War Thunder "Dance of Dragons" - Changelog

Hey. Cockpit model reworks are very time consuming and take far longer than the few days since the report was acknowledged to consider and then introduce.

We consider functional cockpits for aircraft a priority, and the F-14B certainly has one. The report for the cockpit changes has been forwarded for review. But this would not be something of a high priority over more serious issues, bugs or model errors.


Dear Game devs I think you’ve forgotten RP Bonus and Rearranging crew slots update? Everyone waiting for these contents…


What a nice surprise, PUMA VJTF being in a folder!

Based devs.

I also noticed significant improvements on the Spike when fired from PUMA! (Sadly can’t say that for Namer, for some reason. Is it intended, are they meant to be different in some way?)

I hope they will be further improved, including the bug report regarding their penetration, but this is a good step forward.


Is it correct that Amagi’s barbettes are red?
I think the system judges that there is ammunition when they are red…
but I think Mutsu’s were blue.

I’m excited at the thought of adding all those new lower tier aircraft…well, all 1 of them, that being the ‘French’ Sea Fury.

At least the Lincoln may be worth the bomber grind pain now it has cookies although it’s a shame they didn’t add any the basic 4000lb HC for the Halifax, wing bombs for Mozzie, 1000lb for the Beaufort…and likely more I’ve forgotten.

On a positive note at least the Pe-8 gets a small buff with more turret ammo! The strong get stronger.

But as a naval main I should be most excited for the French coastals, except somehow I’m just not.

@Smin1080p_WT Discussing bug reports, what or is there any progress with fixing the Incorrect ammunition for the Lvakan 48 for the VEAK 40 and Lvkv 42??

There are multiple bug reports and a forwarded to the devs!

It has been since sweden was added and this is yet to be patched!


This is the newest with the most info!

This isnt a model remake or anything its just a ammunition switch, i feel like that would take very little effort to fix!

Any responce would be helpful thankyouu


So no JDAM for Germany or Japan?


What did you do to the Secondary Weapons screen for Aircraft? Having an X button to exit at the top right corner was intuitive. Now it’s just complicated and stupid. It really only needs to be one big size. Or default to the large screen and bring back the X button.

This is worse than getting rid of the Change Vehicle button. Now it takes more clicks to do that now even. Simple things shouldn’t be getting more complicated.

Also, where’s the Research Economy changes that are hopefully better that you’ve put off for over a year and a half? Is it gonna turn into 2+ years before you let that happen? Don’t even tell my you need more time to research how it works. You’re masters after almost 12 years of manipulating the economy for maximum gain for the company instead of a better balance for the game itself and the loyal and long term players. Stop playing with us, please.


Great, you fixed one side and left the other side unprotected from spawn sniping. Block these two positions on Second Battle of El Alamein in D6 square please. Thank you.

Have any proximity fuse ammunition been added to the CTWV RCV?

I don’t know if it will help you but it can get bigger than the arrows on the right allow, you can grab the top of the window to resize it and make it slightly bigger than the “max” arrow makes it.

But it should be allowed to get even bigger perhaps.


Well, it was reported and also Acknowledgeg, but nothing has changed compared to the dev, its the same Issue


Im having a issue where recieving damage dissables weapon selection, lol


Space age Japanese tech, metals which are durable but weigh as much as a feather 🤣

Yeah, I feel the same. The cockpit looks so dark.


After the public test (and likely due to the backlash) it got moved so that an announcement would be made after the major.

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Question- did anyone else’s crews switch back to their default places? All my lineups have been messed up :/

Asking just to know whether to spend time re-arranging them all, or if I can expect a fix, hahah.

Smokeless motor of chaparral still unfixed.

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Immediately, the new sight menu doesn’t work at all. It doesn’t save anything you do, the preset you save doesn’t even appear. It’s not usable at all currently.

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More AP bombs…Yay!?!

Does anyone even use them considering the lack of suitable targets? The A-26 may occasionally get to use them against armoured Cruisers and BBs but the SB2Cs will be simply cluttering up their bomb selections.

Oh well, should at least thank the devs for providing these extra options even if I’ll rarely, if ever, use them.