War Thunder has fallen, billions must play WoT
I agree with the ww2 stuff they need to add more and less top tier, stil waiting on loads of planes and tanks from ww2 to be added and more for lesser nations not always 10 for the top ones.
The game could definitely use more content. The standard 1, 2, 3 cap point matches do get boring.
Bring back team death matches, maybe a free for all mode, or an objective defense mode like Bad Company’s MCOM defense where attackers have to cap 2 objectives from defenders before running out of points and capping the 2 objectives pushes the defenders back to another set of objectives.
And something definitely needs to be done about the rampant spawn camping, especially at the higher tiers.
Yeah, people do keep playing. But it is saddening that Gaijin could put in some minor effort to make the game alot better than what it is, but chooses not to.
Gaijin has a great frame work setup already, new game modes for example dont necessarily need whole new map designs Gaijin could easily use what they have already.
You know what, this seems inevitable now with how much it seems that Gaijin wants to kill this game with stuff like the Auction system. They seem to want to just drive players away more than every now.
The game won’t die unless another game with the same theme and features but with gameplay comes.
And i’ll be honest, and since i’ve spend money in subs and supporting it i have all the right to say my opinion.
They will deserve it if it dies. I haven’t seen so much caring playerbase, they try to help with ideas, technical info, sources… money, you name it.
But they don’t seem to respect it…or deserve it in the end.
RB … RB never changes …
No worries I got Enlisted to play lol, the grind never stops. This is what happens when you play with the snail too much, you will never escape the snail’s grasp
message edited, nevermind.
The game doesn’t Update, it doesn’t change, The only that changes is You, Your vehicles and Skill Maybe once every two years there is a step foward for the game
You describe what happens every time i get back. Usually ,i come back after a big change (in this case EF2K and Rafale) to keep up with the grind and research some vehicles in a bulk.
The thing is after a point i believe that it’s not GJ fault. It’s playerbase’s fault for the major part.
If the best we can suggest and pay attention to is X vehicle/tech tree to be added, then that’s what they’ll do to keep people happy (and paying).
Imagine i made a poll for decompression and the attendance is so low for something that the game needs so much and asap. I’ve made a suggestion about a variable BR system, depending on the armament a plane carries … it’s still pending for moderation.
In general people care more to say their part and cry about X and Y , never to act and push some things to make GJ understand.
WT is actually a very shallow game dressed up heavily.It plays on the fact that people love the vehicles.The game itself is the same game from 1 BR to 11 and its a very basic and childishly simple game.Some might argue its like ,chess or draughts. It doesn’t need to change.
You have to remember that if the player base were all so against the game then it would actually be dead and we would not be talking about it dying.
I presume we are all playing the game or we wouldn’t be able to post on here : )
Im gonna be honest, I dont think that the games whole point is to get to top tier. I find I have a lot of fun at lower BR’s, especially in ARB.
I guess I am stuck in a rut.
I love WW2. I managed to stretch that right up to 6.7 which is a mix.
OK so far to a point so long as its same tier or down tier. Uptier is just too much WW2 vs Marders etc.
I can see a huge amount of faceless samey cold war tanks that never saw a days combat ,all to slowly grind through until I get to a more modern age which I am told is just a playing hell that Gaijin devs dont have the intelligence to make work.
So I don’t really want to move yet if I don’t move the repetitive nature of the game its self kills the game overlall. Stagnation is an issue in such a shallow and repetitive.
I am not sure the game will die but I could see Gaijin selling out to Microsoft or Sony or something.The game had boxed itself into a corner now.
Fair enough. I dont really play GRB that much, and Ill admit, I have definitely contributed to the premium player problem with a 10.7 russian lineup, but I honestly mostly am playing GB 4.7-5.3 atm and its pretty fun.
Maybe its just an unlucky BR for you atm? from my experience in ARB, I know that some BR’s are just unfun to play due to endless uptiers, I imagine its the same in GRB too.
Overall I think the game gets the adrenaline pumping and that is all and its enough : )
Yeah, it definitely has its moments.
You should archive it before the disk deteriorates over time and becomes ruined.
I have previously ruined several SEGA Dreamcast game discs over time.
i also tried to do a suggestion but it never was published as it also was marked as pending for moderation, i dont even remember what is was about and i think after a long time i deleted it since looked like it would be stuck there forever.
i dont think the playerbase can push things for GJ to make since there is a lot to improve and the amount of people who actually use forums is a low % of the playerbase. Unless something gets a massive attention and make the average non-forum player express their opinion and suggestions about the actual state of the game (like the last boycott about economy changes and review bombing and all of that), i dont know what playerbase can or should do to be honest.
feels like they just are casual ppl or they just keep spending money on the game so they dont care idk
its actually sad how the playerbase can be so conformist to a point the health of the game gets stuck and never improves.
Speed up! Witness!
Burning the house down cause a spider shows up is not how you have a healthy social engagements with others. If I can understand this, anyone should be able to.
Mizzar, you even deleted your suggestion document… like why?