PART 1 THE IDEA We need a EXTRA game mode for top tier with guns only or with IR missiles too!

Nah it because there are 2 typs of ppl here. Tghe one who never agree with anything and the ppl who make thier own posts and try to change something. The ppl I need are accepting that gajin will never change something so they don’t try to go to the forum and try to change something. But if many players keeping the thing up that happens on steam maybe there will be at least a change for RP.

And I can tell you why nobody plays custom for dogfights…
Because you don’t get rewarded. Thats the point. And it also get boring playing against the same ppl but it not hard to find players for dogfight because there are none its because of ppl know it gets boring after doing 3 5 min dogfights.

And back to this post. Show me two battles of your own where you force somebody into a dog fight and don’t get killed by team mate orother enemy. If you show me 2 matches in a row I’ll beleve you if not your are just lieing and skill isuuue by yourself from what you said

Magic 2 has both types of IRCCM and a better tighter FOV than R-73 irl but gaijoobs hates France so we don’t get it :(

(or the fact it would be the most busted thing you’ve ever seen against 11.0 planes on the F1C-200)

I researched whole (almost) French air branch on F1-200.))
Bought it for grind (fell in love with Mirages 2 at first sight), but in process get very warmth memories 'bout this “wolf in sheep’s skin”.

So yeah, i know about MM2 supremacy (if it launched from rear, from front it been flared pretty easily).

Both missiles have a “tighter FOV” than what is currently represented in game, but hasnt been changed due to game limitations if i remember the bug report response correctly.

let me rephrase you.

there are three types of people here people that are okay with certain mechanic/br placement/game decision, people that actually make proper suggestions and do their research and whiners.

whre would you put yourself?

because there are people that actually bother with things like adding polls such as here:

or here

also notice even with such austere questions they already got support from more than 30 people. thats more than all of your 4 posts together ;)

so I would suggest to you to actually make an effort and make more informed post that actually collects opinion of players instead of proclaiming “most players have the same problem”. maybe add some humility and go WITHOUT indirectly proclaiming dogfighting takes more skill and saying things such as

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Lemme delet this one

Im nothing compared to PhD in clown logic such as yourself.

I’m loosing hope in humanity still. You are not everybody but I did a lot of research and know that many ppl want changes but don’t speak up because the “know” gajin won’t cgange anything. Thats sad and I think this game isn’t bad because of the developers it bad because of the players which speak up bit only because they want changes which make verything easier so they don’t need to learn much and still be “good”. Thats the problem. And stilm I said I want a extra gamemode I don’t force you to play or addapt to my opinion but you are 1 of many ppl who won’t go out of their bubble and try to have a as much boring experince as possible in their live thats just sad

And just looking at your last week battles with only 1 match I’m sure ypu aren’t playing as much as I do. Maybe you are missing a really importan4 bit of experince

as if i didnt play air between apex predators and seek and destroy lmao, which was pretty much what you wanted - a turnfighting mess where long range combat was an afterthought and weapon of choice were IR missiles.

well nice try but anyway

also your two most played top tier planes are mirage and gripen. no wonder you want to return to the dogfighting era.


Didn’t you saw I starzed playing su 27, yak 141, mig 19 mig 21. I have more expernuce than you think. Yes I maybe don’t have +10k matches but I also have another account with 7 months of experince. I invested mire time then 99% of thr players in this game about mecganic gameplay improfments and skill. I know what I’m talking about and this is why I want a cgange this is why I stay behubd my words and try to change something because its needed for not obly me. For many players and if just 1 mil players luke this addition of a dogfight gamemode. Its still a change so these 1 mil players can habe their fun with their tol tie rplanes for ehich they grinded hard. And we said that yoz need to zse a su 27 in that dogfight mode? You can still play normally (okay russia is in a bad place with missiles and flight model but this can be changed)

And my nist played plane is a starfighter at 10.7 befor BR changes. Oh and I won many dogfight against mig 23 mls with a tornado ADV befor the mug 23 was nerfed


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(not a whole picute, lot of people dont play over steam).

make a proper suggestion, add a poll. If this 1 million of players exist, and even if 1% of those players notices your post and votes that they do in fact want dogfighting mode, Im sure gaijin will take notice of that.

Not even a million players are active on this forum thats the sad point. We could change this game so that it would be nice but most players don’t do anything

And my state crat doesn’t say anything because I wasn’t as good as now befor 4 months so you can’t compare this.

And having the F4s on top of the most wins is sad buddy

im not comparing your stats to 4 months ago. Im saying that between apex predators update (dec 2022) and seek and destroy (june 2024) was pretty much what you wanted.

and it was terrible experience for anyone not flying gripen or mirage.

not the point. the suggested poll isnt there to get 1% of 1 million players to vote, its to get votes from the people active on this forum so that you yourself can determine whenever people want dogfight only mode or not, and not rely on unsubstantiated claims.

try again.

Most wins not Win to battles ratio