War Thunder is pay to win

This will lead to:

Grind event, sell on market place, trade with the GJN, progress to have infinite GJN and buy everything

Which means:

If I add a market place on any P2W game, they are never P2W anymore, regardless how expensive things are they are just hard to progress


The good thing is most of the premium stuff is optional, I actually spent nearly one year not spending any money by playing what I already researched, I can continue to do this until the end of time and gaijing will not gain any more money from someone like me, but recently I just got bored and wanted to try out more toys, hence I decided to buy premium time so I can unlock them toys faster, I could have just done them slowly without spending a cent but I refused to offer my precious time, in return I trade my time with money for it, its a f2p game, you get to play for free, and in return they asked for your time so they could have you being “there” to be the filler so players could find another player to play in the shortest loading time possible. It’s just business, they also give you the option to skip certain parts of things you don’t like, like not investing your time and energy by paying.

But you still play 370 battles in a week? What can I say…


The biggest “pay to win” stuff you can get is:

  • a suitable controller setup
  • a 4k display

Those are imho the most pronounced p2w options you have.

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Stockholm syndrome is strong in WT

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Depends on the vehicle.

I have 700 matches since I expected my XM-1, but I still don’t have an ace crew. They aren’t quick to get for premiums because they have double the RP cost, and they aren’t quick to get for TT vehicles if you don’t have premium.

A “small minority” Id wager is closer to 8-10%
And my XSX in most cases runs better than a lot of people pc’s I know.
I have my own high end pc and can game on it, but I am much more of a controller enjoyer / Xbox enjoyer. Not to mention cross progression doesn’t save I’m pretty sure.

That’s like saying, oh on console we should still be able to get GE wagers since we cannot access the gaijin market. (Which would be distinct advantage for us). If it was never a thing before, gaijin wouldn’t have added all the mods. They might have kept it fair. They’re at least doing sight tools for those of us on console now, and have done some sound settings. But I know I’ve definitely seen plenty of people (and it only gets worse the higher you go in br) using some questionable: mods, and or cheats.
Like top tier is where a lot of cheaters sit.
But anything last say 5.7 there’s maybe a sound mod abuser here and there, with it becoming apparent when people are using them. Watching some game replays, some people will be far away / can’t hear over the sounds of combat, and turn and snap onto myself or others with having no previous knowledge we were there. As if they heard us far in the distance. It’s not as bad as the aimbot problem.

But these problems still make the game hell to play. (Oh and on a side note… I hate the turret wigglers that mess up their shot, then try to move like they’re playing fortnite so they don’t die).

I only really play GRB .I am sure if I did play ARB or SIM on a regular basis then focusing all my points on the G suit issue would not be hard.I would state again that new F2P players face other F2P players who have ten or more years experience so where is the fairness then? All paying players are doing in that scenario is playing catchup .

I would suggest that any player who has reached high level in War Thunder without paying is the true winner not some fool who lavished a fortune on some virtual reality that could be removed at any time.When Gaijin calls it quits your “Investment” becomes wasted money.

PS ,they don’t even have to stop the game ,just do to you what they did to me and make the game so unattractive that I no longer have an interest in it.

Pay to win? No
Pay to progress? Oh yes


at least 50% of the replies to this are going to be:

“it’s not pay to win, it’s pay to /similar term/, because of this very flimsy reason”

The fundamental fact that you can exchange money for player power is the definition of P2W, regardless of whether you can achieve those things through time or not.


Certainly.Stopped paying a while ago and the game has ground to a virtual halt mid BR.
Spending the game just running around on an unmodded vehicle without a fire extinguisher or means to repair and I have a whole fleet like that to upgrade.No thanks, just cant be bothered.

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You’re literally describing P2W. Just because they also monetise progression doesn’t mean they’re not selling player power for money.

You’ll lose games because you don’t have an extinguisher for x games, but you can get one for money. Therefore P2W.

You don’t love things like stock APCR, not being able to repair or put out fires?
No way.
The entire game is designed like a cashmachine due to players spending money in frustration


T-55AM, Sea Vixen, 2S38, T29, SAV, TAM2IP

This just isn’t true. And a lot of those that aren’t currently super powerful were at release. This is the standard free to play monetisation model for this sort of game, you release OP vehicles, sell via FOMO, nerf over time, release more vehicles. WG does the exact same thing.

You literally don’t understand plain English.I stated that the development is indeed retarded by not having a premium account.No amount of money will stop you going out in a Premium vehicle with everything spaded and coming last in the game with zero kills.You cant buy a good game in this game.Spend all you want ,you will have good games and bad ones regardless of if you spend or not.

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Shame it took me so long to realise it. Gaijin laughs : )

I guess we finally discovered that the game was created to generate money. Who would have thought?

It all depends on what you expect in a “free lunch” game. If you hope for a five star 3 course menue, think again.


This is (after reading the whole thread) imho a major and highly important factor but (almost) nobody talks about.

So whilst gaijin creates the possibility to win 1 vs 1s with real money (mostly crew points and/or certain premium aircraft after launch until they nerf them later) by exchanging time with money, the (unknown) features within the MM are preventing quite effectively that the money you have invested has an actual impact on winning a match. You just increase your chances to a certain degree, at least for a certain time.

Over the years i saw countless threads about increasing number of downtiers after buying a certain premium product (at least at the beginning) - or an increase of uptiers when premium time was not renewed.

Have a good one!


Off course Gaijin are making it easier to progress with money.

Quite a lot of the free to play crowd seems to think that the people at Gaijin works for free and the servers are free and everything involved making the game is free as well.

It’s fair enough you don’t want to spend money on the game, but then you HAVE to accept other people might progress faster than you.

If it wasn’t so, there wouldn’t be a reason for people spending money on the game, and the game will close.

It’s that simple.

I think WT is not more or less P2W than any other game out there.

None of the premiums will grant you unlimited wins, nor has ever been a guarantee to win. Worse, some premiums are just so bad that they are not worth the pennies spent.

Yes, using premiums you can advance in the tech tree faster, investing into GE you advance faster. Thats left to the individual player how fast he wanna grind the tree.

I got a few premiums, yes, but that did not generally help me. Punctually, yes. P16 fo instance, I bought only for the sake of having this lovely Swiss aircraft. Reality, I seldom use it. Maybe once in two month …

In the end, you still got to play wisely and be lucky that MM gives you a decent team

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