Funny that I’ve told you so many times that I don’t do what you accuse me of…
It’s literal insanity with you.
Your ‘fair’ isn’t going to be the same as others fair because you get all cut up at being outplayed, and regardless of the method or the ‘reason’ you’ll just make one, as shown with your struggle that you so paint me out to be the villain.
As I said, you are the hysterical one, not I… And you’re just trying to quell the opposition to what you put out as fact, which isn’t. It’s all just opinion and speculation, because you truely dond’t know, going by the fact that you can’t show that I camp airfields, or use ULQ.
If it isn’t actually broken, it’s not going to need fixing. Get better, prepare more.
And I’ve just told you - I don’t care if you’re doing this or enabling it. Either way, you hate fair play. Too bad a lot of players think just like you:
“Hey, that AF AAA is to protect me from these big bad decent players, it’s only fair this way”. They don’t even think about implications, that they essentialy consider skill “unfair”, they see themselves as victims, and not succesful participants. They also don’t see themselves ever getting hurt by it, because they simply refuse to learn. What a great group to cater to! Surely nothing bad will happen to the game, if we keep making the “Game is only fair if I win” group happy.
I’m not getting “outplayed” by AF AAA. I just lose my time all because somebody decided to be a malicious troll. See? You even don’t grasp the concept of “outplaying”, as “playing the game fair” is an alien idea to you. To you the hltimate prop master is that guy running nascar around the AF. He’s outplaying everyone, guys! So, what stops you from outplaying other people, if you really consider such behaviour “outplaying”? You do realise the game is plable ONLY because most people are actually playing the game, and not abusing the game by 0 skill tactics (which to you are the pinnacle of WT gameplay).
Again - if that’s “outplaying”, then it’s clear camping AF and ULQ abuse is the pinnacle of WT gaming for you. Once again - players like you will slowly drive WT into the ground, as what you consider “playing” is oftentimes considered griefing, and as far from fair or fun, as can be. It’s basically anti-skill, as you seem to value cowardice and malice over teamplay, positioninf, situational awareness, good aim etc. But hey, at least malicious trolls are having fun, that’s important for you and for Gaijin!
I don’t think I’ve ever won a game by airfield camping. I HAVE made the other side work for their victory when I was the last player standing on my team by playing more passively or even avoidant in all modes… IF I was ahead on points and I could still see a way to win for my team that way. If that meant circling the airfield in an Air RB game (a mode I don’t play, to be clear), and waiting to see what they do about it, I’d have to say that was equally okay.
They say be the change you want to see. If I want all the players on my team to play to their last vehicle and their last chance to win so I get that little extra SL and RP, I feel I have to do the same for then if I’m ever the last one left. Respectfully, that’s also a form of fairness and sportsmanship you seem to be completely discounting in your discussion with Flying Doctor here.
No you two just have a fundamental disagreement on player winstates, seems from here anyway. You seem to feel the team win has zero importance, ever, and FlyingDoctor here feels the team win is all that matters and is playing accordingly. I don’t agree with him where he gets personal, but… not many people are going to value their time so cheaply that they’ll circle an airfield just to waste more of it. It follows they must feel some higher obligation that you don’t.
I suspect the best answer lies in the middle, but personally I’d like everyone to keep playing for the win even after I’m dead and out. If someone else ever airfield camped and my team got the W for it, good for them, I’m sure they took a lot of abuse in chat for my benefit. I’ll try to pay it forward someday.
Your dude thinks that maliciously flying round the AF for 15 minutes while losing on tickets is “outplaying” the enemy team. And ULQ settings being advantageous is also a great thing, as it forces people into playing game which looks like dogpoop in Ground RB.
I on the other hand think that you shouldn’t get magical zones where you essentialy can’t be killed, as they are overal detrimental to gameplay and ground attacking in Air RB is so bland and boring, forcing people into this is inhumane and further detracts from the experience. And I think ULQ should give no advantage over higher settings, so people can enjoy the graphics and stay competitive assuming equal skill.
Also, I’m winning a lot more than AFCamping Doctor ever will. Yet I’m the one getting “outplayed”.
I sometimes accidentaly TK my own team’s AF campers, and I hope other players see that as an inspiration.
More comedy gold from AF camping jock.
And this discussion is surprisingly on topic as time and time again it’s proven GMs are, in view of low WR, low skill AF campers “outplaying” everyone by lengthening the time it takes for them to lose the game, just tools that are supposed to protect malicious trolls and griefers from anyone exhibiting basic human decency.
Are GMs like that? Can’t tell, because that’s bannable offence. But the general trend seems to be - toxic players are on the rise, and people who simply want to enjoy Air RB are leaving, making this mode more and more of a horrible grindfest all to get as quickly as possible to abomination called “endgame” - nobody wants to stay at prop BRs and watch AF camping Doctor racing around the airstrip while he’s losing on tickets.
Urge you to reconsider the analysis of me being personal with this guy as they prove themselves to be.
Just boasted that they TK their teams ‘airfield campers’ and hope that others do the same… Accidentally, of course… But how would they want others to do the same had it not been intentional.
yes, the community will never agree, but still even though players found evidence for bug reports, and had an overwhelmingly amount of evidence to prove it.
Examples the merkavas, chalis, and leclercs.
They still haven’t been changed as of today, even when the community proved there flaws.
Sure warthunder isn’t perfect, but i feel like some change is needed on the changes of certain vehicles that are struggling, you know give them some love
you guys are listening to the community much more than in the past, but that doesn’t mean its perfect yet.
Well, as a rookie all I will say is that the game is WAY to punishing and complex. It’s just not fun. It’s like starting a new sport and you are being matched against Veteran. It’s terrible. I have played low BR arcade mode mostly and man let me tell you it sucks. To the point, when in tank battle, i stay far rear and wait to see of someone will show his face for fear of being one shoted. Even then … Just played 8 games for only 2 wins and 4 lost. Just got out of a match where i couldn’t even get out of the spawn area because i got one shot by 2 air plaines and we lost 3 cap to zero …T h i s a j o k e ! … and i’m being polite (Big brother is watching)…
Gaijin you game is BROKEN…
edit : 1 win in 16 games. what a pathetic waste of time.
This game is a utter joke. can’t even get out of spawn.
I’m gonna have to disagree with you on this. I think the point of reaching Top Tier is to feel like you accomplished something. Whether you feel like you have wasted your life or not doing that is not on Gaijin themselves. Yes I have Bought Top Tier Premiums and I have used Golden Eagles to advance my progress. But that is only because I enjoy the game for what it is. I know that if I dont feel like playing Top Tier then I can simply play Mid Tier, Low Tier or any Tier that I want. When I started this game I was that German noob that I had just finished watching Fury, yes I didn’t know what angling was, and yes I sucked. But to me that made the experience more enjoyable. I love being challenged and learning how to play the game was a challenge. I am not the best player and most might not even consider me a good player but I still enjoy the game for what its worth and the challenges it provides and I have no regrets paying as much money as I have or for having as many hours as I do on it. Some of you might disagree, but that is just my opinion. Gaijin doesnt force you to grind to Top Tier, that is just part of the game. The truth is you can play any tier you want when you want because it is your game. For me the most enjoyable tiers are between 4.0 and 7.0. I enjoy playing World War 2 and Post WW2 era vehicles and I love using heavies. My favorite country to play has to be between Germany and Great Britain. I love the British Churchills and the Firefly. I Love the German Tiger series and the Panthers are enjoyable to play if you know what your doing.
This is absolutely the most realistic comment.
They could fix so many issues but they don’t.
Even simple tweaks would go a long way.
The br spread of 1.0 is just to much now with the sheer amount of vehicles
And if they limited the amount of heavy tanks and tank destroyers it would also be way more fun. Reduce the amount of planes, make dying in a plane a death but increase the 3 vehicle to 4 o 5
But no matter what we suggest it wont make a difference
Have you ever tried to argue with russians? Lol its like talking to a wall 🤣