War thunder losing it's indenity arc?

And they haven’t? It’s very clear that PEGI didn’t properly evaluate this game. Advertising a Porn Actress isn’t exactly 12+ friendly.

Pretty sure underage gambling is illegal in Europe. GE crates still exist.

Even if it’s a Legal Loophole in some EU countries, that doesn’t change the fact it isn’t exactly something you want a 12-year-old kid exposed to.

I’m not going to discuss subjective opinion on whether the rating is correct or not, it is however currently a fact that the game is PEGI 12 rated in the EU as well as having wording in the ToS for 12-16 year old players to be allowed to play the game with parental consent.

Your opinion on whether this should or should not be the case does not really matter for the fact to be currently true. That is the SOLE thing i wanted to convey.

Gaijin does not allow 12 year olds to play without Consent, that is what the EU thinks it should be rates as. I’ve already discussed this above. Gaijin, as stated on their own TOS, intentionally says 16+ with parental consent for younger. This does not mean the game is designed for younger.

Gaijin states 16+ for a reason. The Average age for adults in Europe is 16+. They don’t want kids playing their game.

Let me remind you that GTA is 17+ with Parental Consent for Younger and literally contains sex.


Correct (i think at least mostly?), this does however still mean that 12 year olds can play the game and are existing within the Gaijin ecosystem.

I think that this mostly has to do with legally binding documents that cant be signed by anyone younger than 16, but not at all sure here.

Why would they then not state “If you are under 16 you cannot play this game at all” instead of this:


They aren’t saying it’s forbidden, they are saying that players younger than 16 just needs a Guardian to sign the document for them and approve of them playing.

Also, the American ESRB rating “Teen” includes anyone 13 and above so while you are technically correct here:

that’s just nitpicking a one year difference in the rating, They are still children.

12 Year Olds play any game. Just because a kid is here does not mean that we should all be punished because of that.

If you can’t sign the “Legally Binding Document”, you’re not allowed to play. That’s what happens when you refuse or cannot sign a document for access.

Stating 16+ first rather than just “12” tells parents this game might not be right for their kids to be exposed to. While a 12-year-old can play this game responsibly, that does not mean it should be rated for 12-year-olds.

If a parent sees 16+, they’re more cautious than if they see 12+.

Literally what I said. Country Age Ratings are not controlled by Gaijin, but they’d prefer you to be 16+

mm stated Gaijin was advertising the game as 12+, which is not true. PEGI decided that for them.

The problem is when you have a number stating 12+ when this game contains Gambling, Sex (by PEGI definition), Violence, and In-game purchases. This is no different than what GTA has for PEGI 18 either.

I don’t know what else to tell you here, you are just factually wrong.

  1. They only state 16+ for the legal documents, as it would even if the game was rated 3+ and was just about playing chess. It does not have anything to do with the rating the game gets or aims for.

  2. The ratings the game has is 12+ and 13+ for EU and US respectively. A rating that Gaijin has purposefully aimed for. Even the Gaijin main website lists 12+ as the suitable age.

  3. You might not agree with that rating, and you are free to do so, but that doesn’t change the rating or the fact that there are 12 year olds that play and the rules are written to follow and moderate for that rating.

  4. If you think there is content that do not follow the rules or otherwise isn’t appropriate for that rating then feel free to report that content, the corresponding team that handles that area will make a judgement based on the rules. If you think that judgement is wrong, you can escalate to seniors.

This would all work fine if it weren’t for the Porn Collaboration.


I can’t stress enough how that is a subjective opinion that has nothing to do with the CURRENT surrounding facts.

To hammer my point home even more:
Rocket League has an age rating of 3+ but state 18+ in their EULA.

I will remind you that Gaijin advertized a porn actress.

This game is not for children. If you agree with the original poster, then you’re not in agreeance with Gaijin’s advertisement. Have you seen their mobile ads???

It lost it as most things do these days it changes itself as often as the trends it is chasing changes.
It has lost its soul and focus many years ago in the chase for the big money in the next big thing.

I have no idea where this post is going anymore, There’s multiple games linked here which isn’t allowed for 1 if it can potentially cause harm to this game. Then also some questionable comments.

So i’ll be locking this until a senior can take a look at it.


Thread will remain locked, reference katyushas comment above as to why.

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