I guess

I see, ty for the info. 13.0 for the French F-16A seems like the right BR then. In my experience with the Gripen A, it can compete with the Su-27s and F-15A, although it does lack the missile kit, its FM and countermeasures help out a lot. Skyflashes do work short range but it’s unreliable- still a nice option to have a fox-1 which the French F-16A lacks.

It’s similar to the Mig-29G, an excellent missile kit but 6 missiles do feel lacking against things such as the flanker and the eagle- maybe it can also stay at 13.0.

Yes, unless it gets better IR missiles. It is a flying brick that can’t dogfight anything at that BR, can’t our-run anything at that BR, has PL-8 (so no IRCCM), and only 2x Fox-3 which is the entire reason it’s 13.0 (currently). If Gaijin cared about the J-8F (which they don’t), they’d move it down or they will give it PL-8B.

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So it’s similar to the Ja37DI? Or would you say its worse? It only gets 9Ls as well, but it does have 4x amraams and a lot of CM. Viggen’s FM is quite poor now so I guessed the J-8 flies better. Don’t know how J-8F’s radar and RWR is but Viggen’s RWR is also quite poor. Radar is fine. I put the 37DI and J-8F (assumed their capabilities are similar) at the same BR so was wondering if I should put both down to 13.0, or only the J-8F.

The J-8F is the better platform. But the JA37DI is the better package. Think like F-15A vs su-27.

Advantages of the J-8F:

-Considerably faster acceleration
-Better energy retention and sustained turn rate, very similar to mig21bis FM, still a very poor dogfighter for 13.0.
-PL-12s are MUCH better than aim120 for HOBS shots.
-HMS to be able to make those HOBS
-Slightly better IR missiles.
-Far superior digital RWR

Advantages of the JA37DI:

-Much higher top speed at low altitude
-Able to carry 4 fox3 (most impactful advantage)
-Aim120 has more range but it’s not a huge deal compared to the PL12
-Tighter turn circle (but at a considerably slower turn rate)
-Responds “well” with full controls to make stall maneuvers, higher nose authority.
-Much higher countermeasure count and single drop per press. (J-8F drops 2 which is even worse)
-Better gun, much faster rounds

The instantaneous turn rate is similar between them with a tiny advantage for the Viggen.

The Viggen is the better package for the meta, but I’m not sure if it deserves to be 0.3 higher than the J-8F.

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There needs to be an asterisk in there. Yes, it has a large CM count, but 320 of those are BOL which are 1/4 the strength of regular CMs (ahistorical nerf applied to all BOL but intended to nerf the gripen). This means at a bare minimum, you need to spam of 4+ BOL Chaff to equal 1 regular CM, but in my experience, BOL Chaff is so ineffective, you need a couple dozen to defeat even a single ARH.

So whilst it should have a much higher CM count (and is a key strength which should balance aircraft like the DI and FA2) in reality, its not as big a buff as it should be and they really really need to fix BOL, perticularly the chaff

I’d much rather have the BOL than 80-100 double-drop large countermeasures. BOL works completely fine in my experience. I know they are weaker, but you can afford to spam soo much more of them which is very useful against aim-9m and to make bursts of chaff in the notch.

In my experience 2-4 BOL chaff is enough, sometimes even 1-2

Just curious, how do BOL flares compare to regular flares? Do they have the same 1/4 effectiveness?

On a Gripen they work completely fine, on an F-14B they are almost useless in rear aspect.

Great summary, thanks

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Yes, they have reduced Luminance (I assume the same reduction the chaff has) but also a reduction in burn time (which is accurate) so they are less effective for pre-flaring (this is the only nerf they really needed to apply to stop the pre-flare spam on the Gripen)

IRL, BOL Flares should have an effectiveness similar to large calibre CMs and be one of the only truly effective defences vs IIR seekers like those on the ASRAAM.

You can read Gunjobs bug report on the BOL flare changes here:

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That is the ultimate problem. The nerf was intended for the Gripen and is balanced fairly well, but every other BOL user got really screwed.

I wouldn’t say “screwed”. Having BOL pods is a great deal even for an F-14B. In many circumstances, the power/duration of your flare/chaff will be enough whenever you use 1 bol or 1 large. In the few that you need more, you just spam more.

The only problem I can forsee is that if you don’t have any large/normal flares and need to flare something in rear aspect in a gr7 for example. But you should use all your non-BOL countermeasures as flares only to remedy this.

Its not quite that simple though.

Airframes like the F3 have a tough time getting into the Notch super quickly and in my experience, often need to drop 30+ chaff to have the same kind of effect that dropping 2 or 3 large chaff (from something like the GR4) has. Quite often, you dont have time to get into the notch and drop that amount before dying.

With wise of the flares its much the same. Especially when combined with the Harrier Temp issues which result in them being some of the hardest aircraft to flare anything in. Having 1/4 strength BOL flares ontop of the ahistorical IR signature, is really punishing.

Its really time they fixed BOL and restored it to IRL performance.

I didn’t have this issue with the F3 personally, I spaded it some days ago. Sure it handles like a weighted brick, but if you are in the correct notch you will easily bait radar missiles with just a few bol chaff.

And then they always get you whenever you start doing the fun vtol shenanigans in a dogfight against someone else. IR seekers love that.

I’m all for it, but that could also mean raised BR’s for the bol carriers.

That is because VIFFs bleed speed and the Harriers engine produces more thrust at lower air speeds.

Higher thrust = hotter target.

Though IRL, VIFF should actually make it harder to lock on and easier to defeat IR seekers

Some maybe, others… I’d go as far as to say are under-BRed due to the CM issues, like the F3 Late and FA2 (especially when you consider airframes like the ICE at 13.0 compared to them)

Tornado F3 (one at 12.0) could move to 12.3. But other airframes like the Tornado Gr4 and Harrier Gr7 are already pretty high.

Yeah and the “hotspot” changes to a much larger picture instead of a rear aspect only.