War Thunder is Going to die in 2-4 Years

is this going to me? sorry since you replied to 2 guys i dont know

i dont even remember what it was about, and to be honest i dont even remember if i deleted it but yesterday i checked my profile and didnt find anything so yeah i guess i deleted it, but i mean it was a suggestion for this forum on “Suggestions” i deleted it cuz i tried to post it, saw “pending for moderation”, forgot about it, then like 2 month later i was checking my profile and i saw something like “pending post” or something like that i dont remember but it showed which post i had pending and i saw it still there “pending for moderation” so i just deleted it, after all that time and watching how it was still pending i lost interest and i really doubt it was about to leave that “pending” limbo lol

i have to say it wasnt an important suggestion or something big, it was probably a small thing but anyways, it never left the “pending for moderation”

To be fair my post was unfair to you as I get angry when people suggest acting like a toddler tantrum, and I should’ve started with deescalation.

Suggestions should be stored in a local document, saved ready to be cited IF yours is denied.
There is a backlog for suggestion moderators, it takes time and they usually go in the direct order they are received.

Don’t go directly to burning your house down when a spider shows up.
There are many here that will help you think of ideas and ways to enjoy the game as-is as the devs work to improve the game, and we as players come up with suggestions we think will improve the game.

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I play this game to play modern vehicle but the state of top tier is absolute trash
6/10 games the team are wallet warrior, people that dont know what are they doing, constantly getting CAS because spaa dont see plane, everyone overextend and die and only 4/10 are people that actually can think
Honestly im having more fun grinding in arcade than grb
Just got prem recently to grind air tree and the props are crazy fun(not arb i aint playing that)
The problem w the game is because there are too many prem buyers at very low levels, they dont know anything or are way too casual, they dont contribute enough for the team and keep dying and retry. Its like they are not enjoying the game but keep playing because they already spend money and they must make it worth it
And on gaijin side they wont change, they make absolute money and still dont release good update, no balance change, no bug report fix even for years and years, every “major” update or event feels like a quick cash grab. They dont listen to the community, they dont even look at the suggestion
Im honestly at a bit of a lost, i still enjoy the game because its probably the only game out there that has this variety and game mechanics(even tho some are janky as hell) and getting a kill is a woohoo moment. I guess that goes for majority of casual players? I just dont know anymore
Unironically naval arcade is better than all the mode

We need a new Game Mode/ ANY ranked system or league system and if anyone dont like it just ignore… this is not hard. I played World of Warcraft 19years and they was amazing at the start and after few years i say " dream years in WoW" but after …blizzard ignored player thoughts and the game lose 60-70% of player base in 5 years. This game have 0 end game at the moment… farm xp farm SL buy premiums and join to trash br system where is half of team leave after 1mins or when i see our team in USA i know we lose… Wtf this leaderboard system? Honestly? wtf? :D joke… the “best” players in leaderboard never play in top tier just farm new players in 3.0 XD 12.0 are awsome hard yes but there is good players with 30000th spot on leaderboard this is joke,you cant find the real good players on leaderboard because the first 100 players are 3.0 and 5.0 new player farmer dog shit… we need a new game mode with ranked/league system and not squadron. Lot of ppls dont want to join any guild because dont like a fix time game


jokes on you i’ve been seeing them since 2015

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Girls u panzer migrant

+1 we needs new mods

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I have the same backround, the problem is there are no alternatives to warthunder.
For WoW , there are alternatives. Even if they are not “exactly the same” , they can cover the gaps.
For warthunder you don’t have that option…unfortunately. And that gets exploited by them.

what do you mean “and?”