War Thunder "Dance of Dragons" - Changelog


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I am not using any deep learning upscalers. Someone in my home country’s community has reported “changes in the exposure control system,” so I’ll assume that there have been some changes.
I’ll wait and see for now.

thanks developers for their efforts. this is exciting news
I know the release of this new content is very rushed.
there are still two missing small details here. look forward to receiving a fix in future patches as well.


ZTZ99A ammunition loader height issue // Gaijin.net // Issues
ZTZ99A armor model not aligned with appearance // Gaijin.net // Issues
99A shovel floating in the air // Gaijin.net // Issues
ZTZ99A armor vulnerability BUG // Gaijin.net // Issues

So ruining Br2-4 gameplay with tiny maps is an update now? This is a downgrade to playability of the game for anyone who enjoys ww2. I’ll ensure I smash these maps full of jam packed noobs with He-111-H16 where possible.

Did you guys even consider that an entire trees tanks in this range have minimum engagement ranges of 800m and now they can’t do that in most places, along with many other nations SPGs/TDs/etc that are now going to do what? Not be playable as you keep making maps into a fishbowl? Light tanks? Wow, so much playability.

Why are you forcing this on BR4 and below? Even BR2 it’s too small for goodness sake. Br1 yeah okay, smaller maps can work for a br. But don’t make BR2+ the same, they are not. You guys are tone deaf and don’t play this game beyond what, top tier? it’s quite sad and obvious (further below).

Make SBMM and original maps for lower BR play. We want to play skilled players, not noobs, we want to play on fun maps, not fishbowl COD maps. It’s that simple. Stop adding vehicles and spreadsheetchange.xls it’s so lazy, actually improve QOL for low BR instead of ruining it with crap maps.

Another tone-deaf change by devs who clearly do not play naval.
You know what was one of the few fun things left in coastal on the terrible maps/TTK that is existing?

Towing other vessels for fun. Towing a barge with a Koln-F220 to help an max upteired noob with no other chance to get points? Fun times.

Now you took that away by making it only possible if someone is beached.

It’s okay though, I won’t probably ever play my fully spaded top tier coastal lineup again, because a 10s TTK with 6000t ship sumo reaction CS gameplay is not fun. I have HE meta ships, it’s still not fun.

Reticle change is cool, thanks.
Xray change is cool, thanks.

And thanks for 2 ww2 tanks. Well, 1 that’s not premium.


Nice fps drop g.

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@Stona_WT hey stona
what happened to this feature ?



  • Not to add most vehicles clones per major update to the nation that already has the most vehicles - impossible

Hmm? - for challenger 3

Console tech ball and chain dragging handholding is why the UI is so bad. They literally made the TT the way it is because of this, instead of just having a console TT and a PC TT display or (gasp) a resolution based one. That would be extra effort, so we all are inconvenienced for mouth breathers with a thumbstick.


Litterarly making both armour and firepower irrelevant by making every map a knife fight, and with the current meta its just crap,

How about actually having to advance with armour matter and having to use fire power to deal with that kv-1 on that hill, or having my Churchill IV actually matter by using it to advance on a contested point!

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By the way, modern 3DCG games have something called an “HDR rendering pipeline,” and the GPU performs screen calculations over a very wide range of light and dark.

However, the displays we see do not have a wide dynamic range, and if HDR-rendered images are displayed as is, the images will have abnormally low contrast and become unnatural. Therefore, only the necessary parts of the HDR rendering are cut out or compressed and displayed. This process is called “tone mapping.”

You can see LUT and tone mapping in the WT postFX settings, right?

In scenes with large differences in light and dark, such as inside the cockpit, WT dynamically controls tone mapping to match the player’s line of sight. For example, if you zoom in on an instrument, you can see that dynamic tone mapping is working and the outside of the window becomes overexposed.

The reason the screen exposure changed in this update is probably because of changes to tone mapping.

Lots of really nice QoL changes here!

This is the second time in 3 major updates that Sweden has only gotten a single premium vehicle. A bit sad that it’s even a thing for any country to get only premiums during a major update. It sort of sours the rest of the update for players of that country no matter how good the rest of the update is.

Holy moly, this thing is going to be an absolute menace now. EXTREMLY likely to need a BR increase after this change but we’ll see how it plays out.

This is going to be SUPER interesting to see how this plays out. I personally love it but there are going to be MANY players that are going to hate the addition just going by all of the threads complaining about CAS that are already out there.

NICE!! Really fun to see ^^

Is this a balancing change or made from a report / inaccuracies found?

This is also a really nice one for those that don’t play very often :)

OH! cool! Hoping to see some more practical camo nets in top tier being added in the future. It would be cool to see the next step in BR for ground having signature reducing modifications added (like barracuda camo and its counterparts).

This one is “chef’s kiss” brilliant! The only addition i would like to see is the ability to copy paste saved sights to other tanks (or save separate presets in the list? There is a save button but it doesn’t seem to be working) so that i don’t have to remake the sight for every tank i want it on :P

This change on the DEV i wasn’t that fond of, but now that we can change size of the window it looks really nice ^^

YES! With multipathing being a more integral part of top tier since ARH missiles this addition was very needed!

Oh wow! this is actually so nice! gonna save new player SOOOO much trouble!! But where can i find it? Am i blind or is it not in the stat card of the ordinance?


Merci pour votre bon travail. Je ne demande qu’une chose, nous avons besoin d’une augmentation des cartes pour une grande flotte.

I add that if you have to add that little but at least do it well since the 3rd generation termal viewer is missing…

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Lol. Seems balanced



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First 12 (twelve) anti-air missiles plane that will play for you!

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Tbh im used to it, sounds bad but its true. Im more angry now at the Lvakan m/48 using the wrong ammunition

Hey. A fix was made and I posted a screenshot of it working.

If there any bugs and issues with the new update, please be sure to properly report them here: Community Bug Reporting System

Devs will be checking out any issues with the update


Screwed my control as usual…

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Will the British ADATS also receive a machine gun?

No mention of the ADATS’ SPAA/SAM designation and spawn cost?

What happened to the Phimat chaff pods?

Wasn’t consumable recycling on the roadmap for this update?