Warthunder naval 2024 changes - Gaijin, please go backward

Low tier destroyer br is actually one of the most balanced Br with no real meta to go unlike in top tier where everyone just goes with battleship.

At 3.3 can choose fast coastal fleet to cap points while vonurable to low br destroyers guns.
Or you choose low br destroyers to be better aggainst small costal ships but have lack of AA and be vonurable to bombers. While early bombers usally have little to no defensive armament and can be easly targeted by fighers or slower coastals with a lot of AA.

Thats balance. Since you dont have real meta.

Meanwhile toptier everyone spawns in battleship because that is the most effective counterpart. Planes I barely see any since they are not really much usefull at top tier and quided rocket ships are just useless and anoying at the same time that destroys coastals or planes without real responce.

Whole top tier or naval in general needs changes and modern ships are not the answer rather way straight to hell.
I am sorry to say that but this is the place where wo warships actually is still better than WT.
We should get bigger maps for higher brs more like WOW for larger variety of ships to have purpose on battlefield. With larger maps we could add ww2 submarines with closer spawns to be good aggainst battleships while vonurable to small coastal boats and destroyers and also aircraft carriers can be added that can also deal with battleships while begin vonurable to ships with good AA or ambushes from subs or when battleship get too close. Etc.

Problem with this being- Some reserve destroyers get vastly better AA suites than others… Litchfield and Momi don’t stand a chance compared to Vega and Turbine in that regard.

Meanwhile, aforementioned Arras and similar low-tier WW1 coastals (+ some MTBs) don’t exactly have good chances of defending themselves from air attack…

Even with closer spawns, playing non-WoWsified WW2 submarines would be a royal pain. Slow, awkward, absolutely no guiding to torps whatsoever and easily detected by even heavy cruisers…

Aircraft carriers would be the jankiest addition ever, not to mention rather unwelcome. They’re a bad idea that’s impossible to balance in WoWs, and the same would apply here.

Naval mode is an unwanted child of Gaijin:

  • there is no balance, compression is hilarious, some battle ratings are assigned by the wheel of fortune, RN Ghibli is at 4.0 XD;
  • mixed MM, I just hate it, give us at least GRB style of MM (nations vs other nations), maybe this way they will start to fairly balance vessels;
  • coastal forced to play in Bluewater battles, why would I use Albatros or, God forbid, RN Ghibli over Impetuouso? What should I do in Freccia if I get that big circle map?;
  • RoF differences between nations, when even same cannons have different reloading rate (Italian and Soviet Minisini), just a braindead copying values from paper without considering differences in measurement methods and other parameters;
  • and they are still trying to get as much profit as possible, separating Coastal and Bluewater without the ability for cross-research, probably so people buy premiums for both branches;
  • they’ve added more bots, but I see mostly US/GER/SU vessels (probably due to some order at which they appear), can we have a bit more variety at least in such case?.

These things above just annoy me the most.

You right about this. I tried in the past to make maximum BR to 0.4 or 0.7.
But they do not care.

If they set it up like they’ve done with researching helicopters with ground vehicles, I think it could work well and probably stop a lot of the coastal complaints, personally.

Squad-matching exists in all modes, and for good reason. Win rates for players in squad are significantly higher than unsquadded on aggregate in all modes. The issue with naval is that the player base is so low by comparison that you start to notice the queue time delay it produces. This is the same with another suggestion here to put in nation vs nation matchmaking like ground RB. Queues are too long already.

My take: the thing with all these threads is they all just propose tinkering around the edges, which is never going to dramatically change naval from its current unpopularity. I mean, advocating for minor changes is good, not suggesting people stop, but to bring back a large audience to make the mode fun and viable compared to air and ground would require something much more dramatic.

Naval doesn’t help itself by having two modes which are very close to identical. The AB/RB split in ground and air feel VERY different by comparison, and cater to different audiences. Naval splits its audience base in half for matchmaking purposes, to my mind, unnecessarily. If AB went away tomorrow, everyone there now would basically move over to RB and vice versa. So they do have the freedom here, to take one of the modes, if they really wanted to, and do something really dramatic to attract a new audience… the two competing 15-minute random match crowds they have now would just consolidate in the remaining mode and adjust to that ruleset. Gaijin should think big and daring here. Make a new mode, maybe with some WoWS-killing aspects, however you define those. But it’s go big or go home.

One “go big or go home” idea would be to steal the WT Mobile experience and make Naval RB one ship only, no lineups, with rewards commensurate with those in the current Air RB. People say ships die quickly. Well so do planes, and people still play Air RB. Not saying that’s the best or only “go big” idea, but it’s an example of the kind of dramatic change needed here, not just tinkering.

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the bots never had an ability to spawn in a scharn during the entire process , I dont remember properly if they took out the ability for them to spawn in kron soon after it was added

I would like to see the process reworked.

Change the BlueWater line to battleships and battlecruisers. Start with some pre-Dreadnaut battleships and work up to modern battleships. There are a lot of different early-class ships with multiple nations. Include the scrapped Washington treaty ships if possible. There would be a process to move to more modern warships with missile cruisers and larger missile-type ships, like the Kirov.

Change Coastal to start with small ships, move on to destroyers and then cruisers. This line logically could then become the modern line which includes missile frigates.

Yes, the early coastal-type ships will by default go the way of early WW2 tanks and planes. But so be it. But you could fight Tsushima, the Falklands, Jutland, and then Tasafaronga later on. A what-if post-WW1 Washington treaty battle or later a post-WW2 battleship encounter between the Yamato and the Montana.

Yday i saw bot in Scharnhorst when playing mine so it definitely can now.

They changed what ships bots use when they increased the bot amount recently.

That’s what i’m literally asking for,but they also need to seriously lower the RP requirements.

A 4.0 coastal ship can’t cost 280k RP only because it’s Tier V,while a 4.0 Bluewater ship costs 5900 RP, that’s almost 50 times HIGHER . For further comparison,a 4.0 generic aircraft/tank costs between 20k and 40k RP,which is still between 1/14th and 1/7th of the RP required

This is some next level gatekeeping

Quite obviously, it can.
And the logic is clear too: Gaijin sizes the cost measuring position within the tree. A 4.0 bluewater ship is rank I or II. A rank I or II boat costs just the same. Stuff at the tree bottom cost ~400.000 RP in all trees.

It still doesn’t make any sense. When other Tiers will come,and they’ll come, you’ll need to adjust the RP because no one in their mind wants to grind more than half a million RP for a single ship,and you’ll need to refund all of this RP and all of the SL,and trust me it will be very unpleasant for a lot of people

So at this point let them readjust the requirements now instead of waiting for the next Tier to be added

I agree that having 400k for a ship 4.0 that cannot deal with 4.0 bluewater is pretty insane and boring and really need to be able to search with bluewater fleet.

OK, it doesn’t make sense to you…
And yes, they will adjust the research points with new ranks entering. They have before, several times, in all air and ground trees. The F86 Sabre no longer costs ~380.000 RP either. And they never returned SL or RP when they did it.

By all means, have your oppinion. I find RP prices and rewards in naval not very good either, but they just fit the general sceme. Yet they get much worse if one does not understand the economy, as coastal is very affected by economy understanding.
I myself see no need to research them with bluewater, I’d prefer it the other way around, because I find 7.0 matches boring. I rather play coastal or up to 5.7. Frigates are kind of cool at their BR.

I disagree. Submarines worked fine when they added them in that event. Everything is better than modern ships with antiship missiles that would ruin the game completly.

Aircraft carriers would be fine too in bigger maps. Since at top tier single plane barely does anything most of the time not even getting to target. Once we get stuff like Yamato whats gonna stop it? Other battleships hardly.

Easy for aircraft carrier : suggestion

Yamato is not an invincible ship, especially in a close range battle of War Thunder.
Yes her armor is thick and hard to penetrate.
But most of nation’s final battleship’s gun would be able to penetrate even in 10km.
Then there only remains Yamato’s armor scheme which makes her unable to angle armor deeply, and giant citadel which takes almost entire armored part of her hull.

Submarine and aircraft carriers does not need to counter Yamato.

Yamato, as like bismarck are not here
Why talking about counter a thing that’s not in game ?

Because so many people saying silly thing as ‘we need submarine/carrier/nuke shell/missile to counter Yamato!’

Not really. At 10 km sure top battleships could penetrate because maps in warthunder we have rn are not build for battleship combat. However at 16 km to 32 km no battleship gun other than Yamatos 460mm would be able to penetrate Yamato tho. Once we get proper maps only counter to Yamato at such ranges will be other Yamato class.