We need another round of decompression for air

Because my previous thread was closed, I decided to create another one here

The current top tiers should be moved up a step. I still find it ridiculous that base Mig 29s and F-16A can face 13.7 planes such as F-15C. 13.0 jets have been struggling since Fox-3s were added, but they should not move down . I’ve been playing the 29G for a while, and it’s quite a painful experience. You get uptiered every single match and can’t do much against fox-3 slingers. Instead, the current top tier should be at least 14.3, (preferably 14.7) with other fox-3 slingers moving up accordingly. Compression is further ruining gameplay in the higher tiers, and with the addition of this rushed update, it has gotten even worse.

Rough Idea I have is:
14.7 Eurofighter, F-15E/I, Rafale
14.3 F-15C/J(M), M2K-5F, J-10A
14.0 Su-27SM, J-11A, 29SMT, Gripen C, F-16C/D/AM
13.7 AV-8B+, Sea Harrier FA2, F-4F ICE, Tornado F.3 Late (these all could be 13.3, but I think planes with top tier fox-3s should not be the same BR as fox-1 planes, but at the same time these shouldn’t face things such as the Eurofighter imo)
13.3 Su-27, J-11, Su-33, F-15A/J, M4K, Gripen A, J-8F, Ja37DI
13.0 Mig-29G, F-14B
12.7s stay where they are

Note that I didn’t include every top tier plane, just the ones I can remember
Even with two steps up in BR, this looks compressed, just shows how much powercreep has been going on for Air RB

I have only German and Swedish top tier, so I would appreciate any experiences and opinions with other nations’ jets as well.


Looks pretty good imo, but could just move max cap to 15.0 for extra space for compression in lower BRs too. and saves the 12.7 SARH carriers from having to face constant ARH spam in uptiers (uptiers which occur more than 60% of the time, and thats if your lucky)


I also agree that 15.0 would be much more ideal for max BR, but I highly doubt Gaijin will be willing for a full BR jump, that’s why I settled for 14.7.

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Fair enough. (those who know)

From the rumoured addition of the new aircraft I had always wondered if Gaijin would have taken a less “bit by bit” approach of increasing the max BR.

Don’t get me wrong - it’s fine when it concerns anything 9.0 and below where the difference in capabilities and performance are minimal but when it comes to top tier aircraft (and their up/sidegrades) the differences in performance of aircraft at the current BR and ±1.0 BR are vastly different.

It should’ve been upped by a full BR up to 14.7 and all future BR increases should be by 1.0 and not .3 as is currently done.

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Yes, I fully agree, recently I feel like when new aircraft are added people don’t give much attention to what BR they are put at (e.g. F-15E at 13.7), but are more focused on getting minute details on aircraft performance correct. While such details are crucial, I feel like game balance and decompression should be prioritized.

I started playing WT when it was F-4E vs Mig-21 for top tier- and although there were a lot of discussions back then about 21bis being busted, I think the game was much more balanced back then. The introduction of IRCCMs was a huge jump for me, and I still fully believe this game was not ready for fox-3s.

I predict gajin decompression battle rating to 15.0 for fighter aircraft top tier 3 years in Air AB, RB & SB mode

funny enough i think thats a stretch, although i see the humor in it. the amount of negligence Gajin has towards BR compression is laughable, although they’re getting a tad bit better at it, but it’s still not quite thought through on their part.

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I’d have to guess it’s done intentionally by Gaijin. New aircraft completely stomps the entire BR bracket, players are encouraged to GE the new shiny jets or grind them as fast as possible.

If that truly is the case then it shows they haven’t learned their lesson from the 2023 review bomb war. I try see good in things, but starting to struggle doing that with gaijin.

Yeah, it’s a shame really, I’ve been steadily losing interest in WT due to how terrible Air RB has gotten recently in higher tiers. I never really enjoyed prop gameplay but really liked jets- but after the IRCCM introduction my interest dropped significantly, I can’t really deal with everything that’s going on on my screen. Call it a skill issue or whatnot, but current ARB is such a sad use of new mechanics and jets Gaijin has implemented.

War thunder went from being a military arcady sim to a multitask shit chaff, launch 5 missiles, stay below 60m and dodge the 3 ARH missiles screaming in your RWR all in less than 4 seconds (is what it feels like 50% of the time)

So, a military arcady sim then.

No more like a shitfest 16v16 in a way to small map, repetitive gameplay loop, and constant ARH spam. If i want to be so close to the ground 99% of the time ill play lawn-mowing simulator. I want to play air, I want to actually fly more than 100m above the ground, I want to have proper ARH standoffs which does happen from time to time but less than it should.

If you choose to see it that way.

Are you content with how top tier air RB matches play out? and why if so, I’m actually just curious

Its fun

Sorry definitively over exaggerations, but even so, the game wasn’t ready for ARH and multipathing is a mta joke. The game is not in a good state currently and it really needs some pute TLC soon instead of constant dopamine vehicle additions

Continuing the discussion from 14.0 is not enough for Air:

If MiG-29SMT 9-19 battle rating up to 14.0, I want gaijin add R-73M and R-77-1 on MiG-29SMT after BR change 2025 from january

BE F-16AM received new gen WVR AIM-9X (Blk I) after decompress to 14.0

Continuing the discussion from 14.0 is not enough for Air:

Gaijin just add new WVR missile and active radar homing medium-range Air-to-Air Missile fro MiG-29SMT (9-19)

Gaijin should stop adding new, even more advanced missiles and radars and sort the current jets out imo. I know the 29 SMT isn’t stellar so I can see why you’d want a better missile kit for it but the game isn’t handling first-gen IRCCM and Fox-3s well. I’ve heard that R-77-1 can be comparable to AIM-120A so maybe that could be introduced, but I’m not too knowledgeable on that topic.

AIM-9Xs, R-73M shouldn’t be in the discussion yet because this will only bring out other advanced IR seekers such as MICA IR, IRIS-T, Python 4, etc and I really don’t think this game would benefit much from them right now