Warthunder naval 2024 changes - Gaijin, please go backward

Since the introduction of various recent changes to the naval mode, a significant portion of the player community has expressed deep dissatisfaction. These modifications, which were probably intended to bring a new dynamic, have unfortunately resulted in negative impacts on the overall gaming experience, disrupting many strategic and historical aspects.

Firstly, the deactivation of the towing cable used to pull damaged ships has caused a wave of confusion. This mechanism was not only useful but also essential in certain critical situations. When a ship suffered major damage or became immobilized due to enemy fire, the ability to tow it to a safer area or extract it from a dangerous position provided a realistic and immersive strategic alternative. Its removal takes away a tactical dimension that contributed to the depth of naval battles, making certain matches far more frustrating for captains seeking adapted solutions.

Secondly, the significant weakening of shell penetration capabilities below the waterline is a change that has seriously harmed the effectiveness of many ships, particularly those from the French and Italian fleets. These nations historically relied on a specific doctrine and design philosophy, often focused on speed and powerful guns aimed at hitting vital points below the enemy’s waterline. By rendering this approach obsolete, the developers have nullified the value of several cruisers and battleships from these navies. These ships are now heavily disadvantaged against opponents better suited to the new game mechanics, leading to an increasing underrepresentation of these nations in battles.

Additionally, the reduction in the visibility of tracers has made it increasingly difficult for players to identify the source of incoming fire. This change significantly hinders situational awareness, leaving players vulnerable to attacks without the ability to effectively respond or adjust their positioning.

Finally, the addition of so-called “post-war” coastal ships as bots is perceived as an anachronistic and disruptive intrusion. These modern vessels, deployed automatically, create a break in the historical and strategic realism that many players appreciated. These fast units, often equipped with contemporary weaponry, provoke a sense of injustice and absurdity when they interfere in engagements involving World War II-era or pre-war ships. These so-called “post-war” ships unbalance the game and tend to render players incapable of taking any action against their superiority. Coastal vessels thus often face enemies against whom they cannot compete, suffering from a complete lack of balance.

It would be relevant for the high seas mode to allow the research of coastal ships, similar to how helicopters can be researched through tanks. Such an option would facilitate access to these ships and contribute to restoring a healthier balance between the different categories of naval units.

Moreover, it would be wise for the developers to consult veteran naval mode players before implementing any changes that could harm the game mode. Seeking input from experienced players would provide valuable insights and help prevent disruptive decisions, such as the potential addition of post-war anti-ship missiles, which could further damage the delicate balance of naval battles.

In summary, these changes undermine the coherence and balance of the naval mode, harming the immersion sought by military history enthusiasts and aspiring strategists. It would be wise for the developers to reconsider some of these decisions to restore the harmony that once made this unique maritime experience so rich and popular.

In addition, there is another topic about this.


The bot changes also introduced bots in things like Scharnhorsts and Alaskas or Kronshtadts aswell as PK or other big BBs. And player Scharnhorst is already pain to sink,let alone 4 more bot ones that dump their 283s into you.

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I didnt played high BR yet cause ammo penetration is bad.
But if they really done this, this is worst than i tough

1- I understand the tow cable deactivation. It never worked when you needed it to.
Probably not enough torque from the engines.
2- Water exists and I don’t see the issue with this.
3- History has nothing to do with realism. Realism is not subjective.
I support named AI in matches, and I wish that Gaijin would now remove the squad-matching restriction for naval to make queuing as squads faster.

Tow needs to go back !

like some slow ships barely get to battlefield without faster ones towing them.


To be completely fair, if that’s gonna be the case they’d need to extend matches further (than they already need to be). Recent personal experience in coastal has me thinking letting squads run wild against randos is the opposite of fun :P

I dont think Scharnhorst is one of the battleships bots can spawn in tho. Certainly tho average damage in naval top its is like 10K less on average than you would be realistically able before. I was able only once go over 20k since the change while the best you usally see in match is around 10k damage.

1- Tow cable was working, you should press U before tow someone.
2- The issues : Video 1 / Video 2µ
3- I dont say that i do not support them, its good, but they put some OP ships that players cannot deal with.

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As much as a squad can coordinate to destroy one target, I guarantee that most squads don’t unless it’s a BB.

100% agree. Modern ships have no place in naval. At best they should have their own gamemode before they completly ruin naval like helis have their gamemode. Since they are complete cancer aggainst planes which they often can just rocket from the sky with quided missiles like 15 km away or aggainst smaller gun boats they can also just rocket into pieces without them having any chance of fighting back unlike if you tryna hit them with battleships which is hella hard if they dodge. Modern rocket ships just have no place in the game only are anoying.

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This is a good thing, though!

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Lmao? How is it a good thing getting rocketed from sky in a ww2 torpedo bomber by some modern AA missile that was build like 30 years after my plane?

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Anything to prevent naval from becoming another GRB- Dominated by CAS, where any vehicle without US heavy cruiser AA taped to the side becomes food for planes…


Thats ridiculous. Planes can barely get to drop their bombs before getting shot into pieces these days at top tier. Last thing we need are quided missiles to deem planes completly useless. And often the bombs barely does any damage (not like it used to be that you could do 5 kills before getting shot) and one has to attack already cripled or dying ship to actually score a kill. Getting rocketed 15 km from target only makes planes complete waste of time and thats wrong. Modern ships should not be a thing. Worse than cas was when game shifted from ww2 stuff to modern stuff. The transition between the ages can not and never be balanced. We are at stage where gaijin can still fix this and not end up like in ground where late ww2 tanks have to fight mfs with 400 pen which completly ruined ground.


I just added black point of reducing visibility of enemy tracers

Strangely, there are only few nation that have missile AA. And they are used against ships .
Navy needed this mainly is japan, but nothing for them cause they lack of AA.
Planes in any case are useless. We can shoot down them with AA VT

How’s it wrong? People play naval to progress in ships, and getting constantly assaulted by aircraft is far from fun at lower tiers or when the ship being captained has low to no AA.

How is something like an Arras supposed to defend against enemy air? Something like a North Dakota, a Soukou-Tei, a Litchfield? It doesn’t feel anywhere near immersive to have those WW1 ships constantly being bombed by WW2 attack/bomber aircraft, just as much as WW2 aircraft getting slammed by postwar missiles :P

@Bombe18 France also very much needs this, as well as some areas of British TT. France doesn’t get VT AA at all as far as I’m aware (*Other than one coastal ship, La Surprise, and a low-tier DD La Combattante for which only the main guns in fairly slow-to-aim mounts get VT shells), and for the British it’s pretty spotty as even the bloody Renown doesn’t get VT shells somehow…

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Granted that i only started playing Naval right now and i have a total of 4,maybe 5 battles,so my understanding is far below your knowledge,i think that the main problem of Naval is the ultra-compression.

For example,i have the USS Moffett and if i end up in a 6.0 match i’m utterly screwed the moment i start firing against a Heavy Cruiser,even if i’m beyond an island. Moreover,even playing with Torped Boats is polarising: you can either be very strong or you’re an annoying fly that does nothing

Speaking of which,why can’t we research Coastal Ships with Bluewater ships and vice-versa?

Planes in Naval Battles can either be versatile or they get erased from existence pretty quickly, making their purpose pretty dubious

And what about modern ships? surely you don’t want to fight an anti-ship missile with your Battleship,so there needs to be a definite BR gap to prevent this from ever happening

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Low tier destroyer br is actually one of the most balanced Br with no real meta to go unlike in top tier where everyone just goes with battleship.

At 3.3 can choose fast coastal fleet to cap points while vonurable to low br destroyers guns.
Or you choose low br destroyers to be better aggainst small costal ships but have lack of AA and be vonurable to bombers. While early bombers usally have little to no defensive armament and can be easly targeted by fighers or slower coastals with a lot of AA.

Thats balance. Since you dont have real meta.

Meanwhile toptier everyone spawns in battleship because that is the most effective counterpart. Planes I barely see any since they are not really much usefull at top tier and quided rocket ships are just useless and anoying at the same time that destroys coastals or planes without real responce.

Whole top tier or naval in general needs changes and modern ships are not the answer rather way straight to hell.
I am sorry to say that but this is the place where wo warships actually is still better than WT.
We should get bigger maps for higher brs more like WOW for larger variety of ships to have purpose on battlefield. With larger maps we could add ww2 submarines with closer spawns to be good aggainst battleships while vonurable to small coastal boats and destroyers and also aircraft carriers can be added that can also deal with battleships while begin vonurable to ships with good AA or ambushes from subs or when battleship get too close. Etc.

Problem with this being- Some reserve destroyers get vastly better AA suites than others… Litchfield and Momi don’t stand a chance compared to Vega and Turbine in that regard.

Meanwhile, aforementioned Arras and similar low-tier WW1 coastals (+ some MTBs) don’t exactly have good chances of defending themselves from air attack…

Even with closer spawns, playing non-WoWsified WW2 submarines would be a royal pain. Slow, awkward, absolutely no guiding to torps whatsoever and easily detected by even heavy cruisers…

Aircraft carriers would be the jankiest addition ever, not to mention rather unwelcome. They’re a bad idea that’s impossible to balance in WoWs, and the same would apply here.